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Messages - Murrphilia

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 14
Introduction / Re: Back Again!
« on: February 23, 2017, 05:00:55 pm »
Welcome back to Feral Heart! Hope ya have lots of fun here again!<3

[size="10pt"]Thank you![/size]

Game Help / Re: Question About Presets?
« on: February 23, 2017, 04:59:17 pm »
If you understanding clearly, no you don't need to re download.

First you can sign in your username and then go to preset marker, and export the preset. Simple.

Sorry if this wasn't what you're looking for.

Maybe a new downloaded link is needed for the preset, since you got a new username?

Yes, that is what I was wondering. I did upload the preset to the new Preset uploader thingy, so it's available to anyone who has the receiving thingy installed, but for those who don't have that and have to download it, I was just wondering if I needed to upload the "H0bBiT_12" file for people to download, or if the old one from when my user was "GirCutie" would still work for those who have had it downloaded already?

Game Help / Question About Presets?
« on: February 23, 2017, 04:47:46 pm »
Alright so... Since I recently changed my user...
Do people who have my preset now need a new download for it?
Or will the original still work?
I know when it made me re-export it, so it's now "H0bBiT_12" rather than "GirCutie_12"
So... Is a new downloaded needed?
It was another creator who did it and posted the original download, so would it still work?
Or does it have to be the "H0bBiT_12" for everyone to see it?

Site/Forum Help / Re: IMG Sig Help?
« on: February 23, 2017, 04:28:30 pm »
If you are trying to use Tinypic, it has been banned from being used on these forums. There are plenty of other image hosting sites though, such as Imgur and Photobucket.

Oh! Thank you! *patPat* Helpful floof you are!

Introduction / Re: Back Again!
« on: February 23, 2017, 04:23:12 pm »
I hope you enjoy your time here! :D
Oh! Always!
Thank you for the warm welcome!

Site/Forum Help / IMG Sig Help?
« on: February 23, 2017, 04:21:08 pm »
Alright, so I have been trying to put my image into my profile signature, but for some reason instead of showing the actual image, it's showing a tiny "(x)"?

This is the image I am trying to place ^
Or... is it doing it here too? x ~ x


Introduction / Back Again!
« on: February 23, 2017, 04:04:58 pm »
GirCutie is back again! (Changed username to HobBiT)

That's right! I'm making a comeback!
And this time?
I plan on staying!

Characters / Re: Dark To Demnix - A New Beginning
« on: October 10, 2016, 07:59:57 pm »
I...cannot wait to see more. This story is WONDERFUL! (Sorry if I wasn't meant to post here yet too. ^^;

Oh your cool hun! It's great to see some floofs interested in her story! <3

Characters / Dark To Demnix - A New Beginning
« on: October 10, 2016, 04:33:23 pm »
Dark To Demnix
A New Beginning

Not always the chaotic beast she is now, Demnix was once an arctic wolf known as Dark. Originating in the South Pole, Dark was a lone wolf with a hunger for adventure and knowledge. It was this hunger, that lead her across the harsh waters of Atlantis to the Last Cave, where she spent the rest of her -- short -- life. Being in the cave, her senses and even fur changed to better fit her habitat. Her fur grew to be more of an ashen hue, her vision growing better in the dark than in the light. It was here, in the Last Cave, that Dark met a fallen angel known as Praeteritus, who later became her closest friend and companion. They adventured together, looked out for each other, and protected one another. Ultimately, they were inseparable.

One day, however, Dark's adventures brought a great danger into the duo's lives: The Death Children. An army of immortal hounds, they held many secrets... and Dark had witnessed one of them. She had stumbled upon the group and witnessed their turning ceremony. The Death Children later hunted Dark down, with full intentions of killing her to keep their secrets unknown. Duivil, the army's ruler, gained a great amount of interest in the duo, though, and decided to mark Dark as his servant-pet, allowing Praeteritus to stay at her side so long as he caused no trouble and revealed none of their secrets.

"I would stay away from them, they would rip you limb from limb with joy."
- Dark

Years later, just as Dark were reaching her teen years as a young cave-wolf, Duivil came to the decision that it were time to bring her into his militant ranks. Dark was given two choices: to join his army, or go on the run and into hiding, where his army would hunt her and Praeteritus down and slaughter them. Despite Praeteritus' great amount of disapproval in the idea, Dark agreed to go through with the turning ritual and become a Death Child herself.. assuring Praeteritus it would be alright, and they would have many more adventures together in the future.

This, however, was cut very short, as Dark was apparently too weak to make it through the ritual. Her life ended in supposed tragedy when, during the ritual, she lost lost her life. Duivil and his army were left to bring the news to a broken-spirited Praeteritus, before venturing off to leave Praeteritus to his coping... and Dark to rest in eternal slumber. There would be no witness to what was to come.

There would be no witness, that is, to Dark's revival. Something none would have imagined to happen, Dark later revived as what one might call to be a incomplete Death Child...

This is where the story
                              -- Demnix's story
                                                             -- begins.

Credit to The Death Children goes to Rockonhammy. Praeteritus belongs to Toxic99. I only own Demnix. Yes, this actually happened in RP. This is Dark/Demnix's official story. More may be added as the story is continued.

Introduction / Re: Gircu Returns!
« on: October 03, 2016, 03:47:20 am »
Oh I always do!!! <3

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