Author Topic: The Realm of Fantasy | Dragon - Human roleplay | Open and Accepting!  (Read 39352 times)

Offline DangusMangus

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Re: The Realm of Fantasy | Dragon - Human roleplay | Open and Accepting!
« Reply #20 on: January 19, 2015, 02:15:57 pm »

Ashton Matthew



Appearance description
 Ash is very tall and rather skinny man, but he is quite muscular and handsome. Despite the fact that he has rather pale skin and dark blue-grey eyes, he was a child that everyone adored back in the day.
Ash now wears pale green T-shirt and dark blue jeans with black sneakers.
Personality - Ash is really nice and harmless to both Darkness and Light people. He believes that everything can be solved in peace and there's no war needed. He is very friendly and quite a shoulder to hang on. Loyal and very loving man.
Dragon Mark - On his left hand, right next to his thumb.

-Talks to himself;
-Thinks out loud too much;
-Bites his bottom lip when thinks;
-Examines other dragons till the very end.

-Talking to girls;
-Trying to look not like a nerd.

-Melee combat;
-Training other new-borns.

-He is a trainer himself.


Time Dragon.

-Following Ashton's orders.


It ws a typical day for Ashton. He was training new students, doing his best in the training arena. Gabriel was proud of his son, and the very thought of getting new students cheers the king. "Okay, take a break," Ashton yelled loudly to the students aboe him, watching them safely land down onto the sand before he with a simple nod turned around and headed towards the Castle.

It was a bright day today and he knew that it was the day for riders to join the realm. New-borns, as many people called them. The very thought of getting new students cheered Ashton very much, and he always liked to share his feelings with his father. He raced up to second floor of the castle, barging into room where father now, -without Ashton's knowing-, had a meeting going on. The boy raced through the door with a large smile on his face. "Dad! It's a perfect day for--" he said loudly before he looked at the room full of people. He went quiet for a second, before he grinned at his father who was quite concern about his son. "It's a perfect day for new-borns, isn't it?" he said loudly again, walking towards his father in a slow pace. "How's it going Johnny? Good? Well, it will be greater because today is the best day of the year!" he said to a young man, who laughed quietly, dipping his head at Ashton. "Can I please, please get a day off today?" he asked Gabriel with a puppy face, causing the older man to laugh quietly. "Sure, but don't do anything stupid," he said with a nod, and Ashton jumped around for a second before he got back to reality. "Right, sorry for interrupting... Continue.." he bowed few times, heading towards the door. After he closed the door, he stood by it for some time, hearing cheerful laughs from his father and the rest of Lords. "Okay, lets continue..." Gabriel said, and Ashton jumped away from the door, running down the stairs and barging through the main door.

"Dante!" he called over his dragon, and the blue beast yowled loudly, jumping on house roofs and lightly running towards his master. The dragon jumped into the courtyard, allowing Ashton to jump on his wing and run towards his seat. Jumping into it, he grabbed one of the broekn thorns, sending the blue dragon fly into the air. Ashton loved flying with Dante, it's like a 'dream come true' thing. When he was a kid, he had a slight twist for dragons and their kind. That's why he's a weirdo in this Realm, he knew too much in his very first days. He drew the thorn sideways, causing the dragon to make a turn and land onto a large hill from which he could see new-borns either succeed or failed their tests. He could learn from them too, see their mistakes and learn something he never knew about.

((I'll post stuff in 'SAVED' post, since I think there are questions about flying a dragon.))
« Last Edit: January 25, 2015, 10:15:23 am by Phroghress »
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Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: The Realm of Fantasy | Dragon - Human roleplay | Open and Accepting!
« Reply #21 on: January 19, 2015, 04:25:28 pm »

Kinley Aniah Quinn

"I'm the exact opposite of a hero, but I can still do great things."

