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Topics - Black Pain

Pages: [1]
Ask Me / Ask Oli!
« on: May 21, 2016, 12:24:10 pm »
I'm 100% sure I don't have one of these yet
Ask me stuff!
I will answer probably anythin!
Also you could ask me for help with your art if you wanted me to (thats if you want help check out my art thread first lol)
ok gO AHEAD?

Art Gallery / art? idk it's art and its here (updated)
« on: April 17, 2016, 07:22:10 am »
hello its me I haven't been here for awhile. I have a really old thread with my art and wowie is it cringey.
you can also see most of my newer are on my deviantart! Its
im just here to show you my art i might take requests one day but right now im backed up with school work and stress
you know the high school usualls
oK SO dont mind my poor grammar. im just really lazy hah
also, if you could, tell me if you can post blood on this site, i tend to draw alot of that heh
Also i might post my wips here too


a gift for berry mutt <333

i literally jsut finished this lol

this is another pic of kellin lol rip @ me

my new arcanus!!
he doesnt have a name yet lol



IM SO PROUD OF THIS. i drew it today in under an hour?????????? idk how i got that amount of short time
i really like it tho ;;;

this was a vent bc im a v sad person

buulllet Red

THANKS FOR VIEWING <3 ill update this more often

Screenshots / Some random screenies
« on: September 27, 2013, 03:56:14 pm »
So..Erm. I'm not a big fan on writing huge paragraphs for an introduction, sorry if you dig that but no. I hve no inspiration, sorry x.x But anyways, here you'll find some derpy screenies.

Here's Cakeindafridges character Danny, tongue glitching like a nerb.

Feareh and Bullet's smexy faces  BI

xKaharu and Kellin derpin' like a baws

Feareh and Kellin's smexy tongues

Bullet is da king of da pile >D

TEC recruiter and Bullet's..ermYeahthat

Then ace13 pinned me ;w;

Got yeh now peasants

An oooooold TEC photo

And then BB said this BC

Uhm...I have so many of this.Buthi'llbemylastone

So...this scared me

Sthahp it meanie!

Yeah Aka just watch Bullet drown, totes okay


That feels amazing

Dat is all, bya

Ask Me / Ask Black Pain? ;p;
« on: September 27, 2013, 02:51:37 pm »
-Waves- Ask me anything. I'm kinda bored 'n stuff.
So..Go ahead~

Game Help / Who's preset body is this? It's not in my coding or files.
« on: September 26, 2013, 12:10:23 pm »
I'm seriously baffled here. My files are fine. The coding's all right. But this body, I've never seen it in my life! Please help. I don't know how to, get rid of it, so to say. Do I delete my coding or what?

Sorry if this is in the wrong thread

Presets & Markings / Black Pains Presets (UPDATED 1/10/13)
« on: September 26, 2013, 12:01:12 pm »
So, thanks for viewing this. So, this is what I've made.

Kellin's Preset

And his tongue. Feat. Feareh's tongue.

Bullet TEC's Preset

Requested Preset from Nymphe in TEC, I haven't had the chance to give it to her. Even though it's still an WIP.

(Lol I just realised all of them move)

My Halloween preset 2013

Update. 1/10/2013

So. I have this moving preset. The whoollee thing moves.

A WIP for Coma. It's her character Bandit.

And that's about it. I lost all my others when I deleted FH and stuff because I forgot to back up x.x. Don't be afraid to ask anything


A new, semi-literate to literate, multi-species, mapped, unique, sited, role play.

The Crimson Cross. A species of canine and/or feline with unique markings.
Some of the regulations are:
-You must have a realistic pelt
-You must have small/little markings. e.g Toeless socks and stuff like that. Yes, you can have, had tail and body markings, you'll earn more once you rank up. It's easy.
-You must join the site.
-Even though there's ranks available, don't ask for the higher ranks. I will see to who fits them
-You don't need to post multi-paragraph. You just need to post more then two sentences
-RP sample required. PM message it to me or send it to me on FH. My username is Black Pain
-Your markings can be any color.

That's it for now. PM me for any questions.

Leaving / Black Pain's Leaving.
« on: November 17, 2012, 04:10:29 am »
So guys, this is it I guess.
I'm leaving due to reason's that I refuse to discuss on the Feral Heart frorums.
I have met some awesome friends on this game. REALLY awesome ones.
So, anyways, It pains me to say this but, goodbye.

Characters / Chear...By Black Pain **Fixed**
« on: November 10, 2012, 01:52:37 pm »
Okay so I realised it didn't quite work. Anyways.
This is my three top Characters that I use in FeralHeart.
Sorry, dunno how to insert the images so your going to have to click on the links.
Name: Chear
Species: 1/4 Domestic Feline 3/4 Machine
Mate: None
Gender: Male
Pelt Color: Dark Grey
Markings: Light green
Early Life:
In the early days of Chear's life he was a normal kitten. Well, not completly normal. He was born in a laboratory. He never saw his mother, father or even siblings if he had any. As he got to the age of three months, the scientist inserted chinps into his spine. Those chips dug in with a special mechanism which allowed them to attatch to the spinal cord. Once they had done that it would controll a leg, eye or any body part.
When he got to the age of two, the scientis had built a full feline body robotic. They had perfectly designed it for Chear. The operated on him taking out most of his internal organs and skeleton. The inserted the robotic feline inside of Chear took over half of the brain. The scientist didn't know this.
The first test failed on the scientist. Chear didn't respord or move to there command. He rebelled and attacked the scientist. Fortunatly not seriously injuring anyone. He escaped into the forest. Never to return to the human race.

Member Bio & Journals / Black Pain's Bio. (Re-done)
« on: August 29, 2012, 04:28:19 am »
Well. I'm re-doing this thiing.

Hiya! I'm Black Pain. I really like to be called Chear though. :3 But in reality,sigh (yes that thing that we actually exist in), my name is Carli. I'm an average teenage girl. Well, not really.

 I'm failiing in most of my grades. Except Humanities and music. Due to the fact that I spend more time in the bandroom then I do in the class roomss. Woo. The reason I do that is because I need practice on my music. (Guitar, Bass) and the teachers like. Sure.

Anywayysss. Onto more about me. I'm actually scared to post on the FH fourms(?) because I think I might break the FH site and post something incorectly and jam everything ;w;.

I'm in love with the bands:
All Time Low, Of Mice and Men, Green Day, My Chemical Romance, Black Veil Brides, Pierce The Veil, Sleeping With Sirens, Haim, ect.

I'm really weird and stuff. I got my best friend ~Minti3~ Into these bands. Then I got my other best friend into one of them. ~Minti3~ And I forced one of our friends to get into those bands. Lolz.

The People I look up to (Not Because i'm short)
~Minti3~(YessYouAreOnThere), My significant other, Alex Gaskarth, Jack Barakat, Zack Merrick, Rian Dawson (All Time Low) Uhm. Mikey Way from My Chemical Romance. Ermm. Can't remember...the others..

A little bit of info:
Okay. So, I was born and raised in a town, in Australia. I have a younger sister, ~Minti3~ (Note: Not Actually related to me. We're like sisters though.Plus she's like a twin acutaually but I was bor first so....) But I have a little bother as well. Opps. I ment brother. Erm. I'm really an armature at everything I do. I really like to make friends and answer peoplesquestions. ;w;. This is all I can really think of. ;w;. I'll come up with something else latterss.


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