Author Topic: "The Zenshu Legacy" UPDATED!  (Read 4081 times)


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"The Zenshu Legacy" UPDATED!
« on: January 29, 2011, 03:06:44 pm »
this is my story so far I do update at least ever other week or once a month depending if I had wrote something down for this ^^P so, enjoy!


The night was young and the wind was howling through the branches of the trees and it was smacking softly against the windows of he house that Koga was born into. Koga is a very young husky, he has two different colored eyes. The left eye was blue and the right was brown. He doesn't like to fight, not unless he is forced to.

This story begins with him and his mom. Koga's mom was a mix of Alaskan Husky and German Shepard, his dad well, Koga's mom, nor his brothers and sisters, nor their humans ever talked about him. After Koga and his brothers and sisters were Born, Koga was teased often for Koga's size. Koga was the runt of all five of the five of them. Every time he tried to play with two of his brothers but they always complained about his size being a brother to their game.

He always had to play by himself and his mom encouraged Koga to cheer him up. So Koga decided that he wasn't going to let his size control his life. He figured he was to do something that would make everyone else to recognize him not for his size, but what Koga didn't realize is that something huge was about to happen, something that would twist his destiny.

Koga opened his eyes slowly, letting his eyes adjust to the bright light. He let out a long high-pitched yawn that forced his mom to wake up.

"What are you doing p already Koga?" his mother whispered, trying not to wake up the rest of her pups.

Koga looked up at his mom and smiled, "I'm not tired anymore ma, I want to go out and play." he whined quietly.

Koga's mom got up and headed for the door, she looked back and giggled, "well what are you waiting for? Didn't you want to play?" she laughed softly as Koga ran up to her and they left the house.

Chapter 1: the journey begins!

The night was young and the tree were howling and the wind gushing through the bushes, then all became mysteriously silent. The human male looked out of the window from inside the house when the phone began to ring, the human male ran over to it and picked it up, and a look of both worry and happiness grew upon his face as the person on the other end spoke, the human looked down at Koda and he smiled as he hung up the phone. The human bent down beside her as Koda picked her head up and looked at him.

"Bruce is doing fine girl, but..." There was only a heartbeat of silence when he spoke again, "But Bruce, he is going to be staying with the vet from now on..." There was a second pause, this time to Koga the world seemed to stop on a pin right in front of her. He looked into the female Huskies eyes and quickly looked down. "I'm sorry girl but we can't risk you, or your puppies, not again..."The human said wearily putting his hand on her head and then brushing it past the scar Bruce gave her a month before.

Koda gave a little whine and the human looked back to her before he got up.

"It's going to be fine, I'm sure you and your puppies will be fine without him." The human spoke as he got up, he went over to the table and he reached his hand into a yellow bag, Koda jerked her head right up and stared at him, and he pulled a bone shaped cookie from the bag and he gave it to her, she gulped it down quickly and looked back up at him and she wagged her tail excitedly.

It was very bright and sunny, the trees were moving slightly back and forth the next day that Koda woke up, she noticed her belly was bulging and she gave a loud whine that woke up the male human and he ran out into the living room, she was ready to give birth to her puppies, quickly but carefully the human picked her up and put her into a box that the human put towels in, he went to his room and quickly got dressed into something decent, he took her to the car and he drove to the vet, and the vet said that Koda was going to have her next batch of puppies, the human got so excited, he ran back into his car and drove home just to wake up his wife, and then they both came down to the vet's office, but sadly for them it was too late, they weren't quick enough because when they got there, Koda already gave birth to the puppies, the two humans jumped around joyfully.

two weeks have passed since Koda gave birth to her puppies and they were now able to see, they had all their fur, and they were doing the most worst thing a puppy could ever do...they were running. The runt of her first litter came running at full speed and jumped onto his mother's side.

"Come on mom, come play with us, please." the pup let out a playful whine.

"I can't Koga, I still have to watch the other four pups."

"But, but, but... Why not?" Koga barked playfully garbing his mom's ear and he tugged on it. Two other pups ,which were his brothers, came running and jumping at each other. "Can I join too?" Koga woofed at his bigger brothers, as the two played.

"I'm sorry baby brother, but your too small, you might get hurt." The Black and dark Gray pup barked laughing.

Koga was always different. Unlike his mom who could only understand a little bit of Human speech, or his brothers who couldn't understand it at all, he could understand everything that the humans said, and that is what get him into trouble.