Two hours. Two hours she had been walking, with no destination and no idea as to where she was going. Waking up in the middle of a field was one thing, finding yourself miles from home was another. Kinley's instincts kicked in, and she began her trek towards the forest that lay on the edge of the field. Her large, doe-like eyes focused on the small blades of grass that danced between the flows of breeze that crept across the field's length. She was scared, much like a child lost in a store. She knew where she had to go, just lacked any idea as to how to get there. So, with her arms crossed and only a simple wall of 'this cant be happening' standing between her and insanity, she pushed forward. It wasn't until the wind picked up and noises sounded in the distance that Kinley paused to take in her surroundings. Something was off. The place was familiar, it appeared to be any normal field near her hometown but this was different. She'd never seen a field quite like this. The grass was greener, the skies more blue, and the shadows from the tree lining seemed to dance. No, not dance. Move. The shadow broke from it's bundle of darkness and swept towards her unannounced. It was only when the wind shoved her forward as the thing flew over her, that she noticed the creature. It's immaculate size compared to any thing she had seen before suffocated her in it's shadow only to release her to the light as it swept further across the field. Catching her hair from her visage in shock, Kinley's eyes glanced into the air. Fear consumed her, as the creature turned midair, landing heavily just yards from her. She had already seen one, no two of these odd animals in her time in the field. One, of white scales slept withi the sun's warmth, ignoring Kinley who snuck by in fear. The other of blue scales bathed within a small pond at the edge of the field, its curiosity peeking at the sight of Kinley. The creature swam along the edge, watching her as she practically sprinted away. Angst was her weakness, her timid nature succumbing to fear often. Yet, this was different. Those two creatures, though some interested more than others, remained away and at a distance. This one, however, landing with wings spread to full length and reared on his back legs, seemed quite the contrary. Kinley's eyes remained fixated on the thing as it landed down on it's front legs, it's wings folding to its back. Despite Kinley's fear, there was no doubting the creatures beauty. With scales Like darkness and details of white, the creatures stance if pride and bravery read clear. It was no thing to be toiled with. But something about it seemed welcoming to Kinley. Despite all this and her positive thoughts, which Kinley opened her mouth, a scream came out. Startled, the creature lunged backwards, releasing its wings and taking flight again as Kinley took off for the forest, her legs carrying her towards its edge. Only once the shadows of the trees covered her did she dare glance back. The creature was just landing again, it's deep optics fixed on the forest. This in mind, Kinley charged forward, leaping over debris and fallen foliage before taking refuge in a cave. Hidden in the caves Depths, she stopped, plopping down heavily on the makeshift bed behind her. "A bed?" she mumbled, sitting up hastily to glance about. The room was lit with a small candle, exposing a makeshift dresser and bed. A table and chairs sat in the corner, and a few dozen arrows lay about against the wall. Standing, Kinley took in the room, her fingers reaching for an arrow. "Don't touch that.", the voice pulled a second scream from Kinley who jumped around to face her approacher. He was rather tall, wearing what seemed like linen clothing and armor. He crossed his arms, raising a suspecting brow at her. "You scared me." she laughed, holding her chest. "I scared you? You're trespassing." his voice oozed a deep, royal accent much similar to her professor back home when he spoke elvish in class. "Oh, oh, this yours? I'm sorry, I was running from, you'll never believe this, but a dragon. I think, at least. Not sure what else it could have been., the man bared his teeth as if annoyed, obviously growing tired of her talking. "Do you always converse at this rate? He questioned, pushing off of the wall and turning his head to glance at the exit to the cave. That's when her eyes saw it. His ears. "Elf!?, her mouth called out, Catching his attention again. "What? I would hope so, or id have no explanation for these ears.", he waved towards his ears.

Finnik Elias Morthel

"Elves are supposed to be beautiful, and someone took that from me."

Strolling into the cave after a quick scouting about, Finnik was at the most expecting a raider. Not, a human girl. She seemed frazzled, confused. And after learning of his race, terrified. Not of him, of this place. Slowly, she fell to the ground, gripping her chest with her hands.  "I can't do this. What kind of place is this?" Aside from her confused visage, she was decent. Her thick ebony hair and brown eyes stood out against her pale skin and rosey lips. He was growing bored, the girl had little to offer and she was obviously an annoyance. "Alrighty, time to go." He mumbled, approaching the mound of girl and gripping her arm. She put up a fight, refusing to leave the cave in fear of what was out there. Using her feet, she attempted to put friction between Finnik and her. To no avail, the sun bathed the two of them once again, as he drug her out towards a small clearing in the forest, releasing her only once they stood In the middle. She stood up with haste, turning to face him. Her short stature forced her to glare up at him, "Are you insane or did you just not hear me with your elf ears!? There's a dragon out here!" she scolded. "Not my problem, it's yours." He retorted. She furrowed her brow, obviously confused. A sliver of pity welled within him. This girl knew nothing of where she was, or how she got here. "The mark."

