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Messages - Ryoko

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 56
"I'd be fine if the bullet wasn't lodged in me." She muttered, looking down the ally, a giant box layed empty. Yume grabbed the dead man's arm, dragging him over to the box. She dropped his arm, bending down and grabbing him under his arms, pulling him up and into the box, wincing in pain from lifting heavy weight. She quickly closed the box, looking back over at Taossul.

(waiting for knifenut :P)

"Yeah.. I can smell it.." She smiled, breathing in the sweet scent. "Its the reason I came here." The Flower Maiden was always someone she wanted to see, she would do anything to protect her and keep her safe. She felt like Taossul was trustworthy, cute too. "..What do you say we hide him and follow the scent?" Yume moved her hand from her wound gently checking to see if the bullet was in her, her petite fingers touched metal, making her growl slightly.

(I agree with the idea of them escaping. I don't really know what to do with my hunter right now xD)

"I still feel bad." She laughed softly. "Speaking of him," She smirked, bending down and picking up the food "Hungry?" She smiled, asking. One hand still covering her wound.

(Just waiting for knifenut to reply ^-^)

"Where do we put him then?" She spoke, seeming as if she was out of breath.  Its not like I came here to steal and kill... She thought to herself I didn't want to kill him.. he had a gun.. "I'm sorry that I plowed you over by the way.. And I'm sorry about him." She said softly, kicking the man lightly with her boot.

"No.. well yeah. I'm just used to blood and pain is all." She shrugged. She nodded in agreement, she grabbed the man and threw him over her shoulder, wincing. Her head began to feel light, dropping the man on the ground, and leaning against the alley wall. "Can't we just leave him?" She mumbled.

Yumi looked up, going into human form. "My side." She muttered standing up, her hand immediately covered the wound, blood flowed more heavily. "I'm used to it." She half smiled, "You never told me your name."

Yume let go of the mans hand, the scream ripping apart her senses. She remembered the man underneath her, she snarled, lowering her head down so she was just a hair length away from the mans face. Quickly she moved down to his throat, latching on. You could hear his struggle, the gurgling of his blood coming from his throat, until he stopped moving, breathing. Once she knew he was dead she moved off of him, the mans blood on her jowls. A pain shot through her body, remembering she had been shot. "Thanks.." She mumbled, sitting down, beginning to lick the wound.

The man just laughed and raised his gun "Alright, try." He smirked, then fired the gun. Yume snarls and lunges towards the wall, dodging the bullet. Snarling, she lunged at the man, landing him flat on his back. He lifted the gun and smacked the side of her head making her yelp. She stood over him snarling "Get off!" The man yelled, firing the gun again, lodging into her side. Pain surged through her body starting at the bullets entry point. She snarled biting down on the mans hand, forcing him to drop the gun.


Haru stopped walking and listened, gun shots and yelps. He started running towards the sounds. (I'm doing horrible right nowww >.< mehhhh)

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