Author Topic: The Arcane Games - Multifandom - FlightRising [Inactive since 16/02/2016]  (Read 2380 times)

Offline KawaiiWolf101

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We are but a small fraction of the enormity of the cosmos.
I want to learn more.

You're one of the many entities chosen by your host, the Arcanist. This ancient god is hosting these games to learn more about you, your race, and your universe in its entirety. Beware, those - these games hold many difficult challenges. You must navigate the land carefully in order to survive, and each unique area has its own dangers. Beasts lurk around every corner, and you do not know when the next one will strike. Beware of the dragons inhibiting each area as well, as they do not take kindly to trespassers. Oh - don't forget the deities of generations past who reside in the most dangerous areas of each reigon...

1. You may use minor violence (small cuts, broken bones, etc.), but using major violence (unnecessarily deep cuts, other unmentionable things) is forbidden. Now, I know that some of you might be mentally complaining about this, but please remember that there are also kids and squeamish people roaming these forums. I'd like to keep the violence down for these people.
2. Don't go killing someone else's character unless they permit you to do so.
3. No Mary/Gary Sues. Please be reasonable with your character's abilities and characteristics.
4. FlightRising Gods/Deities are reserved for THREAD MODS ONLY. I hope you understand this as they are pretty powerful.
5. Don't power-play. Nobody likes an overpowered character.

Breaking any of the above rules (excluding number 4 or 3) will result in a one-time warning. After this, breaking any of the rules will result in a temporary ban/kick/strike from the thread.

Break the rules once: 24 hour ban (1 day ban)
Break the rules twice: 168 hour ban (7 day or 1 week ban)
Break the rules thrice (three times): 720 hour ban (about 1 month ban)
Break the rules four times: Permanent ban

Trying to break rule 4 or 3 (by submitting a form) will only get you a reminder of either rule depending on which one you broke. This does not and will not ban you in any way, as those rules does not have anything to do with the actual roleplay itself, just the entry form. The other 3 rules do involve one's actions in the roleplay.

Moderators are not to abuse their power by putting down others, bullying them, and the like. They are to set an example to others by being responsible with their position. If they do not meet this requirement, their status is removed and the god/deity they're playing as is then free to be taken up by a new mod. Now, let the games...

« Last Edit: July 01, 2019, 01:03:36 pm by Scallywag »

Offline KawaiiWolf101

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Re: The Arcane Games - Multifandom - FlightRising
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2016, 05:30:16 am »
You're free to make your own forms for submission. However, if you're lacking the idea for a form or just want to know what I'd like to see in a character, the following code drop is what you need. Remember, pictures are optional, but if you don't have one, you'll need to provide a description for your character. Feel free to use canon characters from already existing franchises/fandoms (example: Steven Universe, Warrior Cats, Team Fortress 2, etc.) or use an OC (Original Character) stemming off from one of these fandoms.

Code: [Select]
[center][img]Replace this with your image URL[/img]
[b]Fandom (if any):[/b]
[b]Description (optional):[/b]
[b]History (optional):[/b]
« Last Edit: February 16, 2016, 01:57:18 am by Loveheart »

Offline KawaiiWolf101

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Re: The Arcane Games - Multifandom - FlightRising
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2016, 02:18:39 am »
Owner's characters are in pink.
Moderator's characters are in orange.

Loveheart - The Arcanist