"The what?" she questioned. He reached down, his rough and large hand grabbing hers and lifting it. With a quick motion he slid her sleeve up, exposing the Dragon mark upon her arm. "Where did that come from?" she questioned. "It's your dragon mark, you're a dragon rider." just as Finnik's deep voice fell quiet, a deep rumble sounded behind them. Turning, Finnik raised a brow. Kinley, however, tensed up at the sight of the dark, familiar dragon. "And that, I would assume, would be your dragon."

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

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Re: The Realm of Fantasy | Dragon - Human roleplay | Open and Accepting!
« Reply #22 on: January 19, 2015, 07:34:15 pm »
Vask, feel free to post. I guess waiting two days for a reply will soon get me. XD Iamveryimpatientasyousee))
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Offline Vask

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Re: The Realm of Fantasy | Dragon - Human roleplay | Open and Accepting!
« Reply #23 on: January 19, 2015, 08:51:56 pm »
 Hurhur okay. I was just stalking it until my turn. I shall post))

Alexander Wrightson

"Call me Alex."

Nickname: Alex
Age: 22
Side: Light
Gender: Male

Appearance description: Alex stands at a tall 6"1, give or take.  He's rather muscular but isn't one for showing it off. His face features themselves are soft, but his jawline is sharp. Alex's eyes are a pure green that appear brighter in the sun. The light brown hair atop his head is somewhat ruffled yet always well groomed. His clothing style usually consists of jeans, a dark colored plaid shirt, and boots. His arms have a few small scars across them. He also has a very small scar across the bridge of his nose, which is barely noticeable. The most prominent perminantly damaged place on his body is his back. It is littered with several long gash-like scars which are easily concealed under his shirt.

Personality: Alex is generally a friendly person, with a soft spot for children. He is naturally very brave and will always put other peoples needs and concerns before his own. Alex would without question give his life to save those he cares about. For those that have earned his trust and care, he is incredibly sweet and gentle to them. He at times will be understanding, kind, and a bit immature, as his humor links with somewhat childish jokes. Alex is also quite the flirt with women, able to talk and get them interested with ease. Although he seems as though his respect for women is nonexistent, Alex truthfully has a great deal of respect for them. He especially shows respect for women who can stand up for themselves or hold their own. He would never dream of disrespecting any women, contrary to his flirtatious nature. Don't be fooled to think that he is 'flawless' however. He is far from perfect, and Alex knows it too. Outside Alex appears confident and outgoing, but in truth he is very self conscious and worried about what might happen if he were to mess up. He is the kind of man who can be both selfless and selfish, usually in one sitting. Alex often avoids emotional intimacy with others, and keeps his distance from relationships(not to say he'd never want one). One of his most prominent traits is his stubborn nature. Once he makes a decision he will stick to it unless proven otherwise. He is incredibly intelligent, and has before been called a genius, but would never admit to being anything special or above average. Alex can at times seem aggressive, but his heart is always in the right place.

Dragon Mark: Below his thumb and above his wrist.
-Running a hand through his hair
-Humming ACDC
-Kicking pebbles when he walks
-Harming or punishing someone who's innocent
-Somewhat clumsy
-A bit of a dork
-Trusting anybody completely
-Hand-to-Hand Combat
-Creating believable lies
-Knife Combat
-Physical Strength
-'Pew Pew!'


