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Topics - Ex0rcist

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Introduction / 'Good to be back.
« on: December 21, 2013, 07:19:40 pm »
It has been a while since I was involving myself with the Feralheart community... and might I say, it is good to be back. I was taking a little break due to a few complications in my personal life as well as most of my time being used up for a lot of schoolwork. Hopefully now I'll be able to get myself back in here and spend a bit of time with my amazing friends. I couldn't even think of creating a thread about my small departure... I didn't want to take a break from here in the first place. But I did, and it has passed... and so now I am back here with a new look, new style, new name, new character... Ahh. ~

My username is still ex0rcist, but I'm hoping it could be changed to Scyntel soon. Say hello to my new character as well. She is in my signature, and aye... She's my bby.
I'll try my best to mingle yet again and to just talk with you floofs. It is great to be back. ^^

Art Gallery / Exxle's Artwork
« on: October 05, 2013, 10:50:10 pm »
Ahh, I guess now is the time for me to finally create my art thread. It has been requested from a few friends recently, so here it is for ye' all to see. ~ I might take requests / commissions, but it undecided for now since it takes a while for me to complete new drawings.



This was a very old drawing. I enjoy doing lineless drawings, but they sometimes don't come out the way I want them to.

These, as well, are a bit old. I am quite the fan of TrueMU {Minecraft Universe; Jason}, SkyDoesMinecraft {SkyDoesMC; SkythekidRS; Adam}, and Deadlox {Ty}.


A lit'le drawing done a long while back dedicated to the characters of my friend and I. Talon {the dark-hued brute, belonging to me} and his beloved mate {the striped dame, belonging to Logical} have been put to rest a while ago, and I have taken the liberty to do a small tribute to them both for the memories they've given us.


Exxle, my lovely OC. This was an old style I've drawn her with... Well, I change the look of my drawings often. This has been done at least a month ago.


This was drawn along with a song I was addicted to. This drawing contains my older OC, Talon.


This was done just recently, a drawing of one of my characters, Viriden. She is the Saintess of my new roleplay group known as {S}avage {S}inners - Inekryn. This is the new style I have assigned myself to, and I love it dearly... However, it takes a very long time to complete just the lineart {about two to three weeks}.




For Feareh's birthday, I drew her a lit'le running animation of her OC, Feareh.


For Re's birthday, I drew her a running animation of her OC, Re.


Yar, a present for the lovely RawSyndicate. Contains her OC, Rawy, as well as a quote "A chance for better days", said by Raw herself.


My two best friends have been dating for quite a while now, so I've decided to draw their characters together in a fluffy cuddle. <3


Done for my friend, Colten. Only a few know who he is. >.>


{Note: These banners are strictly prohibited from use by any others. These were made for fun, and basically have no meaning for anything whatsoever.}


Not exactly used as a banner. Contains my OC, Exxle, during her darkest hours.


A banner that took me forever to complete. 'Tis for my friend's and I's very own, personal game company known as CrimsonSnake Studios. Yes, I along with a friend, am working on a videogame currently. The banner for said videogame can be seen down below.
{Note: DO NOT claim or copy CrimsonSnake Studios in ANY way. We have underwent certain copyrights for it, so copying it would be deemed illegal.}


Yes, here is the game we are creating. I am not giving out any information until we are close to finishing with it.


A banner I created for Feralheart Offical Roleplay Day, containing my OC, Exxle.




A small request of both her OC, Crisis, and her own species.


A simple gallop animation of her OC, Crisis.


Lol.... self-explanatory. Requested by one of my real life friends.

Ask Me / Ask Exxle
« on: August 17, 2013, 06:15:34 am »
Yar, the name says it all... and 'tis obviously placed in the "Ask Me" child board, pfftt. Anyways, if you have any questions {strange, derpy, relevant, I'll accept any questions you have to offer}, feel free to post 'em below and I'll get to them hopefully as soon as possibru.

Without further ado, ask away. ~ Now, so you don't waste any questions, I will not answer any questions regarding my personal life or point of exact origin. I don't want unwanted stalkers... Bweheheh.

Want some based information about who's behind the screen of Exxle? Here is my biography: Exxle's Puppeteer

Forum Games / Fortunate, Unfortunate
« on: July 23, 2013, 10:13:11 am »
Yar, welcome to Fortunate, Unfortunate. 'Tis a simple game to play, for example:

One person would say something like, "Fortunately, I have a dog."
The next poster would say, "Unfortunately, it ran away."
And so on. You'd continue with another "fortunate", being followed by yet another "unfortunate".

I'll start us off.

"Fortunately, I can ride a horse."

