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Topics - BlueLegend

Pages: [1]
Introduction / Derp.
« on: August 09, 2013, 09:51:30 pm »
Lol hey guys I'm back
But none of you probably remember me so I should probably just introduce myself once again...

If any of you can remember that stupid newbie named BlueLegend way back then, that was me. I promise that I am so much more mature and smarter than I was back then. I almost feel ashamed to be back here...

Anyways, a lot has changed about me since I've been here. My favorite animal is the lynx, but I also like wolves, bears, deer, birds, owls, pretty much any animal. My favorite shows are Doctor Who, Family Guy, American Dad, The Simpsons, and Spongebob. I like rock, and that ranges from Classic to alternate to metal.

And I like everybody. Really.

That's like, the main summary of me.
So... derp.

Game Help / Password help
« on: July 04, 2012, 06:48:38 pm »
I'm starting to get obsessed with this game again, and so I'm trying to get into the game.

I forgot what password it was. I forgot if I had changed the password sometime because I haven't been here in so long, but I remember the very first password I had used here and thought it might be that. So I used that, it didn't work. Nowadays I'm smarter so I use the same password for everything. I used that password but it didn't work either.

So now, I can't log into the game. I can log into the site because it remembers it, but I can't. I tried to click "forgot your password", but it doesn't bring me there. I tried to change the password in my profile, but I need my current password to change it, and I don't know it.

I think I might just have to create a new account, but I want to see if there are any other options first.   

Stories / Book I'm working on
« on: April 11, 2011, 01:18:17 am »
I'm writing and publishing a book, but since the first chapter isn't done, I will post the prologue.


 The Tower of Charlam stood proudly, piercing the sky as one, little snowflake fluttered slowly down, and landed softly on the Tower's hard floor. Another fell softly down, and two more. A flutter of snowflakes fell, and soon the sky was crying tears of snow. The snow fell not too fast, like a blizzard, nor not too slow, more like... a little dance as they waved in the sky and fell. The sky was cloudless, and gray darkness crowed the air as the snowflakes fell. A small, little light glowed as it rested on the Tower, and although it was a little light, it lit up the Tower. The meadow of snow around it shared the blue light, which would slowly turn from green at night, yellow at morning, red at day, and blue again at dusk. And, as the snow gently fell to the ground, a gray wolf slowly sauntered up the tower. The coldness made his eyes sting, though he forced himself to walk to the top, where the blue light shown at it's brightest. It blinded his eyes, and the wolf had to cover them with his paw. The blue light shone, and the wind blew stronger and stronger when the light got brighter and brighter. After the wolf's eyes got used to the light, he looked at the light... and it made him feel as if he were in another world. Slowly, he reached one paw after another, and the light got brighter. The wind blew stonger now, and the snow turned into a blizzard. As he got closer, the wolf swore he could hear the voices shouting in the light... yelling... screaming...crying... singing. Soon it turned into a hum, the wolf could hear it now. A low hum, and he heard the voices singing a song, a song of death can be near, and peace can be far, though love will always be by you. The wolf could hear them now. At first, they sung in a language which none could understand, but as the wolf listened, he slowly understood. He reached one paw into the light... and rays of blue suddenly exploded out, and the spirits of the voices were loud enough to hear. The rays of light were the spirits circling him, singing their song of love. They circled around the light, and now the wolf's grayish pelt turned into a blue as the light shone on him. This did not stop the wolf. The light was pulling him, like the gravity, forcing him to come closer. And as the paw reached down the voices stopped, the light suddenly turned dim, and the light dissapeared. The wolf turned around, and saw a small creature staring at him. The creature was a young one of it's kind; the wolf was sure it would get bigger. The creature was reptile-like, and smelled of smoke, as if it had been around fire it's whole life. The creature had a small light in it's hands. The light! The wolf struggled to free the light from the creature's hands, but suddenly it squeezed the light, the light grew dimmer, and dissapeared. The creature had killed the light. Snarling, the wolf lunged at the creature, and bit deep into it's neck. The creature was strong enough to shake the wolf off, and he slammed into an arch. Growling, the wolf lunged onto the creature, and the force made them both fall off the tower. As they fell, they locked on to eachother, still in their bloody fight. The wolf ripped open the creature's chest. Roaring in pain, the creature threw the wolf off, and it fell to it's death. The creature fell until it landed on a sharp rock, peircing it's heart.