The afternoon came and it was really warm, the humans had the pups out front in a fenced area and one human with a really strange hat on and he looked at the piece of cardboard that was in front of the fence, and called the pup's owner over and they began to talk. Koga bounced up to the edge of the fence and he looked at them, listening closely.

"So these are the puppies that are for sale eh?" the human with the weird hat said.

"Yup, they sure are, they are a beautiful bunch, aren't they?"

"Why yes they are, and i would like to buy all four of them." the human said to the other guy, pointing to all four except Koga.

"What about the runt?"

"I can't take him where I'm going, it'll be too hard for him in the field." there was a slight pause, "at least let me think about it, my daughter might want a pup to play with."

"Hmmmm, well okay, then you can pick them up around five 'o clock tomorrow, is that fine with you?"

"Sure thing."

Koga ran from side to side of the fence, he was trying to find his mom Koda. When their human let them back out into the back yard, Koga ran everywhere looking for her when he ran into her.

"Mom! he yelped, "the humans...they are...going to away to someone else!" he panted heavily.

"Calm down, calm down Koga, now i think this human will treat you pups well, and i don't want to see you five to crowded in this little place. I think you'll do better in the fields." She said with a soft voice that seemed to calm Koga down a little.

"Why won't you listen! he is going to take us away from you, I-we won't be around anymore, won't it make you sad...?" Koga asked heavily

"Of course it will make me sad, but-"
"You just don't understand! Do you? I don't want to leave your side!" he shouted as he turned around and headed towards the house.

"Wait Koga! i didn't mean-" she was cut off when Koga disappeared into the house.

Koga was inside and it was dusk now, he was laying on his bed when he heard something, he listened and he heard it again, he moved towards the noise and it was coming from his owner's room and the door was slightly open so he peered inside trying not to make any noise, inside he saw the male and female human and the female was yelling at the male. Koga listened closely.

"why do you have to sell all of them?" she paused, "especially the one that looks exactly like his mom?" she shouted.

"I'm sorry dear, but we just don't have enough room for the lot of them..."

The female shouted something back at the male but now Koga wasn't even listening, he was upset now and he just felt like he had no reason to stay here anymore, he padded slowly back to his bed and he rotated himself a couple time before laying down on it, he let out a deep sigh, "whats so wrong with us being here....why did i have to yell at my mom like that..." He thought to himself he let out another sigh and a yawn escaped him so he put his head down onto his paws, he slowly fell asleep. It seemed like this wasn't even a dream but it seemed so real to him, he enjoyed this dream, but it didn't surprise him when he woke up that he was back in his home and he looked up only to see his mom.

"Mom I'm so-"

she lied her head on his shoulder, "It's okay Koga, i understand...if you don't want to stay here anymore, then you might as well run away, but know this, once you do, you leave everything behind, me, you brothers, this home, even what was going to be your new home." she woofed, looking at Koga.

"But i didn't mean what i just said i was just upset..." he barked but it seemed as though she began to disappear, slowly. "No whats going on! why are you disappearing!"

Koga suddenly woke up to find that was only a dream too, but his house seemed to feel so empty, he got up and stretched, another yawn escaping him, he went outside he looked up at the sky and his eyes became slits due to the brightness of the sun. Two of his brothers came running up, wagging their tails.

"Hey Koga, do you want to play with us?" the Brown pup asked.

"I thought you said i was to small to play..." Koga whined.

"Well, we've decided that size shouldn't matter in this game." the Black and gray pup admitted.

"I'm sorry guys, but I'm not in the mood right now....." Koga spoke to the other pups.

Koga turned around and walked over to the fence and just lied down on the soft damp grass and he put his head on his paws. He guessed he had fallen asleep again because when he opened his eyes, it was dark out and the male human was coming from the house with a big black bag in his hand, and it smelt really bad.

"Hey pup, you better go inside it's supposed to rain tonight." he said opening the gate. Koga saw this as his chance to get out and run away before the humans gave him away to another person. Koga nodded to himself and he bolted through the gate and past the human and the person turned around to see Koga running off. "Hey Koga! get back here please!" the human shouted as Koga disappeared into the city.

"Koga was running all over now trying to dodge all the traffic and the dreaded animal control. He finally came up to his best friend's owner's house, he looked through the gap in the fence and he saw the Apricot-Fawn English Mastiff on the other side.

"Hey, Boad, are you awake yet?" Koga whispered loudly.

Boad picked his head off his paws and looked around, "H-hello? Who's there?" he whispered.