Forum Games / .ToNgue TwiSte?z.
« on: July 18, 2013, 07:50:52 am »
The title says it all, no? All you have to do is write your tongue twister, and those who post next will rate how difficult it was to read and then post one of their own. I thought this would be fun, for many simply enjoy twisting their tongue in tingling, twisting tongue twisters. ~

0/10 = 'Twas not difficult.
5/10 = Slightly twisted my tongue.
10/10 = My tongue hurts, rather...
1st Person: Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
2nd Person: 7.3/10
                  Sally sells seashells at the seashore.

And so on...

I'll start:

If two witches would watch two watches, which witch would watch which watch?"

Game Discussion / An Idea for another FH Mini-Game...
« on: July 13, 2013, 07:04:59 am »
Yar, I've had an idea that's been bothering me for quite a while now. I've seen plenty of other Feralheart mini-games thought up by fellow floofs. Ah, and by "mini-games", I mean those small events or games within a map to socialize with other floofs and, overall, just have fun. I had the thought that, why not... I'll contribute my ideas as well, perhaps.

I've come up with everything:
- The game, and its name.
- Guidelines / Rules.
- Map.
- ... Uhm... other.. things.. Like I said.... I gotz everything planned out... BU

Anyhow, the only thing I'm waiting for is feedback and opinions regarding the overall perspective on it... deciding whether or not it should be a fun game for floofs to partake in, it becoming an event that can occur every so often, ways to bond with other people and gain a teamwork trust. Let me explain a bit of the game, shall I? I'm waiting to put it into its own separate thread to explain more, until I get approval. c:

The game is called "Parkour Legions", the name saying it all. It is a parkour-based map with many obstacles to overcome, and I will let you know that it will be no easy ride. For those who don't understand what "parkour" means:

Parkour: the sport of moving along a route, trying to get around or through various obstacles in the quickest and most efficient manner possible, as by jumping, climbing, or running.

Note: You've been to Ascension Island, perhaps? That is parkour, endless jumping to reach to the top... with a few difficulties in your path. That's an example of how parkour truly is, of course.

Now, even if the definition states it, there will be no climbing, for you can't in Feralheart, eh? It will be about agility and clever-thinking, as well as the pressure put upon you by the other teams trying to reach the goal. This is another thing. At the center of the map is the goal you must reach {a portal to the second map}. There are four paths you can take, however, there will be four teams. One will cover each path, and it is treated like a race of never-ending jumping and perfect timing actions... as well as a bit of patience.

You guys are fond of the "Set Home" technique, right? You are NOT allowed to do that, under any circumstances. There will be checkpoints, and only on those checkpoints are you allowed to set home. You have only five lives, meaning if you have fallen a maximum of five times, you are out of the game. You are free to add wings to your character and spectate the others. ~ {Another thing, you may not have wings while participating in the game. ~}

Now, you may think, "Wouldn't it be easier to have no teams... and just have individual people take the each path?" NEIN. With this, not many people would be able to play... and the reason there are teams is because (1) it is great to communicate with each another, forming trusts and gains, contemplating with one another your plans and form great friendships, and (2) having no teams will defeat the whole purpose of the term "legions". As well, now, many people make mistakes and fall to their defeat. Those who surely do reach the goal will be able to participate in the next map... so there will still be a sort of "team" if perhaps seven or eight per team are able to make it through.

The next map will be slightly harder than the first, to surely deduct the size of each team for the final map, which is the most difficult. The team that reaches the center before all else are deemed "True Parkour Legends", and added to my Parkour Hall of Fame. I haven't figured out what to do with the rewards yet, perhaps you guys can help me out here? The reward system however is...

1st to reach the center:
2nd to reach:
3rd to reach:

It may look confusing, but what it actually is, is which team has reached the center first. Who in that team reached the goal first, who reached it second, and who reached it third. They will be rewarded with wonderful things (still need to figure that out...), and the rest of them team will gain smaller prizes for their effort. The remaining teams will have next time to redeem their worthy parkour skills... and perhaps be the lucky ones next time to gain their prizes.

Now the maps, I'm working on them. I don't have screenshots as of now, but I will once I get around to it. The rules I have planned out. Now there will be an FAQ guide on the actual thread, for I know there are questions left unanswered. The thread will, indeed, explain much more so you can get a better understanding.

Now, what do you guys think? Is it good, perhaps...? Possibly..? Maybe.. I'd love some opinions and feedback, as well as some suggestions for rewards? I will also accept some suggestions to make the game more enjoyable. c:

Stories / .:Feralheart Creepypasta:.
« on: July 12, 2013, 11:35:57 am »
Feralheart Creepypasta

I've read a few of the creepypasta stories on here, and I've had a true fancy of writing stories that can haunt those who read 'em. I've decided to share one of my ideas, and as always, feedback is requested.