Age: Teenager
Gender: Male
Type: Fire

-Cold Weather
-Running Speed
-Arial Combat
-Obedience to Alex
-Flying Speed

The forest was quiet this time morning, and the air was crisp and fresh. All that could be heard was the small hums, purrs, and clicks of various animals that inhabited the forest. A tall figure could be seen leisurely making its way through the forest, kicking a small pebble as moved. The canopy above shined delicately down on the young Alex Wrightson, his bright mossy green eyes twinkling in the light. He quietly hummed Highway To Hell as he walked, eyes cast down on the pebble. His gaze slipped upward as he looked around the forest. It was quite a magical place to him, and very special. The incline of the terrain began to steepen as he walked up a grassy hill. When he reached the top, he looked around and gave small sigh. The hill went just above all of the treetops, but wasn't high enough to be a mountain. He put his hands in his pockets, looking up at the bright blue morning sky. Today was a day for new-borns to come in. Alex on occasion stumbled across some and usually flew them to the palace for training. He shook his head to clear it. Biting on his lower lip, Alex let out a loud high pitched whistle. As if out of thin air, a loud whooshing flapping sound could be heard. He craned his head around and saw a large dark scales dragon descending to the hilltop. A smile twitched at the ends of Alex's lips. Azul landed gently in front of Alex, nudging his shirt with his nose affectionately. Alex chuckled and patted Azul's head. "Hey buddy." He said gently. Azul gave a small growling purr and curled up around him. Alex sighed, sitting down on the grass and leaning up against his side. Together they laid there on the hill enjoying the sun.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2015, 08:55:58 pm by Vask »

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Re: The Realm of Fantasy | Dragon - Human roleplay | Open and Accepting!
« Reply #24 on: January 20, 2015, 02:23:04 am »
(Sorry for not posting... I got a little busy.)

Anna Evens

Viper - Ice Dragon

A young feminine figure was outlined through the lightly misted town. Anna looked around, she was up against the forest, on the border between forest and a town. Anna could hear the sounds of the people living within the town a few streets over but kept her eyes on the forest. She followed the same path of a few minutes before her eyes caught a dirt path into the forest. A smile curled across her face as Anna sped up to follow the path. She'd gone down this path many times, as it was her favorite place in the forest to travel along, eventually leading up to a nice view. Anna walked along the path quietly, just looking around and her fingers playing around with her necklace.

Eventually Anna reached the place she wanted to be at. It was a view of part of the forest, the area she was standing in had less trees surrounding it that most of the other places in the forest would. "This is the best." she said quietly to herself, looking out at the view with a smile across her face.


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Re: The Realm of Fantasy | Dragon - Human roleplay | Open and Accepting!
« Reply #25 on: January 20, 2015, 05:10:24 am »

Ashton Matthew



Appearance description
 Ash is very tall and rather skinny man, but he is quite muscular and handsome. Despite the fact that he has rather pale skin and dark blue-grey eyes, he was a child that everyone adored back in the day.
Ash now wears pale green T-shirt and dark blue jeans with black sneakers.
Personality - Ash is really nice and harmless to both Darkness and Light people. He believes that everything can be solved in peace and there's no war needed. He is very friendly and quite a shoulder to hang on. Loyal and very loving man.
Dragon Mark - On his left hand, right next to his thumb.

-Talks to himself;
-Thinks out loud too much;
-Bites his bottom lip when thinks;
-Examines other dragons till the very end.

-Talking to girls;
-Trying to look not like a nerd.

-Melee combat;
-Training other new-borns.

-He is a trainer himself.


Time Dragon.

-Following Ashton's orders.


Ashton watched dragons and their riders fall from the sky. It seemed that none of them were wrong about their choices and Ashton was happy about that. He just kept on watching the fall while Dante was sleeping. For that dragon everything is boring, except maybe chases and playful fights.

Ashton noticed how deep in sleep Dante was, he with a cold smirk brushed his fingers over his dragon's scales, most sensitive spot of the dragon would be below his neck, just like for cats. Well, some of them. Dante immedietly rose up, his eyes began to shoot lightnings (not really) while his wings began to move up and down. Ashton only laughed, and when Dante looked over, snorting lowly with warm smoke rushing out from his nostrils. "Sorry, but you were snoring..." Ashton said with a shrug, and Dante with a sigh, seemingly, with a smile too and looked away, watching the fall as well.

Ashton slowly got bored. This wasn't 'awesome' as it was last time. He grabbed the thron and commanded the dragon to fly into the air and slowly make circles around the forest, wanting to find someone he could chat with. And for his luck, he noticed Alex, just walking out form the forest up into the hill, where Azul was. Ash stopped and watched him from afar, before he dashed on Dante towards the man. "Okay, aim to shoot water at Alex, but don't hit Azul," he said quietly to Dante, and he growled quietly as a response, folding his wings and diving through the air towards the pair.

It didn't take them long to arrive where they both were. Dante parted his jaws, shooking a small wave of water into Alex's body, causing Ash to laugh quietly and then dash off. He loved messing with people and then having a chase around the kingdom, but then he ends up with trouble, because he either breaks something or puts something into flames. He still needs a lot of training on Dante, since it seems that Dante doesn't really want to follow his orders.