"It's me Koga, I'm over here by the gap in the fence." he barked back.

"Koga, it's good to see you again." he barked in delight. Boad is an Apricot-Fawn English Mastiff, he is compassionate and has a soft spot for females and Puppies which is how we met, it was when I had gotten out of the fence at my humans the first time and he had saved me from a Semi truck.

"Boad I kind of have a problem...." Boad looked at him with a confused look and a tilt of his head.

Boad looked and sighed, "Do you realize how you disappearing like this will affect your mom?" He got up and walked back to his food bowl he took a few laps of water and then he looked back at Koga and saw his look. "you must be thirsty and hungry from your trip here, go ahead, eat drink i don't mind, i have another bowl of food and water inside the house.

Koga went over to the food and water bowl, he ate some of the food, and lapped up some of the water then he walked back over to Boad.

"So Koga, where do you plan on going to in the city?" he laughed a little

"you'll get eaten alive by other dogs out there." Koga shrugged his shoulders and shifted,

"I'm going to try anyways. At least I think it'll be better to try than not to do anything at all."

"Yeah but when you run away from here, you'll lose contact with your mom, won't that worry you? not knowing whether or not who is okay?"

"Of course it will, but she would have lost that either way, when the human was going to take us pups to the field..." Koga mumbled and then they heard a noise from behind the fence.

"I think someone is listening, you should go now." Boad nudged Koga towards the fence and he got through the gap and he looked back there seemed to be years as the two dogs looked at each other and then Boad dropped the board back over the gap to break their stare.

Koga backed away from the fence almost upset he had to leave already, he continued to move forward back to the city to try and find a new place to rest. It seemed like it took him forever just searching but he had no success. It was now very dark out and Koga finally had found somewhere to rest for the remaining hours of the nighttime. As he slept, Koga was worried about what was to happen now that he wasn't with his mom anymore, he was only a few moons old and still worried all the time, and while Koga slept, he was dreaming a deep and intriguing dream.

Koga was alone in a pitch dark place, the only thing he would see was himself, he looked down and the floor was completely reflective this place seemed very serene, maybe too serene. Koga stepped forward and looked back down, nothing happened, so he took another step and then another and soon he caught himself running, faster and faster and that's when he saw something, it seemed as though this reflective floor had turned into grass and the blackness became many different shades of green, 'this is so weird.' Koga thought to himself. "wha- where am I?" he shouted out into the open, two figures on four legs came running into the clearing, one was a white wolf, and the other was a black and gray wolf. The whit wolf looked back tears in her eyes and looked back at her mate, the male next to her.Koga kept watching when he saw three wolves on a cliff above the male and female wolves, Koga yelped trying to get their attention but the two just kept talking to each other, 'Th-they can't see me?" he barked.

The three wolves jumped off the ledge onto the two others and the three just ripped and tore at the two, it was so violent. Koga tried to run away or even at least turn away but he couldn't move very far. Blood was splattering everywhere. Some even landed on Koga. Koga looked back up to see the two wolves laying there looking at each other, the brown one spoke something to the white one, and that's when it seemed like right in front of Koga glass seemed to crack and break.

Koga woke up alarmed as a semi-truck zoomed past the alley. Koga picked himself up off the ground to find a sausage sitting in front of him, and a half-eaten one on the other side of him. He was waiting for who ever left it for him and whoever was there while he slept, he was very curious now. Then a female Shepard padded up she looked scruffy for a dog with a collar, but Koga smiled and finished eating the food.

"Are you doing okay?" she woofed to Koga as he padded up to her own food. she sat down and finished eating.

Koga looked up when she spoke and looked back down. "yes, thanks for the food." he barked and looked back out at the road.

"well that's good then," she smiled. "no problem, it's pretty easy to get this stuff, and it doesn't taste to bad either. But that's human food for you." she laughed and headed out for the road Koga jumped off his paws and followed her.

"wh-where are you going?" he asked nervously.

"well to the park of course, but if you're going there too, it, well looks like you're new to wondering this city, judging by where you were sleeping and how badly you jumped when that thing went by." she smiled, "just be careful and do what I do, that way the catcher won't come for us."

"t-the catcher?" he asked, Koga had heard about one of these humans before, they were really scary and he had seen one outside of his house picking up a dog with some stick loop tool thing.

"yup, anyways...Come on if you want to get there." she barked bolting across the road, Koga winced as she crossed because a car went by, he saw her safe on the other side though. "Come on, hurry up! Before they start up!"

