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Topics - Nekolover

Pages: [1]
Game Help / Meshes disappearing?
« on: May 21, 2013, 03:59:44 am »
I have several meshes, mostly tree, rock and some nobplant meshes that disappear when I log in and check out my maps on my characters. They show up perfectly fine when i'm in map maker, but are gone afterwards. They are not ingame meshes that came with the game download, I had downloaded them from mediafire from people on this site who made them.
Does anyone know how to solve this?

Picture one (In Map-Maker)>

Picture two (In-Game *after logging in*)>

Game Help / Preset Help
« on: June 05, 2012, 12:25:21 am »
ok, i downloaded a preset that has a .rar file. I have WinRar so i extracted it or whatever. I followed these instructions
1. Download WINRAR
2. Download the file and open it with WINRAR
3. It should open to a folder with some preset objects, select the yellow folder but do not open it.
4. At the top there will be a button "Extract To" click it
5. Extract to (C:)>FeralHeart>My_Presets>Preset_9
6. Go to your folders>(C:)>FeralHeart>My_Presets>Preset_9 and change all of the words on each file that says "YourNameHere" to "preset_9"
7. Open the FH application
8. Go to Tools then Preset Maker
9. Go to the IV tag and click the Preset button at the bottom
10. Select Preset 9
11. Then finally click Export
12. All done! 

k i did all that, but when i went into FeralHeart and hit the preset button and selected Preset 9 it didn't do stayed white no preset no nothing..
Someone please help ;-;

ChevelVille, a realistic, literate Rp. You can rp as a horse, dog or human. We have a map called HorseLand. There we have Horse Stables, Corrals, Pastures, Race Track, Jumping Course. A human house with 6 rooms upstairs. We have a Dog Kennel and Forest too! To know more about the group, go to
there you you can know more about the horse ranks, show jumping, racing, cross country, dressage, beauty, strength and more. The download is on the site too.
 !! Join soon to know more about the new map we are gonna get. One of our members is making a new map.
Stables: Bigger, and will have paddocks in the back.
House: Better rooms
Pasture: Bigger, with more frolige
Woods: WAY bigger, with a portal that leads to another forest where wild horses roam, trails for Cross Country too. The woods will also have a town, to ride your horse to or to have your human character shop for himself.
Race Track: bigger, rounder and with a starting gate.
Jumping Course: Bigger, with jumps more spaced out.
Join us, we will be glad to have you. join the website above and send FightingDEATH a message or reply saying you want to join the group. I will get the group leader to add yah. The more pppl the more fun X3 c[: X3

Characters / Maili the Andalusian
« on: April 01, 2012, 08:20:18 am »
Name: Maili
Age: Mare, 2 years old
Gender: Female
Breed: Andalusian
Owner: Ciel, Female 15
Trainer: Kikel, Male 24
Mate: None
Foals/Colts: None
Rank: Sauter/Show Jumping
Parents: Mother~Maily, Coureur/Racer   Father~Lyon, Lourdes/Strength
Personality: Quiet, Calm, Reasuring, Teasing.
Behavior: Since she is a Sauter, a Show Jumper. And her parents being a Coureur and a Lourdes. Gave her the speed, agility and strength to be a prized jumper. She loves to jump,and wishes she could do it all day. Whenever she is let out in the pasture she will take a flying leap into the air. Galloping around as if she was a foal experiencing the outdoors for the first time. She will nicker to any mare nearby, and will whiney to any stallion. She would tease the stallions by running in circles around them. They would follow her, but then she would stop suddendly acting all inocent, like she didn't do a thing.
:::::MAP::::: Is HorseLand, but a Good Friend of mine is making a new one. With a bigger forest, better race track, better jumping course. And better stables! My friend is also making more horse markings, they will be up for download for the group ChevelVille. Hope You Will Join Us :3

Characters / Kira the Lone Lioness
« on: March 18, 2012, 03:31:52 pm »
Name: Kira
Age: Young Lioness
Has Pride
Mate: none, but is open
Feral Hearts Username: Nekolover
Personality: often alone, mostly because all the lions in her pride ignore her. She is quiet and keeps to herself most of the time.
Bio: She wasn't always a loner at first, she lived in a pride full of lions. She knew everyone's name, knew pretty much everyone. Most lions were male, so all the Lionesses got attention. Then a new male came into the pride, his name was Jakalu. He was a pure rouge at heart, he was also bigger in size then most of the males. The females in the pride were frightened of his arrival, and the males sensing their fear took their sides. Willing themselves to protect them at all costs, but the thing was, they protected all the lionesses but Kira. She was confused about this, and so was Jakalu, but this created an advantage for him. So he came closer to her, she took quick glances at the other lions, but they acted like she was a rouge too. This frightened her, giving off the scent of fear wafting throughout the pride. The rouge smelled it and she knew everyone could. As Jakulu got closer, he had a wicked grin on his face. Kira was posed to run, run out of their like she was a bullet just released from a gun. Jakulu crouched down toward her, his devilish eyes posed on her's. "Hello there, why are you all alone.." he said with a deathly stare, a stare that not many people or animals could easily imagine. She didn't dare look into those eyes that sent a shiver down her spine. He outstretched his paw, claws outseathed taking her face in his paws jerking it towards his. Her whole body bristled with fear, her fur standing on edge. She was about to unseath her claws, to take a good swipe across his gastly face. Then he came tumbling down on her, clawing her like she was his equal in battle. She cried out, but no one came to help. She thought she was done for, thinking that this was a punishment for something she didn't know she commited. She looked up into his eyes full of distaste, he smacked down hard on her head, making her dizzy enough to black out. When she woke up, the pride was gone, no scent in their wake to show her the way. The rouge's scent was gone too, only faint traces of other animals could she smell. She felt remorse, regret, humiliation and despair. All other feelings she keeps locked away, thinking that they were not the feelings she should ever feel or remember again.
Kira has found a new pride, but they don't aknowledge her one bit, they ignore her if she is close. And if she is father away they just do the same. She has a friend named Sukaya, but her friend has started to fall in love with a lion from another clan. Knowing her friend has found happiness is a great thing, but now Sukaya ignores her too. She wishes she could find another male, one that will stand up for her, protect her, and will always act like she is there.

Plz do not call me a mate beggar ppl, that hurts i've been called that multiple times today. so plz do not post or say it to me again, i've had enough of hearing it...

to meet me either whisper me on feral hearts or send me a message on the website

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Pheonix Oath
« on: March 12, 2012, 01:24:25 am »
Pheonix Oath is a new roleplay group, for Pheonix. Incase you don't know what a Pheonix is then let me tell you.
A phoenix is a mythical bird with a colorful plumage and a tail of gold and scarlet. It has a 500 to 1000 year life-cycle, near the end of which it builds itself a nest of twigs that then ignites; both nest and bird burn fiercely and are reduced to ashes, from which a new, young phoenix or phoenix egg arises, reborn anew to live again. The new phoenix is destined to live as long as its old self. It is said that the bird's cry is that of a beautiful song. The Phoenix's ability to be reborn from its own ashes implies that it is immortal, though in some stories the new Phoenix is merely the offspring of the older one. In very few stories they are able to change into people.
Pheonix Oath is where we rp as Pheonix, we also have a website~
We are also going to have a map
If anyone knows how to make a really cool map, that is full of trees, anything for a bird rp. Plz message me ~ Nekolover  thank you

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