Behind all that, Ash kept on laughing, flying a bit away and then hiding behind large rocks, standing on top of eachother, big and wide enough to hide him and Dante. He was wondering if he will get a chase with this, if not, he'll strike again, but this time with bigger amoun of water.
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Re: The Realm of Fantasy | Dragon - Human roleplay | Open and Accepting!
« Reply #26 on: January 20, 2015, 05:36:15 am »
(Will edit this into a post after school)
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

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Re: The Realm of Fantasy | Dragon - Human roleplay | Open and Accepting!
« Reply #27 on: January 20, 2015, 07:39:27 am »
I cannot even explain how long it took me to complete this app- I swear I was just... Idontevenknow]]

Willow Eden

"I don't trust you. But I didn't trust anyone, so don't take it personally."

Nickname; None- open to suggestions. 
Age; Twenty years old [20]
Side ; Light.
Gender; Female
Specie; Elf

Occupation; Scout- she's one of the best.

Appearance; Willow would be very beautiful with her long white hair and bright blue eyes if it weren't for the long scar stretching down from just below her eyebrow to the corner of her lip. She stands at around 5'7, relatively small for an elf, and her physique is slender yet lightly toned. She has pale skin littered with small, insignificant scars and a light dusting of freckles across her nose. She often wears light, summery dresses even in the middle of winter because she finds them more comfortable.

Personality; Willow is a very quiet, reserved girl. She will not speak unless spoken to and avoids conversations with strangers. She has very significant trust issues, who could blame her, but is not afraid to be her usual self around people. She has a sweet nature, slightly rough around the edges with her dry humour and sarasm. She loves to smile but one will have to be very close to her to see her really laugh. Her guarded, withdrawn self will slowly where away as she gets to know someone and the fun-loving, daring side of her with soon shine through. Thanks to her scar, she is very self-conscious and tends to not talk about herself often. Her determination, though, is not something many forget as she is stubborn and loyal beyond rationality.

- Running her thumb over the palm of her hand.
- Singing quietly to herself- only when alone.
- Climbing things seemingly impossible to climb.

- Trust issues
- Stubborness & Loyalty
- Her self-consciousness
- She must wear gloves all of the time.

- Ability to blend in almost anywhere
- She has a power she has named 'Tailoring'. She can perfect any imperfections on one's skin such as dark circles, scars ect. She basically has the gift of beauty, although she cannot use it on herself.
- She has a 'cold touch' in which she can chill anything she touches, so therefore has to wear gloves [#elsa]

- Pew-Pew!

"Trust my rage."

Offline DangusMangus

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Re: The Realm of Fantasy | Dragon - Human roleplay | Open and Accepting!
« Reply #28 on: January 20, 2015, 11:02:08 am »

Willow Eden

"I don't trust you. But I didn't trust anyone, so don't take it personally."

Accepted! And I feel you, it took me some time to finish Ashton's app. x3))
« Last Edit: January 20, 2015, 11:04:20 am by Phroghress »
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Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: The Realm of Fantasy | Dragon - Human roleplay | Open and Accepting!
« Reply #29 on: January 21, 2015, 02:35:22 am »

Kinley Aniah Quinn

"I'm the exact opposite of a hero, but I can still do great things."

The scene fell silent, the strange man's hand slowly slipping down back to his side. "Magnificent, they don't approach this close unless owned." he muttered almost inaudibley, his eyes glazing over the beast. "You have a water dragon?" Kinley's wide gaze filled with lack of security and shock slid over to the tall elf, her voice a low whisper, as she muttered words that brought surprise to his visage, "I don't have a dragon." As if caught in a spotlight, the elf kept his head forward, but his eyes to the side as the beast released a low hiss. "Run." he whispered.


