Author Topic: characters of sukira.  (Read 1366 times)

Offline aelitastar

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characters of sukira.
« on: August 17, 2011, 09:45:25 pm »
*claps hands together* well, i am no good at interductions so... lets go on with my characters! XD

Name: sukira
Gender: female
age: teen, she would be 16 if she was human.
species: well, lets see. in my stories she is usually a human, but she got stuck in lioness form and got turned to a full demon from her dad so.... demon lioness
pride: none, she was never excepted into one.
personality: seen shy and quiet at first, she just sees no reason to talk, she would rather get it over with in a fight and not say a thing, she has a way to tune people out, and would never really do good in a pride under to bossy of leaders.
history: uh.... its long so i won't type it XD so she doesn't talk about it. rp with me at times and you will find out if you become a close friend to her, or me on the game.
parents: oh cmon, do i have to? well lets just say her dads a full demon o.e
siblings: uh... none that she knows of.
picture: will get one soon, FH acting up.

name: raven's shadow
gender: female
age:  young adult
species: the rejected.
pride: the rejected, she's the queen of it. go here to join XD: the map i am getting is almost done.
personality: seems to be quiet and shy, you would see her a mute when you first meet her. she is cold to outsiders who have hurt her or her pride, and would die protecting it.
history: to long to type for now, ill edit this topic later and include their pasts and such
parents: both tried to kill her because she was different, doesn't like to think about them
siblings: died from a lion taking over her past pride, she had been a teen at the time so the male let her live.

other then those? ill put em up later ;)
I am not who I was when I last left here, from the years '11 through '13. I sincerely apologize for how rude and disrespectful I had been, and hope whoever I have wronged before can forgive my previous bad behavior.