Author Topic: Cyanide Sunshine [Inactive since 06/01/2013]  (Read 32619 times)

Offline jesija

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(( Aedan looks a bit like Len~
Unless the picture IS Len xD))

Natalie stared at Tamah with well hidden awe as her fingers flew over the gadget in her hands. She was incredibly fast and knowledgable when it came to technology, the albino knew, but it was more suprising when you saw it in person. In a matter of a few minutes, the dark-haired girl was showing whatever was on the screen to Scythe. Natalie tipped her body to the side to get a good look at the screen as well, curious. As she analyzed the picture on the screen, Tamah explained that the figure now represented the new "culprit", Clara Devinch. Natalie nodded, noting that even though the tech-geek had only made the figure taller and altered the facial features slightly, the girl on the screen now looked nothing like Scythe. Yes, the Domino Effect was very talented when it came to this. It must come in handy in her assassinations...
"Hmm..." She turned to look at Jared, or at least at the spot where he once stood.

He seemed to be helping a young man who had knocked over some guns on a rack. Natalie hoped in the back of her head that none of the guns had been damaged, mostly because she recalled her handgun being in or around that rack. She couldn't quite remember, she hadn't used the weapon in a long time, and probably wouldn't be bothered to use it anytime soon. The white-haired girl turned back to Tamah and Scythe, "I'm glad you could do that," She said quietly, "It'd be unfortunate if we had a new recruit only to have them arrested soon after." Natalie turned to Scythe, a smirk curling across her lips. "Not that we'd have any trouble getting you out right away if you did get arrested." The emotion on her face faded as fast as it appeared.

She looked around the dim room as if looking for what to say next. Her eyes travelled back to the redhead, "Since your new, I suppose you'd want to look around the base a bit? We can show you around." She tried to make the offer as casual as possible, which was a bit difficult for her. The alibno certainly wasn't used to be friendly, or willingly socializing, but with people from Phenomenon she usually made a point of treating them "nicely."

Well, as nice as the seemingly emotionless girl could manage.
Siggie is not mine O_O
But the avvie is. So please dun steal it ;~;

Offline Dragoneer22

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@fusedhearts, sorry if it looks like I'm copying.))


Offline Dragoneer22

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Offline RavenShai

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((I've mainly been waiting for Radioactive and Tanglemask to post, and it's also been while since Okami made a reply... Same with Soaring I think..?

Wherefore art thou, people?))
The Hobbit

"Where did you go to, if I may ask?" said Thorin to Gandolf as they rode along.
"To look ahead," said he.
"And what brought you back in the nick of time?" "Looking behind,"...

Offline Wolfish Grin

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((DX Me too.

I hope they'll be around soon, and also it could be that the site's been having crashes where you can't even get to the page, so they might have been on around one of the down-times and not been able to post/check. Happened to me the other day, but I guess I didn't have anything to miss...

I really need to get around to updating my siggy.
Meh, but that would require effort.

Offline ToastGhost

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So, I have a quick question before I post an application.
For character images, do you prefer anime-style ones, or are photos permitted?  Like from stock photo sites.

Offline Wolfish Grin

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((@Toast: Although this isn't my RP, and I don't want to act like it, but I'll tell you what I think, since the creator hasn't been around much lately. :c Anyways, most people have used anime, and I would think that's preferred, but not mandatory. But it's all up to Radioactive, and it's not my place to decide. I hope she comes around soon to accept Tomas, and you're form as well.~ And RP. xD But I'm gladly looking forward to new members! :D

P.S. I luffles your name. x3))
I really need to get around to updating my siggy.
Meh, but that would require effort.

Offline xXKitsuneNinjaXx

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((That's ok, Wolfish, I'm glad you did answer >A<. I don't care if it's anime or real, whatever you think represents your character more is fine with me c: Also, Tomas, I accept the rest of your application, I can't wait to see your posts. Just put img brackets around your image. Oh, and READ THE RULES please.))

Sorry for the inactivity, it's just the end of the quarter for me and I've had a buttload of homework and stuff to take care of, so this is kinda rushed, but I don't want to hold anyone back. I hope I didn't inconvenience anyone >A<)).

Scythe felt socially awkward once more, not sure how to reply to Natalie's little 'invitation.' She guessed that the proper thing to say would be 'yes,' but she did not really want to be shown around... She preferred to be alone to avoid further stimulation. She coughed slightly, partly from the smoke that still remained in her lungs and partly for the sake of coughing, and then decided to change the subject, even though the situation didn't really call for such a thing.

' do you all have codenames or something? Sorry if it's a stupid question, I just know what I would want mine to be...,' she wondered, her voice quiet.

She scolded herself for asking such an idiotic question, facepalming mentally. The redhead just figured that if they were such a secret organisation, they might as well have codenames. Also, she really liked the sound of the codename she had picked for herself.

Scythe wondered whether or not to remove her hat, since it really was the polite thing to do, especially when this group of people seemed so accepting (this sentence will make more sense later). She really did not want to wear such a clunky hat anymore, but she had trained by her mother NEVER to EVER remove any clothing that covered the top of her head. This was rather uncomfortable for Scythe, since she had to wear her hat to bed just so her mother could pretend the redhead was a NORMAL human being. However, everyone at school knew this wasn't true, and contrary to most school regulations, she was required to wear a hat at all times to avoid distracting any other students...
Scythe decided she didn't even give a -Removed by Moderator- what people thought anymore. That life was done. She was never going to school, and never going home to her mother again.

