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Messages - SteampunkWolfdog

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Game Help / Re: Unable to get in to the game..
« on: August 13, 2016, 06:31:06 pm »
Make sure you're logging in to this: Just put your in-game details in there and you're ready to go. And remember to keep that page open while you're playing the game, otherwise you'll be disconnected.

Discussion Board / Re: What was the latest time you ever slept?
« on: August 13, 2016, 06:27:29 pm »
At a 'party' over at a friend's house - I went to bed at about 3am and probably didn't get to sleep until about 4-ish, being in a bed that wasn't my own and (not naming names) someone was snoring. Suffice it to say I felt like a zombie the following day. Couldn't do it again. I struggle staying up late nowadays. I'm getting old.

Presets & Markings / Re: I'm Dying
« on: August 13, 2016, 06:23:12 pm »
Lurvly presets. Can see you worked hard on them.

Game Discussion / Re: What map would you live in?
« on: August 12, 2016, 07:08:50 pm »
I'm torn. Either Seaside Grove or Cherika Valley. Perhaps I'd migrate between them seasonally xD

Discussion Board / Re: Fried egg or boiled egg?
« on: August 09, 2016, 06:07:51 pm »
Neither. I like my eggs scrambled.

Mine was a Highland map inspired by my holiday to Scotland a few years ago. It had mountains, valleys, lochs, forests and dens. It wasn't bad for a first try, but as with everything it could have been better.
Though I don't make many maps now I think I've improved since then...I hope.

Introduction / Re: am back
« on: August 09, 2016, 04:09:24 pm »
Welcome back, Vev! Hope you enjoy the nice new things we got since you were gone. :)

Presets & Markings / Re: Realistic Lion Preset
« on: August 08, 2016, 07:18:54 pm »
Oh, very nice. I like. Rawr.

In-Game Based Roleplay / The Roleplay Guide
« on: August 08, 2016, 02:24:34 pm »
The Roleplay Guide

Child Boards

Groups Roleplay Board - roleplay with your groups here.
Group Advertising Board - find and join a roleplay group, or advertising your group.

Tips for Finding Roleplays

Here are some useful tips for finding the types of roleplays you want instead of manually scrolling through the entire board.

- Use the forum search bar to find the specific type of roleplay you're after. E.g. wolf rp, lion pride, realistic.

- Click of the search tab underneath your avatar to do a more advanced search.
- Type the sort of roleplay you want in the box.
- Change 'Match all words' to 'Match any words'
- Next to where it says 'Search order', use the drop-down menu to select 'Most recent topics first' to ensure you don't get old threads showing up.
- Underneath it will say 'Choose board to search in, or search all'. Uncheck the box where it says 'Check all'.
- A list of all the boards on the forum will appear. Then check the boxes of the boards you want to search. For roleplays, you'll want to search 'Group Advertising board' or 'Group roleplay board'.

About activity and such

Try not to join too many roleplays at once. Joining too many can make it hard to be active enough for all of them. 1 or 2 is usually enough.
Also, if we believe you are spamming up the Roleplay sections by constantly creating new RP's we will lock them and have you choose one or two to keep open and get rid of the rest.

Roleplay Vocabulary

A list of roleplay terms and what they mean - useful for here and in-game.

IC - in character (you are speaking and behaving as your character)
OOC - out of character (you are speaking and behaving as yourself, not your character)
BIC - back in character (going from out of character to in character)
Godmodding - where your character has 'godlike' powers
Powerplaying - similar to Godmodding, e.g. *dodges their attack, bites their neck and kills them instantly* (You are advised not to do this.)
Mary Sue - also seen in the fanfiction community, refers to a character that could be described as flawless with no imperfections or undesirable characteristics.
Mapped - takes place inside a custom map.
Sited - the group has their own website/forum
Literate - use of correct spelling and grammar
"Illiterate" - the group uses basic literacy skills, not very picky about RP style
Semi-literate - somewhere between literate and "illiterate", some mistakes in spelling and grammar are forgiven.
Realistic - appearance and behaviour mirrors that of the real world species.
Semi-realistic - some unnatural markings/colours and behaviours for the species are accepted

Also check out the Character & Roleplay Tutorials board for useful guides on roleplaying made by community members.

Happy roleplaying!

Introduction / Re: Hello From Someone Who was Here Before
« on: August 06, 2016, 08:30:35 pm »
Pleased to meet you, miss. I hope you enjoy FeralHeart again in all its newness. ^^

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