NOTE: This is not the scariest or the best at all. It was literally about 4:30 in the morning and I'm a bit.... eh... I don't even know if this is eerie at all... But this is only my subtle versions. Wait until later, floofz. I may have to warn as well that there is slight gore involved. View at your own risk, and enjoy!~

This story is called Fingerpainting..

*crackle* I've been watching you... *crackle*

The distant voice echoes within my head, the pitch sounding similar to the chilling noise of nails on a chalkboard...
It's currently... huh... It's currently 5:27 a.m, my favourite hour of the day. Reason being because I'm the only one in the house who refers to it as "haunted hour", considering it's the only time of day where strange things occur. There's nothing I can do, as well, for I wake up five minutes before it all begins... forced to face the paranormality. I've got three others... my parents and my sister... none of them have to witness such foolery as this...

To speed up the time, I log onto Feralheart and select a random character, Zohra, my striped canine with deep orange-red eyes that could make you cringe with utter delight or static. Not many people were on, and on the forums it had said "Game server is online with 321 users playing". I suppose it was a bit too early for anyone to be on.

I've reached Bonfire, and was surprised to see just one user in the map opposed to nearly a hundred.The user was playing as a pup, coloured pitch black with deep red markings that appeared similar to fresh blood. The eyes were glowing slit, set to an eerie white tinted with faded crimson. I thought it was a creatively created character, but just before I was about to speak to the user, a received a whisper from unknown:

? ? ?: Don't speak to the pup.

My reaction was simply obvious, to say that I was questioning this greatly. After reading the line of text, I look back at the pup only to see it vanished. Strange textures were scattered on the ground where Zohra was standing, looking similar to painted hand-prints. I was unsure of what was going on, and immediately decided to quit the game. As soon as I pressed the Esc. key on my keyboard, the pup's face of intense surreality filled my screen... so life-like and mind-twisted. Its features were unsustainable to my eyes and I pressed Esc. again only to hear a child's laughter.
I literally froze as the user now spoke to me with sentences not made sense...:

---: Three's what you've got...

I didn't understand what he or she meant. I waited incase the user had anything else to say. After five minutes of maintaining my patience, I heard a screech from my sister's bedroom... and a strange squish, splosh, squelch, like the sounds of a child stamping their hand heavily coated with fingerpaint on a canvas. I could not move... I didn't want to move. I gently called out my sister's name, only to be answered by a deafening thud. I shut my eyes and looked back at the screen.
The pup was closer to Zohra as before... and he or she now typed the next sentence:

---: Two's left for now...

It was the same as before... I heard the noises as well as a scream from my mother... My heart was racing as more thudding noises filled the house as well more laughter from what sounded like a child... Tears slid down my face as I was forced to look at the screen again, the pup closer now.

---: One shall be taken...

Thuds, stabbing noises, laughter... my father's cry of heavy pain dealt. I could not take it anymore, as my head moved towards the screen by itself once more... Zohra laying on her side, hollowed from the inside and attached to bloodied strings.

---: 321, what's that without zero?

After the user sent that message, I heard a chorus of amused giggling coming from above me, as I saw shadowy figure cling to my wall staring straight at me. I screamed at the top of my lungs out of frustration, hitting my monitor hard. A bloody imprint of where my fist hit the screen was visible, as well as the words "I was only just fingerpainting..." I ran to my room, noticing my entire house was covered with bloody handprints. The clock read 5:52 a.m. Feralheart has frightened me... As I laid in bed, I felt the presence of something.... I turned to look and saw Zohra being puppeteered by the pup, the shadowy figure with a child's laughter... And with a bloodied paw, pointed to my wall where the bodies of my parents and sister were hung.
I burst into tears as the pup whispered to me, "One hour you've got until the time ticks to 'zero'... And to any others you've told this to." I'm sorry I told you guys... Farewell...

Yar... thanks for reading. It's not the scariest, mostly because I'm saving that for later. Feedback is highly requested for I'd love to do more of these.~

Presets & Markings / Exxle's Presets [Updated 7/15/13]
« on: July 05, 2013, 09:33:34 pm »


Welcome to my preset shop. ~ Glad you've taken an interest, and I hope you enjoy some of my presets. If you'd like to make a request, you can fill out the application form located at the bottom of this thread. c: A suggestion when making a request:

Dolldivine has wonderful character creators you can use for any reference pic -

Preset for my character, Exxle.

My very first preset.

