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Messages - TaRoRe

Pages: [1]
Introduction / Re: Yo, Ta’Ro’Re in the Haus!
« on: April 07, 2019, 11:02:16 pm »
The great Ta'Ro'Re speaks such thanks to the people who have complimented him.
 The great Ta'Ro'Re blesses those who have complimented him, and those further down the line.

Forum Games / Re: Spam my life away
« on: April 07, 2019, 12:41:10 pm »

Forum Games / Spam my life away
« on: April 07, 2019, 12:40:36 pm »
Just spam this post XD POST WHATEVER YA WANT! And spam it!
I don’t care haha

Spam my life away

Forum Games / Re: "This Or That" game
« on: April 07, 2019, 12:37:42 pm »
(Specifically golden tigers OwO )

Ocean, lake or river?

Introduction / Yo, Ta’Ro’Re in the Haus!
« on: April 07, 2019, 10:03:38 am »
Hello hello! I am ta’ro’re!
  If you happen to know my full title you may feel displeased, disgusted, and I be frowned upon. As the leaders here ‘press me down. So please grant me a little space as I earn my place, back in the game. Where I had families, love lives and so many memories. Memories that I thought would live a life time, but instead weren’t enough to keep me satisfied and warm as I travel through my tough years. Battling in college, not in hopes for a god darn degree or anything... really.

I was born in the south of San Jose California, had a heart problem momma, they took me north to San Fran’ where I was in and out under the table. Three times before I became 2 years old. God wasn’t fair to me, dear god he wasn’t, that was until the little boy who went in for surgery, the same issue as me, died on the table. God wasn’t fair to him, wasn’t fair to his family! Bless that child’s parents, God bless them.

I come home and was raised with my two elder sisters. Beautiful life, beautiful family. It wasn’t till then in grade 6 I was diagnosed ‘ON THE SPECTRUM’ which apparently is an overused term doctors just spit on every kid if they have some silly long term obsession and enjoy art and crap!

Well I didn’t let that rule me out! Who cares! I went on to be, not only a mistress in drawing, but as well an explorer of many arts, many cultures, I sailed through paintings, flown over sculptures, and even hiked over costume design!

So question me not, don’t dare reveal the name. Don’t dare reveal the secret... of TA’RO’RE

Thank you everyone, have a good night

Forum Games / Re: "This Or That" game
« on: April 07, 2019, 09:31:36 am »
Dr. Pepper all DA WAY!

Coke or Pepsi

Forum Games / Re: "This Or That" game
« on: May 23, 2018, 04:35:58 pm »

Werewolves? or Vampires?

Pages: [1]