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Topics - dharma

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From what I understand, too many people on one map caused the server to run out of bandwidth.

Well, to prevent this from happening in the future, a limit on how many people can be on a default map at a time may work. If the limit is reached, people who attempt to warp to the map will stay on the map they are already on.

So people do not log in all to the same default map, here are 2 ideas to disperse the population:

1. Choose what map we would like to join, along with the current population of that map. If it's full, we won't be able to choose it. Harder to implement, but would be easier to join friends and such.
2. Send us into a random map upon logging in. Easier to implement? But, I imagine people aren't going to like this one.

I know, this is also a bad idea, here are the pros and cons of it:

1. Server shouldn't run out of bandwidth for the reason of too many people on one map.
2. Mods would not have to keep asking people to move to another map.
3. Performance might be better since less people = less lag for those of us with older or less powerful PCs.

1. People won't be able to meet everyone, only those who happen to be on the map they chose.
2. Meeting up with friends in default maps can be hindered.
3. People may not get to explore certain maps due to them being full.
4. If Cape of Distant Worlds is full, you won't be able to enter your custom maps. ~ Delay

Please suggest other pros and cons.

Personally I am not for or against this idea, I just wanted to throw it out here.

Hi there,

Would you like to make your preset look more realistic? Well, I can show you how to do that, by using FH's awesome fur shading included with the program.

There are 2 methods I discovered for doing this, you can put it in your preset using Photoshop, Gimp, or Paint dot Net, or you can edit your preset's material file to overlay the fur texture. I recommend just overlaying the fur texture in the material file, but it's up to you.

Note: The difference between fbodyShade and cbodyShade is that f is for feline, and c is canine. Same thing applies for all of the shade files, except fmaneShade.jpg

Use ctrl+F on the codes to the left to quickly jump to the section relevant to you:

(F01) Method 1: Integrate the fur texture into your preset design with Photoshop, Paint dot Net, or Gimp
(F02) Gimp - Using the fur texture on your preset
(F03) Paint dot Net - Using the fur texture on your preset
(F04) Photoshop - Using the fur texture on your preset
(F05) Method 2: Edit your preset's material file
(F06) Method 2 For Felines
(F07) Method 2 For Canines
Method 1: Integrate the fur texture into your preset design with Photoshop, Paint dot Net, or Gimp (F01)

Have Photoshop, Paint dot Net, or Gimp? You can use the fur shading in your texture without messing with the .material file. Here's how to do that: ;D

Go to C:\FeralHeart\media\textures, and look for fbodyShade.jpg if you are working on a feline preset, or cbodyShade.jpg if you are working on a canine preset.

For Gimp (F02)

Please be sure to back up your presets in case you mess up!

1. First, make your preset. Once it is all finished, you can add the fur texture to it.

2. Open cbodyShade.jpg or fbodyShade.jpg in Gimp, and open up your body preset in Gimp.

3. Bring up your body preset, and Select All (ctrl +A) and Copy it (ctrl + C)

4. Bring up the cbodyShade.jpg or fbodyShade.jpg, and then paste your body preset onto it (ctrl + v).

5. A new layer will appear called Floating Selection (Pasted Layer). Select this new layer in the Layers window (press ctrl + L if you cannot find the Layers window), and then click on the Normal box at Mode: Normal, and select Multiply in the list. The fur texture should show through your preset design.

Make sure the fur texture is the bottom layer on the layers list, or you will just get a white preset.

5. Save this new image as your body preset file. You will need to close your old body preset file from Gimp so it can overwrite it.

For the rest of the preset parts, just follow these same steps, but use either fheadShade.jpg/cheadShade.jpg, ftailShade.jpg/ctailShade.jpg, and fmaneShade.jpg, with their respective preset images. These are all found within C:\FeralHeart\media\textures

For Paint dot net (F03)

Please be sure to back up your presets in case you mess up!

Due to the different interface, this varies some from Gimp and Photoshop.

1. First, make your preset. Once it is all finished, you can add the fur texture to it.

2. Open cbodyShade.jpg or fbodyShade.jpg in Paint dot Net, and open up your body preset in Paint dot Net.

3. Bring up your body preset, and Select All (ctrl +A) and Copy it (ctrl + C)

4. Bring up the cbodyShade.jpg or fbodyShade.jpg, and then paste your body preset onto it (ctrl + shift + v). Make sure to use ctrl + shift + v to paste the body preset onto a new layer.

5. A new layer called Layer 2 will appear with your body preset on it. Select Layer 2 in the Layers window (if you cannot find the Layers window, press F7), and press F4 to get into the layer properties.

6. Find where it says Mode: Normal, and click the box that says Normal, and choose Multiply from the menu.

7. Now, the fur texture should show up through your preset design.

8. Save this new image as your body preset file. You will need to close your old body preset file from Paint dot net so it can overwrite it.

For the rest of the preset parts, just follow these same steps, but use either fheadShade.jpg/cheadShade.jpg, ftailShade.jpg/ctailShade.jpg, and fmaneShade.jpg, with their respective preset images. These are all found within C:\FeralHeart\media\textures

For Photoshop (F04)

Please be sure to back up your presets in case you mess up!