How do you like it? I plan it to be a series. I'm thinking about calling it Tears and Blood, but i'm starting not to like that name.

Presets & Markings / My First Preset
« on: March 26, 2011, 11:43:00 pm »
OK, before you go down any further, please note that if you are not familiar with The Endless Forest, this preset may be a bit confusing to you.

<img style="visibility:hidden;width:0px;height:0px;" border=0 width=0 height=0 src="*xJmx*PTEzMDExODI4NjczMjcmcHQ9MTMwMTE4Mjg3NjcwMiZwPTIzNDQ3MSZkPSZnPTEmbz**NzgwOTQ2NmI4Njc*NDZlOTQ1/YTc4NmQ5MDI1NjdlOQ==.gif" />                                    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http://i56BannedImageSite/2rdjho9.jpg" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>

<img style="visibility:hidden;width:0px;height:0px;" border=0 width=0 height=0 src="*xJmx*PTEzMDExODI4MDk4MjkmcHQ9MTMwMTE4MjgxNTY*OCZwPTIzNDQ3MSZkPSZnPTEmbz**NzgwOTQ2NmI4Njc*NDZlOTQ1/YTc4NmQ5MDI1NjdlOQ==.gif" />                                    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http://i52BannedImageSite/710e43.jpg" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>

I know, I did an extremely horrible job at this.

Anyways, I did the pelt with the blue neck (I don't know what it's called) and the real deer mask. No antlers because it's a bit hard to make antlers on a preset on a game that's made for wolves and lions, not deer.

I hope you enjoyed my preset!


Forum Games / Choose your fate...
« on: March 26, 2011, 10:58:44 pm »
Have you ever read a "Choose your adventure" book? This game is exactly like it. One person picks one of the options and then I say what happens next. You and your friends can discuss if you like.

Now, let the story begin...

You wake up in a strange, dark, forest. You cannot see the sun. All you see are trees, grass, and the trees beyond. You don't remember who you are or how you got here. And the question, where am I?, stirs in your head. You don't feel human, either. When you try to get up and walk, you fall down. Then you see a puddle. You crawl to it to see your reflection. It appears that in your reflection, you are a_______

A. Wolf

B. Lion

C. Owl

D. Deer

Discussion Board / Which one? Help!
« on: March 24, 2011, 01:00:10 am »
I need help...

At school at the end of each semester students with good grades will get an honor roll. Honor roll, which I got last time, will be given to students who have one C, and the rest As and Bs. I forgot what the second honor roll was called, but students who have all As and Bs will get this. Distinction Honor Roll is for students who get all As (only four people got this, lols). I'm getting all As and Bs, so I'm sure I will get the second one. Dad promised me he will get me either one of these two things as a reward if I get it: An Xbox 360 with Kinect, or an IPod. Which one should I get? I cannot tell!

I have asked people on three sites: This one, The Endless Forest, and Wolfquest. I will chose the one with the most votes.




Feral Heart:










Introduction / Erm... hello.
« on: March 09, 2011, 12:44:49 am »
I've been playing the game for a while and snooping around here on the forum but I never really got to introduce myself.

I'm BlueLegend. Also known as mynameisfaolan on WQ(Wolfquest) and BluedeerLegend18 on TEF(The Endless Forest).

I love all animals, but my favorite animal is the wolf, my second animal is owl, and i'm not telling you my third animal because thats my security question.

I have three animals on the game: A wolf named Starlight, a cat named SpiritStar, and a lion named Claw. I like music and maybe some school, but I hate homework.

Please note that I will be here on the forums all week, but on the game I can only come on on weekends because my parents are divorced. I live with my dad on weekdays and dad won't let me download Feral Heart. But my mom has it, and I can only come to her house on weekdays and Thursdays. Perhaps on some weekdays and dad and is gone and I have to go to moms.

But yeah. I would love to make some new friends on here. So, um... like... hi and everything  :)

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