A Red Ra}V{age preset I've created for one of my characters. No longer a part of that group, though.

Another preset for one of charries belonging in .:S:Silber Hande:S:.

Requested by my friend. ~

Requested by ღϟ☁ᙡᓰℱᓰ☁ϟღ

Requested by Broken Wing

Requested by Hugrf

Requested by Emopunk

Requested by BlueCrisis

- Complicated designs
- Double-sided
- Transparency
- Wings
- Multi-coloured manes
- Different species (such as dragons, griffins, horses, etc.)

- Scrolling textures
- Animated designs
- Glowing markings

Preset Folder #:
Canine or Feline model:
        ╚> Left Side general info:
        ╚> Right side general info:
        ╚> Bat or Angel:
        ╚> Appearance:
Available Download for others or Private:

1. Amy Shook [50%]
2. iMello //completed\\
3. R4V3N //completed\\
4. R4V3N //completed\\
5. R4V3N [0%]

Game Discussion / Give 'em a chance.
« on: July 05, 2013, 10:09:52 am »
Not quite sure if this topic belongs here. If not, please move it if needed. ~

I'm only posting this topic as requested by several friends. I know many have put a ton of effort into making their very own roleplay groups, but when recruiting or advertising, most hardly get noticed at all whether it be advertising in-game {not General-wise, but Locally at SB or Cape Portal, etc.} or on the Advertising board.

I've been noticing: The reason being is because players often come across group members that use incorrect grammar and / or txt speak. Also on their group's bio and site, there are also grammatically incorrect content found within. Their plot may look unorganized perhaps, as well as their ranking information. Because of that, they hardly get any recognition at all, or participators. Awr, come on... This doesn't mean that that group will result in terrible things. You can't base a group off of how they type or do things. Like one always says, "Don't base a book off its cover." That is, indeed, what applies here as well. Just because such uses incorrect grammar or contains a messy structure, doesn't mean it will be terrible. Heck, it could turn out to be an amazing roleplay group, so give others out thar a chance and step up, participate even. If you have ever created a group yourself, you know how difficult and time-consuming it is to apply all your effort into it, and how stressful it may be when all that work leads to nothing.

So if you ever come across a group that currently contains no members at all, don't be afraid to give the creator a chance and help him / her. I hope this has a positive impact on most RP groups, now. If it does, then I'll be glad. c: I mean, we're all one big and happy community.. We'll always have each other's back.

Sorry if this was a waste of your time, but I want those who've worked hard on creating a roleplay get what they deserve. Any feedback or opinions? Are you one who willing to try new things, or one who sticks with more professional groups?

Characters / Favorite Character Contest Winner - Exxle!
« on: July 04, 2013, 11:09:17 pm »

Exxle {Exe} Arthfael Sicarius.

137 years old.


Exe Canidae.

A canine unlike any other,
though shares the appearance of another.
A body it shall own,
with unknown markings shown.
Beheaded like a wraith,
though the rest is left unscathed.

Exxle is a lovely shade of light grey tinted with a bit of blue. Her underfur is of a darker hue, and covers the bottom half of both her hinds and fores. Upon her pelt are unusual coloured markings, mostly an uncanny shade of orange with purple highlights. This adds more of a "radioactive" feel to her appearance, for her species requires just that. Her tail will always remain sickle, as a sign of calculating any signs of movements within the air.
Exxle's skull shows somewhat different colours to that of other skulls, due to being tested on by human scientists many years ago. During a fatal operation, the scientists have removed the entire flesh of her face, thus her skull will remain disclosed. These tests included several life-scarring mutations as well, which explains the visibility of her spinal region as well as the addition of horns to give her more of a "wraith" type appearance.
Exxle may contain the regular build of a canine, but within her skeletal system are various robotic parts that enhances both durability and strength. Within her hinds are several contracted pieces, as well as a self-operating pully system which allows unbelievable speed and jumping boosts. Glowing mechanical eyes have replaced her normal ones, and allows her to see in x-ray, ultraviolet, sonar, and infrared visions.

Despite hostile looks, Exxle remains as passive or neutral in mood. She is very easy-going, and takes plenty of time to set back and relax a bit when others aren't around. At times, she will not accept any company due to her independence, and will often get a bit irritated with those who bother her. When in a very good and uplifting mood, Exxle will set out to search for floofs to socialize with, treating them with utter kindness and care. To good friends, she remains protective towards them and will definitely risk her life for their well being. Anyone who breaches through to her bad side will face the fury of this Cyborg. It's all fun and games until someone looses a head. ~ Aside from all that, Exxle is indeed very intelligent. Her head contains a memory disk and hard drive inserted by the scientists, to lodge important information within her mind to achieve in various activites.

