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Messages - CloudFeesh

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Game Discussion / Re: Multiple Roleplays
« on: February 22, 2012, 03:24:27 pm »
  I tend to jump around a little, mostly because I am in such a terrible timezone. When everyones rolaplaying I'm asleep or something XD So no one is ever on when I am. I have seen country exclusive roleplays and it peeves me off so bad. It tends to be either laziness on their part or discrimination, as I have seen one somewhere that said they didn't want people from other countries that didn't speak english because they didn't want to put up with terrible spelling and such. Really? Not all people who don't speak English as their first language are terrible at writing in English!

And I completely agree with you. I feel it's unfair for roleplays to be timezone exclusive. However, it makes finding suitable times for everyone, really hard. When it comes to accepting people into my roleplays, I always take into consideration the person's nationality and first language, and base it more on their ability to move forward with an event efficiently in a paragraph or so, than their spelling. A basic grasp is all I really desire.

However, I too have been in groups before that has discriminated against players because of their lack on the English language and their spelling errors. While I agree this is unfair, and quite frankly, really rude, it is ultimately up to the group leader who they want in their group. I can't recall if there are any rules against discrimination on the site, (I want to say there aren't) however, it seems bullying isn't tolerated? Though, I don't believe people can be punished for not allowing people into a group, (You would know before I would) so I don't think there are really any means to help those who are turned away except for them to seek lower leveled roleplays, (which they possibly may not even enjoy) or find a more accepting one.

Seeing as I'm not the only one who feels country-exclusive roleplays are unfair, I will most definitely not be implementing that into my own.

Game Discussion / Re: Multiple Roleplays
« on: February 22, 2012, 02:53:46 pm »
I agree with Kitsune, in a way. It seems every time I go to advertise in Fluorite Plains, I end up seeing at least two or three other groups that are basically offering the same thing I am. It then becomes a competition of who can get the players to their side. And in contrast, there are times when there are no advertisements at all in general, and one gets swamped with those are itching to join, and no where to go.


The only problem I see with advertising when ever the active group count gets low, is keeping track of them all. And in retrospect, I'd simply be adding more and more people to an active-watch. Our roleplay is plot-centered, as we're going towards a certain goal and so it's hard to introduce new members that frequently. Though, I suppose like you said, that could only add to the plot.

The forum, though we have one, and a number of our members use it or check it at least once a week or so, the only problem with that is, I've noticed a number of people will sign up for it, and then never come back to check it. They do it simply to get the map, and then it's game over for the forum. I attempt to make timezone friendly events, however it is hard to do with the combined schedule of all the members, and so I've used a poll in the past to pick an ideal day, and such, etc. The time is the problem most people need to be able to hammer.

In which case, I believe I would have to limit my member's nationality, in order for the roleplay to be more organized and correlated. as much as I would hate to do that, it is something I am considering for the next time I advertise.

I agree with you in that jumping around roleplays to get acquaintances is a good idea, and I've gained members that way in the past, however it's finding the time to actually go through the process of snatching them away that I find tedious.

Another thing I thought of, sparked by what Kitsune said, how she leaves when she feels the odd one out. People tend to leave if they're "bored" during roleplay, however, they complain that no one is interacting with them, when they themselves are doing nothing to interact with anyone else. When I join a roleplay, I usually sit around until there is actually no reason for me to do be there, if all the members have left, or gone offline, because I believe it's rude to the leader, to leave because I grow bored; I leave when I'm needed in my own roleplay, and even then, I ask if they mind me leaving. I could just be too considerate though. 

Forum Suggestions & Ideas / Re: The Downloads area
« on: February 21, 2012, 03:21:21 pm »
Sounds like your friend should know that players have their own responsibility to read everything on the website pertaining to the game. If they click something they "shouldn't", it's their own fault. The information is there, it just has to be used.

Game Discussion / Multiple Roleplays
« on: February 20, 2012, 03:56:13 pm »
As a user with their own roleplay group in game, I try to refrain from joining long-term groups in my down-time, because as I have little time to put into my own, I feel it is wrong for me to try and join more than one, and take up space in someone else's roleplay. My pride is my priority in game, and so when none of my members are on, and I'm stuck sitting in the map alone because I despise sitting in Fluorite, I'm wanting to join something else to pass the time.

I try to join short-term roleplays, or one's that will have so many members, they will not miss me if I'm gone.

However, because I'm a jerk of a person, I get angry that my members can freely roleplay-hop at their will. Whenever there is roleplay about to occur in the group's map, I pull up my friend's list and whisper every member in the group to let them know that there is roleplay going on and they are welcome to join if they so desire. But I can not count how many times these whispers go brushed off or ignored by the same user multiple times.

Do you as a player think it's okay to join multiple roleplays and never devote to one sole group? Or is it okay to have multiple groups to bounce around in as a fall back. In my experience, it's because the members tend to hop around that groups end up falling apart. And of course, that could be the group leader's fault for not providing a good enough experience for the group, but still.

I myself have been guilty of jumping, though I've tried to do it less since I've started the pride again, keeping it within one fall-back roleplay at a time, and keeping it unless the group becomes inactive itself.

Opinions and say-so's. Shoot.

Member Bio & Journals / Re: There Are Fish In The Sky.
« on: February 20, 2012, 03:42:42 pm »
Wow is all I expect you to say.

The same thing happened to me recently, the only way to really fix it is to completely clear out everything and then to reinstall Feral Heart. Make copies of any presets or maps you want to keep, but otherwise, make sure it's /all/ gone.

Site/Forum Help / Re: The forum won't show!
« on: February 17, 2012, 05:27:12 pm »
Considering you're the only one having these problems, isn't it obvious it's a problem on your end. Maybe it IS your browser or connection. The website loads fine for me, even on my iPod. Try a different web browser.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Map owner rights
« on: February 17, 2012, 04:53:43 pm »
I kind of like the idea of at least having  a way for map makers to put a trademark type thing into the actual map. Someone mentioned before having like the mapmaker's username pop up upon entry. Seems simple enough to include, I think.

I quite like all of these ideas. Especially the auto-reply. I despise coming back to a butt-load of whispers and having to sort out all the people freaking out as to why I'm not replying to their samples. I also like the in-game messaging, for the reasons you stated. I also like the character counter, simply because I hate having to cycle through my characters to find the one I use most.

Game Discussion / Re: places to go on feralheart
« on: February 17, 2012, 03:48:26 pm »
Ascension Island is accessed through Lonely Cave, it's the default map for Feral Heart.  You go on top of the den to get there. South Pole is also accessed through this default map. Through The South Pole, you can reach Atlantis, I believe it's in the top right hand corner of the map? Maybe left. Last Cave is reached through Atlantis, under water. Sky's Rim is accessed through Ascension Island once you reach the top.

You have to be playing the regular Feral Heart, not Plus, to get to all these maps.

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