As Koga began to cross the road a car went by really fast and he backed up, Koga looked both ways and saw no cars or semis so he bolted across and as a car came zooming around a corner Koga yelped and jumped to the other side that she was on. Koga was panting out of both fear and nervousness, "th-that was made it look so easy and and...." Koga stopped talking when he saw her walking off. "hey I never got your least I don't think I did?" he barked.

"oh? well you can call me Delila." she barked looking at his tag, "And your Koga." Koga nodded and they both continued to the park. When they arrived Koga was both shocked and amazed at what it was like. This park place was so huge and Koga was really amazed at it. The two of them spent some time running around meeting new playmates and then as the sky grew darker and the stars began to come out the people and their dogs left, Koga and Delila raced back to the road. "so I'll meet you at you new spot tomorrow?" she asked Koga. Koga nodded and she left in another direction and Koga began to cross the street when another semi came past at a slow yet fast pace, Koga didn't see it with his eyes still adjusting and it smacked into Koga's side.

Koga yelped when the extreme pain went jagged through all of his body and then Koga could begin to taste blood, his blood. Koga's vision began to fade but then he saw Delila and no Semi anymore Koga tried to speak but she just signaled for him to be quiet. She bent down and got Koga to get on her back, she hurried to his spot and lied him down. "Koga stay here, don't move I'll be right back! Stay with me Koga!" she yelped. Delila took off and ran out of Koga's view, his vision began to fade and he finally just closed his eyes, and when he opened him, his underfur was red with the blood on the ground that he was laying in, Koga tried to get up but a sharp pain shot right through is side, he winced at it, but he kept trying and soon he found himself standing next to the puddle of his blood, Koga was real shaky but he knew this had to be a dream because he would not actually be able to stand up on his own like this, Koga was scared.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2011, 04:22:00 pm by Koga »

Offline Ciath

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Re: "The Zenshu Legacy"
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2011, 09:42:30 am »
Oh.. it's looong. But i did read it all.

Awesome! <3
Kodex in-game.

I share my account with my little sister. She does not use the forums.


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Re: "The Zenshu Legacy" UPDATED!
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2011, 04:22:29 pm »
He tried to walk but no matter how much he tried it seemed as though he didn't get anywhere, Koga was becoming very frustrated now, he didn't know what to do, suddenly he tripped and he he opened his eyes Delila was there.

"Koga? Koga! KOGA! stay with me kiddo!" she shouted at Koga, she couldn't believe the dog she just met was dyeing now, "Koga please don't leave me..." she whined and just then Koga slightly picked up his head.

"I-I am still alive....Delila...what happened." he whined and let his head lay back down on the cold cement. "where...where am I now?" he asked

Delila cuffed him lightly with her paw "Don't you ever scare me like that again!" she barked and Koga was about to speak again but she signaled him not to. "you need these." she said pulling a few things out of a small brown sack like thing, "these are human treatment thingies, I have had them for a while, you need the though." She smiled.

Koga nodded and she pulled a little canister, she opened the lid with her mouth and dropped it, there was a white creamy substance in it Koga just shut his eyes and was ready for any stinging. She took her paw and ran it through the stuff and slowly rubbed it on the gashes on Koga's side, Koga winced at the pain but she stopped. There that should be better. she helped him up and Koga looked down at his fur.

Most of Koga's underfur was stained red now and it looked as if blood ran down his right leg because there was a stained streak of red the ran down his leg, Koga shook his head "now what am I supposed to do, every dog will make fun of me for this color on my pelt." Koga woofed.

"Koga dear, they won't be making fun of you, eight dogs saw you get hit by that semi last night and well, one of them is here, waiting to see if your okay" Koga looked down "well i'll see this dog now I guess." he said.

An English Mastiff padded in and looked at the husky while Koga was looking down at his paw, "You just can't stay away from those semi trucks can you?" he laughed, Koga looked up and was about to send back a nasty comeback when he noticed it was Boad.

"BOAD!" Koga shouted running up to him completely ignoring the pain in his side. "Boad, it's so good to see you! What are you doing here? I thought your humans were moving and taking you with them." Koga barked looking at Boad. He looked over to Delila, "Delila this is Boad my oldest friend ever. He saved me from the first semi that almost" he winced as his pain came back through that memory. "I-I'm okay..." he barked delila signaled to Koga that he should rest and Koga nodded.

"Hey Koga would you mind if I stayed with you?" he woofed and Koga agreed the three of them curled up in a corner at the end of the dead end of an alley.