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Messages - BluuLeopard

Pages: 1 ... 36 37 [38] 39 40 ... 46
Introduction / Re: Hello there!
« on: October 06, 2019, 04:20:16 pm »
Hello! It seems a lot of people don't introduce themselves on the forum after some time and that's totally okay. <3 I think I notice your username from the past somewhere, though! Blue is also my favorite color, it is superior. Spiders are the worst, oh my gosh. I've had reoccurring spiders in my room and I despise it. I am trying to repel them though now. :> I understand your dislike towards them completely. You will definitely meet some friends around and I hope to see you pop up here and there! Welcome back, especially. have fun and enjoy the changes and game! <3

Hi, Esarosa! And yes, I have noticed that too, I was mostly on the game or Discord rather than the forums... for some odd reason. x'D Oh? Good to know, I'm usually in-game most of the time, that is where you could see me, possibly. x3 Blue is superior, mhm! Ohhh, haha, finally someone who agrees with me! D'x Some are okay, but I feel like there's just too many legs on those lil' guys. X'DD

Aww, thank you so much for that warm welcome! I'll do my best to have fun, shouldn't be so hard considering so much nice people are around here. ^^

Introduction / Re: Hello there!
« on: October 06, 2019, 03:02:46 pm »
Are you trying to tell us you aren't looking for a sugar king? Shame.

(Hi, I sit around The Grounds every so often, feel free to say hello if you see me c:)

Arrrrgghh, I knew that typo would be trouble. X'D ... But if I would find one, I'd definitely not leave the kingdom until I'd get a royal bag full of chocolate and candy. xDD
-Oh, and alright! I often sit in The Grounds myself, it's very peaceful. Might as well say hello to you if I see ya'. <3

I believe I’ve seen you a few times before on the forum. You got an iconic character; a blue leopard. I need to draw you sometime <3 I also dislike cloudy days ;o
I hope to see ya in-game sometime.

Oh really? Yes because of that, probably some people do remember me, hehe. And sure thing, I'd love to see art of her! ^^(Yes, I know, clouds just hog all that sun to themselves. ;-;)
Hope to see you too! Thank you for the warm welcome. :3

Hey Bluu!! :D Oh gosh I think I remember you, your character looks very familiar! :D

Hello, Valar! Ohh, really? Well, I'm happy that some still remember me, hehe. :D You look familiar to me too... not sure if I ever saw or talked to you before though, haven't been on the forums for a while. '^^

Introduction / Re: Hello there!
« on: October 06, 2019, 03:25:23 am »
Hiiii Bluu! :D

Welcome to the forum-side? xD

pretty much any king as long as it has sugar and chocolate on top. o-o

I spotted a funny typo already. x'D

Hey Vortex! <3
Hahah, yeah, thank you! x'DD

SquEEeE! I must have been tired, adksndjksndj >-> You lil' spy. xD Thanks though, I fixed it. '^^

Introduction / Re: Hello there!
« on: October 06, 2019, 03:08:42 am »
Hi, Bluu!! <3

Don't hate spiders, love spiders!!!

-Squints- I will try haha, thank you! The best I did was hold a tarantula in my hands, which didn't scare me as much as the normal house spiders. Pfff X'D

Hello Bluu!

Hope to see you around :)

You too! :D I also love your signature. x'3 Haha xD

Introduction / Hello there!
« on: October 06, 2019, 02:31:04 am »
Hello, lovely people of FeralHeart! I don't believe I ever made an introduction thread on the official forums, it's pretty ironic, because I have been a member for a very long while. x'DD
Welp, might as well show some activity on here, and introduce myself to those who don't and do know me.

I'm BlueLeopard, although I mostly go by the name BluuLeopard, and Bluu as my nickname (you're welcome to give me new ones if you'd like :3). I probably started playing this game since I was about 10 or so? Wow, time sure did fly, haha. This was (and still is) my favourite game of childhood, also it's probably one of the reasons I can speak and write in English more properly than I used to, considering that it isn't my first language. xD

*Fun fact: If you ever ran into an account on DeviantART with the name BluuLeopard, that's definitely me. Lol

Now, a couple of more things about me...

I really like animals, and art. Drawing is one of my hobbies, as well as making presets for FeralHeart. I LOVE sweets, pretty much any kind as long as it has sugar and chocolate on top. o-o Love all sorts of adventures and activities, and since my username gives it away so obviously, my favourite colour is blue, indeed. x'D Hehe

I dislike spiders... I don't like them under any condition, no, no, no... And mostly any horror movies. Just, no. I don't like when there isn't enough sun, and months pass by in grey clouds. ;-; And, that's pretty much it for my dislikes. I think...

Well then! I think that's about all I have to say for now. I hope to make some new friends, and maybe meet old ones again. x3
Have a good day, everyone!
Cheers, Bluu

Game Help / Text in Chat-box is too tiny!
« on: May 20, 2018, 12:52:58 am »
Hello, guys! This is Blue, and I have another problem... Lol. So, I was playing FeralHeart, and I guess I've logged off to restart the game, possibly add new modifications whatsoever. Then... I realized the text in my chat-box is awfully tiny. I entered options and managed to re-size it to a slightly bigger size, but still, the text isn't big enough!

Help, anyone?

Game Help / Map crashes
« on: July 21, 2017, 05:41:46 pm »
Another map problem. Well, so the map always crashes when I try to load it in map maker, I have no idea why. Help anyone?

Game Help / Re: Map Gone...
« on: July 19, 2017, 08:57:56 pm »
So, I just had to copy the 'terrain' folder?

Game Help / Map Gone...
« on: July 19, 2017, 08:52:10 pm »
SO, I was working on a map, and I added a bunch of objects. Then, the next time I try to go on FeralHeart, it crashes. Well, I took the .fhm file of the map, re-installed FeralHeart, put the .fhm in the folder, and... my map was gone from the Map Maker, in the map list?! D:

Someone help me, because if this happens everytime I re-install, then I'll never have a backup for the map!

Game Help / Re: No Mask. Help Me. XD
« on: July 18, 2017, 10:25:17 pm »
AH, no problem, I am glad it finally works. o.o

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