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Topics - Ame88

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Praise / Happy Father's Day!
« on: June 16, 2019, 09:58:28 pm »
Though we may not have any father's here on FeralHeart, be it you have young ones of your own, doggo dads, cat dads, so on and so forth, I do wish all you fathers out there a very warm Happy Father's Day! Hope you've all had a wonderful day~

Forum Games / Corrupt a Wish
« on: March 29, 2019, 12:16:00 am »
Corrupt a Wish is a forum game I've known for a long time. Basically, I make a wish, and the person below grants it. However, they give a ridiculous outcome for the wish being granted. Then, they get to make a wish!



Person 1: I wish that I had a muffin.

Person 2: Granted! But now you cannot eat anything other than muffins.

I wish I had superpowers.

Person 3: Granted! But you can't use them.

I wish I had Ice cream!


And so forth. It's very easy and fun for all. You can make your wishes and grants as outrageous as you want, but the board rules still apply. Keep things appropriate and civil!

I'll start~

I wish I had a free ticket to Canada!

Game Discussion / Returning Members
« on: March 22, 2019, 01:40:58 am »
I'm unsure weather this should go in Forum Discussion or Game Discussion due to this topic being mainly about the game itself. Please move this if it's incorrect. Thank you!

Lately I've noticed a lot of players, new and old, come into FeralHeart over the past month(s). Some returning to see what's up, oldies who got an itch to come back, as well as new players who have beat the Registration Boss. Regardless of reason, they've returned one way or another.

What are your thoughts about all these wonderful members coming back? Do you think it's because of new staff? The most recent update? Could it be that good word is getting out about FeralHeart? Maybe they've all just got an itch to come back. Could it be just a coincidence that these members have returned around the same time, or is this a small sign for a turning point for FeralHeart's survival? Whatever the reason may be, I'm curious as to what your opinions are about this influx of returning players.

These are just some thoughts that came to mind the other day, so I thought I'd share them with you all.

Other Mods/Creations / Wolf Action Button
« on: March 15, 2019, 06:37:01 pm »
Since you can choose from both a lion and a wolf model for your character and the action button is a lion, I put together a simple wolf icon for those who'd like a wolf instead. This mod is designed to go with the default icons.


This download includes of course the wolf icon, the other default icons, as well as the default lion icon in case you want the original back.
If there are any issues, please notify me and I'll do my best to fix it!
Please do not modify my work.

Download Me!

I hope y'all like it!

Ask Me / Ask Ame!
« on: February 17, 2019, 07:15:55 pm »

Aim thine questions at me! Anything ya got, within reason. I think this will be quite fun.

Screenshots / Ame's Screenshots - 7/27/2020
« on: February 16, 2019, 09:42:18 pm »
Sorry if I don't have your preset in any of these screenshots!
I beg you, please send me those beautiful presets if I don't have them lmao


Mlem-O-Meter: 26




Older Screenshots

The gang's all here. Honestly looks like a book or game cover of some sorts.

Look's like Ame's buddies dozed off while chattin'! She just wanted to talk cx

Buff getting a little cheeky with Foxx- seems the others have having nothing of it!

Got ourselves some dozers! Foxx and Sigyn sure do look comfy.

Shocker: Best cuddle buddy.

Gray makes for a great pillow...

Just feelin' a bit drowsy, kinda done. Think they need a nap.

Just gotta love Galaxy's company. Always a fun time!

I wouldn't wanna mess with this posse. Them a rough tough rootin' tootin' gang.

What's FeralHeart without a little neck contortion?

Here's a fun Ugly Character Contest Pocket, Eclipse, and some other floofs partook in. Fun times, no?

Member Bio & Journals / Ame's Bio + Non-Existent Journal
« on: September 13, 2018, 05:20:22 am »



Ello! My username is Ame88, though you can just call me Ame- pronounced "aim". I joined FeralHeart back in February 27th, 2015. I found this beautiful game through a friend of mine on a game known as Animal Jam. Once I finally caught the registration open and I made my account, I was head over heels for this place. After a long while of just playing the main game, I made my way to the forums and became very active on both. FeralHeart has given me so many great friends and memories through the years of playing, and I thank this place, it's staff and all of the community for an amazing adventure throughout the years. I can't wait to see what it has in store for me next.

I'm fairly quiet and often found alone. Don't take my silence as anything personal, I'm just always off in my own world doing my own thing. I'm not a very talkative person and I'm very reserved at first glance, however I'm always open for company and a conversation, so don't worry about bothering me and come say hi if you'd like! It brings a smile to my face whenever anyone wants to talk to me. I love spending my time here in-game, on the forums, and various other activities such as making maps, presets, and customizing anything and everything that I can get my hands on. Outside of FeralHeart, I spend my time drawing, playing video games, and struggling to keep my room clean. It's a never ending battle. I love to play my flute and Irish whistle in my free time, but otherwise I spend my days here with you all. If you ever see me in-game, don't be afraid to poke me and say hello! If I don't answer you right away, you can howl (or roar) in my face. Chances are if I'm not away from my desk, I'll come back to life real quick.

Seen On These Characters:

Favorite place/places on the forum:

Barq's root beer
Warm glowing lights
Hot cocoa
Video games
Mac n' cheese
"Gross" things
Large bracelets
Indian beaded jewelry
Tooth necklaces
Creepy/morbid things
Old cars
Over the shoulder bags
High top sneakers
Supernatural stuff
Military stuff
Old trinkets
I like a lot of things, okay

Discord: ame88
Deviantart: Ame88thewolf
The FeralHeart forums

Praise / Hard At Work
« on: August 14, 2018, 08:54:05 am »
I just wanted to give a big nuzzle to all you staff and everyone involved with shaping the new update.

You guys are working tirelessly to make this patch as amazing as it can be, and I understand how much work goes into all of it. It's amazing what you guys do for all of us, even though we may not recognized it or thank you guys as much even if we really are appreciative.
You guys make sure this game is always up and running, take great care of the forums, and help us all at every turn, all while in the process of making this update! I admire that so much.
FeralHeart wouldn't be the amazing game it is today if it wasn't for you, the staff, as well as this beautiful community of floofs! It makes me so happy to see all these members coming together to help one another x)

Thank you for everything you do guys, and keep up the awesome work! We know you're working hard- but please don't stress!
But what's up with the very odd messages...? X'D

Screenshots / Ame's 2018 Summer Party Screenshots
« on: July 22, 2018, 08:25:06 pm »
Alright, I gotta add my fair share of screenshots to the pot B)

Tons of screenies below. Beware!

I think Tigg is having way too much fun here pff

Tigg is laughing maniacally in the background o .o;;

lmao Ame (me) is looking at Tigg goin' "Are, you okay?" As Tigg is just partying hard

Now here, is a maniacal party animal lmao

Hangin' with the turtle B)

Here's Sura being a derp X3

Art Gallery / Ame's Art | 11/30/2020
« on: June 25, 2018, 08:17:23 pm »
Ello! In my free time I absolutely love to draw. My art ranges from humans, to animals of all kinds, all the way down to, well, whatever I feel like drawing. Below you will see a rather slow, but growing collection of art that I'd like to share with you all.
If you ever want to give me some advice or critique, then go right for it!
I hope you enjoy!


Most Recent

Chibi Raynell

Gift: Tired Raz



Tall and small beans

Signature art

Gift for a friend - Sora


Razmirz - Gift

Traditional Hand Drawn

Most Recent



Sketchy Ame

Lazy snoozy Raynell

Gift for Sura <3

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