It's pretty much the same as Gimp. XD

1. First, make your preset. Once you are happy with it, you can add the fur texture to it.

2. Open cbodyShade.jpg or fbodyShade.jpg in Photoshop, and open up your body preset in Photoshop

3. Bring up your body preset, and Select All (ctrl +A) and Copy it (ctrl + C)

4. Bring up the cbodyShade.jpg or fbodyShade.jpg, and then paste your body preset onto it (ctrl + v).

5. A new layer called Layer 1 will appear with your body preset on it. Select Layer 1 in the Layers window (if you cannot find the Layers window, press F7), and then click on the Normal box just under the tab that says Layers, and select Multiply in the list. The fur texture should show through your preset design.

6. Save this new image as your body preset file. You will need to close your old body preset file from Photoshop so it can overwrite it.

For the rest of the preset parts, just follow these same steps, but use either fheadShade.jpg/cheadShade.jpg, ftailShade.jpg/ctailShade.jpg, and fmaneShade.jpg, with their respective preset images. These are all found within C:\FeralHeart\media\textures

Phew! That's the part of actually integrating the fur texture into your preset with Photoshop or Gimp. If you do not have them, or have no desire to do it this way, there's another method, editing the material file.

Method 2 - Edit your preset's material file(F05)

This method requires no image editing, but you do need to move the shade files to your presets folder and edit your preset's material file.

Note: The sections of the material file I show may differ from yours, if you have renamed the image files used, and if you have used a different preset file. You only have to add the parts that are in bolded red.

Method 2 For Felines (F06)

Note: The sections of the material file I show may differ from yours, if you have renamed the image files used, and if you have used a different preset file. You only have to add the parts that are in bolded red. Do not change anything else.

1. Locate fbodyShade.jpg, fheadShade.jpg, ftailShade.jpg and fmaneShade.jpg in C:\FeralHeart\media\textures.

2. Copy these files into your preset's folder.

3. Open your preset's material file in Notepad.

4. For the body, add the parts in bolded red to these sections of the material file:

material preset_1_bodyMatL
            texture preset_1body.jpg
                    texture fbodyShade.jpg

material preset_1_bodyMatR
            texture preset_1body.jpg
                    texture fbodyShade.jpg


For the head, add the parts in bolded red to these sections of the material file:

material preset_1_headMatL
            texture preset_1head.jpg
                    texture fheadShade.jpg

material preset_1_headMatR
            texture preset_1head.jpg
                    texture fheadShade.jpg


For the tail, add the part in bolded red to this section of the material file:

material preset_1_tailMat
            texture preset_1tail.jpg
                    texture ftailShade.jpg


Finally, the mane shading. If you have no interest in using a mane, you can disregard this. Otherwise, add the part in bolded red to this section of the material file:

material preset_1_maneMat
         lighting off
         cull_hardware none
         cull_software none
         scene_blend alpha_blend
         depth_write off
            texture preset_1mane.png
                    texture fmaneShade.jpg


Method 2 For Canines (F07)

Note: The sections of the material file I show may differ from yours, if you have renamed the image files used, and if you have used a different preset file. You only have to add the parts that are in bolded red. Do not change anything else.

1. Locate cbodyShade.jpg, cheadShade.jpg, ctailShade.jpg and fmaneShade.jpg in C:\FeralHeart\media\textures.

2. Copy these files into your preset's folder.

3. Open your preset's material file in Notepad.

4. For the body, add the parts in bolded red to these sections of the material file:
material preset_1_bodyMatL
            texture preset_1body.jpg
                    texture cbodyShade.jpg

material preset_1_bodyMatR
            texture preset_1body.jpg
                    texture cbodyShade.jpg


For the head, add the parts in bolded red to these sections of the material file:

material preset_1_headMatL
            texture preset_1head.jpg
                    texture cheadShade.jpg

material preset_1_headMatR
            texture preset_1head.jpg
                    texture cheadShade.jpg


For the tail, add the part in bolded red to this section of the material file:

material preset_1_tailMat
            texture preset_1tail.jpg
                    texture ctailShade.jpg


Finally, the mane shading. If you have no interest in using a mane, you can disregard this. Otherwise, add the part in bolded red to this section of the material file:

material preset_1_maneMat
         lighting off
         cull_hardware none
         cull_software none
         scene_blend alpha_blend
         depth_write off
            texture preset_1mane.png
                    texture fmaneShade.jpg


All right, that's it, folks. Hope this tutorial was helpful for you.

Introduction / Oh No, It's Dharma
« on: January 08, 2011, 11:02:16 pm »
I was in IT under a different guise, but I'm reborn as a wolf. AooOo~

So now I'm just waiting for the FH servers to come online so I can be annoying funny in game too. Bwahaha.

You will get my preset, right? Right? I don't wanna look like a white nothing. D:

Well, that's it. Ciao!

Presets & Markings / Dharma's preset.
« on: January 08, 2011, 08:14:24 am »

Enter vesion 3. I have given the markings a fur effect, so they appear blended, and, as a result, the preset looks softer as a whole.

Here's the fhz file you can download:

just put it in your presets folder.

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