Exxle was not like how she is currently. She was born as a breed of a Kai Ken Shepherd mix, her pelt being a rich shade of brown and her stripes corresponding with a lighter tan. Exxle has grown alongside two sisters and one brother, each a solid playmate often times. Their relationships have grown and were strongly entwined, they would do everything together. Exxle would always be nominated for "top dog" during most of the things they've played, such as typical tug-of-war, or a simple game of tag.

Being only strays, Exxle and her siblings were found running around in the streets by various humans in white coats. Their mother had not known of the situation, until she came back with several plump rats hunted near sewer pipes. She located the scent of each pup, and hesitantly followed the track until it faded away where Exxle and the others have been captured. Their faint scents have lead her out in the open streets, cars whizzing past her. She did not seem to mind the loss of her life, for she has lost those she loves. With a weak mind, she stepped in front of a speeding car... to end her life.

After what seemed like ages within the hands of the humans, Exxle found herself alone in a metal bar cage. With panick, she scanned her surroundings in hope to find her siblings. What came to her surprise, was the fact that there were plenty of other caged dogs in the same room as her. Many were covered with dried or fresh blood, others with a few limbs amputated, and a majority of them with their faces torn off and wires stabbing through their body structure. To Exxle, it was a horrific sight to have been seen, and she wanted very much to get out of there. Constant head slamming into the metal bars caused her to become exhausted, and with no true intentions, she fell into a deep sleep.

Once Exxle has awoken, she felt an eerie chill brushed along her underbelly, hearing the foreign languages spoken by humans. Her only instinct was to squirm and try to escape, though her paws were strapped tightly against a metal table covered with blood from past experimentations. Looking around, Exxle froze at the sight of her brother who hung by a rusted cloths hanger, limp and not breathing. Tears filled her eyes as she started whining, only to be silenced by a brutal impact by a nearby scientist. It was then, when Exxle felt searing pain within her spinal region.

Hours past, Exxle paralyzed from countless shots and medications. Blood trickled down from the center of her back, as she felt wires clamp tightly around her rib cage, connecting to a robotic heart they've inserted. She was left in quarantine for weeks, unable to move or make a sound. To the eyes of others, she looked like an unimportant stray dog, sprawled on her belly with small pliers sticking out her back. A depressing sight it was... and Exxle hated every moment of it. She spent years like this, suffering from great pain. The worst she has ever encountered was feeling the humans tear off her face and scoop her eyes out. She wasn't blind for long, until they replaced her eyes with robotic optics connecting to a camera bit placed in her head.

"Such great pain they give me. I'd rather suffer being hit by a truck, thrown off a two-story building, and stabbed multiple times in the chest altogether. That is how bad this is... God, forgive me please. I will end my life tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow. Bring all this pain to an end... Do you really love me, anyhow..? If you did, then I'd be back with my mother... and the comfort of my siblings, living a happy life... But no. You have betrayed me..."

These words triggered hatred in each dog that was experimented on, thus a large mass attack took place in the labs. Many scientists were killed by the metallic fangs of fully mutated Cyborgs, and with great fury, the humans thought to have killed off every Exe Canidae. No, very few managed to escape the onslaught, Exxle including. She has escaped the labs before fully becoming a Cyborg, though robotic pieces still remain within her. The replacement of both her brain and heart will cause her to last for a long time, her current age being 137 years old.

At the time now, Exxle roams within Flourite Plains, meeting many great floofs. Memories still haunt her, and the question of what had happened to her sisters remains in her head. She has great prayers for her mother and brother, and will never forget the moments they've shared.

- Exe Canidaes consists of canines who have been experimented on by humans. They have been mutated and transformed to become Cyborgs.

- The term "Exe" in Exe Canidae refers to ".exe", a program on a PC used to perform certain tasks. Exe Canidaes are the .exe's of the real world.

- "Exxle" is Exe's nickname, but because I loved how better sounding it was (thank you, .Re.~ c:), I have decided to rename Exe that.

Exe, .exe, Exxle, Ex0rcist, Cist, Exist, Cist0r, Wraith, Fluffy floof, Badarse (yah..), Dah Floofy Magicness.

Exxle loves looking at the sky, cloud gazing, star watching, etc. It reminds her of her past relatives, how bright and kind they were. She believes that they are somewhere up there, looking after her... guiding her.

Quarantine. One word, one simple word. Exxle absolutely hates quarantine, for she went through plenty of that during her place at the labs. It reminds her of all the pain and suffering she underwent, as well as the scarring mutations and visions of her own face being peeled off ever so slowly.

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