"Run!" He barked, using a hand to shove her towards the forest once more. Catching herself, Kinley took off, her legs pumping like machines. She lept and dodged, racing through the forest as if she'd known it her whole life. Fear swelled within her, however, but so did refusal. Refusal to stop, refusal to be killed, refusal to stop running. Her ears focused behind her, listening to the elf's fast footsteps as he raced after her. Only once a cry of pain sounded out, did she slide to a stop. He laid a few feet behind her, his back arching as he reached for his leg which steamed. His pant leg was torn, burnt through and his skin boiled. "Boiling water, really? These things suck." Kinley snatched his arm without thought, yanking him to his feet. "My arrows." he growled, glancing at the ground where many of his ammo lay strayed about and out of his sheath. Along with his words, the sound of trees bending came closer as the beast raced after them. "Our lives." Kinley retorted, yanking his arm and tugging him along as they continued forward. Despite his limp, The elf kept a good pace, but not good enough. Kinley's chest heaved, and finally she slammed against a tree for support, bending over to catch her breath. "We Wont make it." he growled, grabbing Kinley's arm and pulling her behind him. In a graceful motion, filled with fluidity and familiarity, he knelt, removing the last of his arrows and aiming as the beast neared them. "How good of a shot are you? she questioned, gripping her chest for support. He remained Silent, not answering. It was yards away, and nearing. Trees snapped, the ground quaked. And with a deep sigh, he closed his eyes. But to no avail. The impact never came. But another did. As if two cars crashing, the sound echoed, and the screeching roars of defense sounded. In surprise, he fell backwards, his arm flying out to block Kinley from impact, but there was no need. A second dragon had appeared, landing into the first. This one of ebony scales, and crystalline eyes. The beasts fought in a wreckage of rolling and snaps. Within minutes, the water beast curled away, releasing a hiss of defense before slinking away from the scene. Flapping its wings, the large ebony beast made its mark, before turning it's gaze to the two figures behind him. "I would assume that's your dragon." he breathed, turning to gaze at the girl. Kinley, eyes closed and breathing too heavy, slowly fell to the ground, darkness consuming her sight.

Finnik Elias Morthel

"Elves are supposed to be beautiful, and someone took that from me."

Despite the events that occurred, Finnik was more fascinated and confused than annoyed. Though, he could do without the third degree burns to his calf, which he wrapped up with a thin cloth. It was daytime, but nonetheless he made a small fire within his cave, allowing the unconscious girl to sleep beside the warmth. The ebony dragon made itself comfortable outside of the caves entrance, laying still and quiet as if on guard. Using a thin twig to playfully poke at the glowing embers beneath the flame, Finnik's gaze slid to the sleeping girl. She was human, no doubt by her fear and annoyance. But despite that, she was of decent looks and wasn't one to leave him behind, even with lack of who he was. As she stirred in her sleep, he stood quickly, watching as she slowly sat up, her eyes tired and confused. "Did I pass out?" she mumbled. He nodded, using a cloth to clean the end of the stick off. "Well..thank you for not leaving me." He tossed his stick aside, "Buy me an ale later, we'll be even. You're not one for adventure I can see." Her brow furrowed, "Sorry, but I don't even know what kind of adventure this is. Or where I am. Or what the hell kind of sense this makes. I'm in a cave, speaking to an Elf, after being attacked by dragons. Its not my normal Friday night. She shook her head, "I deserve an explanation." Finnik raised a brow, he didn't owe her anything. Words, pity, anything. But he nodded, and after a few minutes of explaining, she sat in shock. "So, I'm in some realm..where dragons and apparently elves are real?" Finnik motioned for her to stand and she did, following him as they strolled towards the entrance. "And gnomes and dwarves and..many things you humans aren't familiar with.", He replied. The human nodded, blocking her eyes as they stepped out into the open. Her eyes fell on the dragon, and she paused. "And that's my dragon..?"

"I'm not sure, he doesn't appear to like me. I assume he took my arrow aiming as an attempt to attack you..But only one way to find out." With the ease of lifting a shoe, Finnik swept her up into his arms, placing her on the dragons back, who stood and shifted in surprise. After a few unsure noises, the girl settled against the dragons back. "Where do I go? I mean..what do I even do?"

"It's in yours and his blood. Give him a direction to go, and let him take you there. Trust the beast." Finnik strolled towards the back of the dragon, his hand resting against its hide. "Will I see you again?" she questioned. "If so, hopefully you'll be a famed rider with riches, and you can buy me that ale you owe me." Her lips parted into a smile, and with that, he lifted his hand, slapping the dragons rump. In a shock, he lunged forward, his wings spreading and his body taking flight.

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.