Author Topic: map request  (Read 2004 times)

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map request
« on: September 09, 2018, 04:35:09 pm »
we want this map for a RP for two packs, It does not have to be MASSIVE but also not super small and cramped together
All the colored parts you'll find what they are for below

RED COLOR - these are the camps/dens for the higher ranks it must be big enough to house both the alpha pair and beta pair's who will share them

PINK COLOR - these are the medic camps for healing

ORANGE COLOR - These are the pups camps, this does not include higher rank pups who may share the alpha dens

LIGHT BROWN - these are the personal meeting camps for each pack only when they are not having a meet up, it is usually where members are given tasks or ranks

GRAY COLOR - These are the dens of the other pack members close members or members of the same rank tend to share the same den though they are quite small

YELLOW AREA - this is the meeting area it is a podium with a crystal in the middle, both packs gather around it to talk or meet each other

GREEN COLOR - This area is long grass and/or tree's as well as rocks can be around too

BLUE COLOR - This is the water source, a pond of some sort

PURPLE COLOR - this is a sacred cave on an island in the middle or one side of the pond, it is usually where the packs go to pray to there gods or mourn the death of those they lost who have there ashes scattered here, typically flowers sometimes grow here and crystals can be found around of what the wolves have personally placed here

must be a free done map we have nothing to pay for it with
please PM me about it, we require previews along the way