'Oh, and I"m gonna take off my hat,' she added, even though this did not really need to be stated.

When she took off her hat, her hair was extremely poofy, stray strands of hair sticking up as if she had been electrocuted. She quickly grabbed a hairbrush out of her sweatshirt pocket and brushed it down, her dark ears pressed back against her forehead, their fur also ruffled. When she finished, she pulled her hair back in a quick sort-of bun. She perked up her auburn canine ears, that had rested on the top of her head since she had been four.

However, she pretended as if they weren't there, since she had sort of made a big deal about them, and didn't want to come across as attention starved.

'I don't wanna be rude or anything, but is it okay if I just explore a little bit? This is kinda overwhelming, and all these people aren't helping. It was nice to meet you, though,' she said brightly. 'Oh, and thanks for framing someone else for me, Tamah. I'll pay ya' back for that sometime, I promise. So, I owe you a favour.'

Scythe drifted off towards the bedrooms, wanting to choose one for herself. Suddenly, she recalled that she had left her things at school, and panic struck her. Her phone was in there, and a lot of her poisons! It would NOT be good if they were burned, and even worse, if they were found as evidence. That would be an utter disaster! It should have occured to her earlier, she could have told someone so they could erase the evidence! The redhead pulled her ears down in frustration, gritting her teeth and letting out a moan of anger and worry.

However, she was relieved to see her school bag and black box laying quietly on a rather bland bunk with black sheets and reddish wood. She sighed a deep sigh of relief, and almost cried from the sheer emotion she had felt earlier. She checked her bag, and found the key to the black box as well as a note inside.

The note basically explained all the details of Phenomenon, with a strange signature at the end that Scythe could not read. The only thing that really concerned her was the last bit:

'P.S. Check inside the box.'

After attempting to lift the top of the box, she found it was locked tight. She searched all around for the key, but only after leaning down to look under the bed did she see the onyx and ivory key, dangling from her neck, as if mocking her. She wondered how the object had gotten there, as well as how it had acquired a string, but decided it was no use pondering, and decided to open the chest.

Although, before she could do so, a loud rumble shook the whole base.

((Also, no one has to answer the codenames thing, since she assumed that no one had code names. She'll figure it out soon enough, though)).
« Last Edit: March 04, 2017, 03:05:00 am by Kynvuu »

Offline ToastGhost

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{{Cool.  Well, here goes nothing.  Charles has entered the premises.}}

Charles Benedict

Name: Charles Benedict

Codename: Blindside

Age: 22

Gender: Male

History: Growing up, he bounced from psychologist office to psychologist office in his parents desperate hope to get a clear answer on what was wrong with him; they never got a solid answer.  What they didn't know was that Charles led all of them on, showing symptoms of different diagnosis for each new doctor he saw, leading to an eventual admission of defeat from his family.  So off to boarding school he went, where he repeatedly had religious materials quoted at him, and he generally drove the teachers insane with his many sins.  His roommate never spoke to anyone about what happened when they shared a room, and Charles suspected he never would, nor would he ever recover mentally.  Eventually graduating, he cut ties with his family and got a gig as a bartender for a popular club, coming up with fake documents to say he was twenty-one.  One day, however, without him knowing, he was suddenly part of another family.  One bound by blood, but in a stronger sense than his parents.

Personality: A rather self-centered and selfish being, Charles cares only for himself.  Whatever little fence in peoples brains stop them from doing truly horrible things does not exist in him.  He understands right from wrong.  He just finds the wrong to be much more entertaining and beneficial for him.  Suave when he needs to be, he is good at playing the charming gentleman to get others to trust him, just to make the inevitable betrayal that much sweeter.  He's an expert at pretending to be normal, wearing it as a mask so he survives his other job, that of a bartender in a popular club.  His laid-back manner of speech puts people at ease, making his more important job easier.  Besides, he likes to play with his victims before he finally grants them the mercy of death.  He clings to the old values of cleansing the human race, but enjoys the random pointless slaughter as well.  Blood is blood, after all.  And the family that kills together . . .

+Anyone and everyone
+The thrill of first blood
+Hurting those he gets to trust him
+Leading the law on a merry chase
+Any type of rope, since it is ever so useful
+Darwinism, the stupid killing themselves off
+A good stiff drink

-Surveillance cameras, always making his job harder
-Dogs, those blasted mutts always seem to take a disliking to him
-High-and-mighty good Samaritans, they just aid the problem he wants to solve
-Law enforcement actually doing a good job
-Most carbonated beverages

Hobbies: Mixing drinks, smoking, surfing, people-watching, murdering and pillaging (less of the pillaging, stronger on the murder), charming the maidens (or gentlemen, equal opportunity and all that rot), buying spools of rope “just in case.”

Theme Song: Muse – Butterflies and Hurricanes

Extra: He doesn't consider it an ability, but that's because he's always been able to do it.  He's able to talk almost anyone into doing whatever he wants.  It's caused by subtle harmonies in his voice that pretty much hypnotize the target, getting them to obey his every command, even if it is something they would normally not do.  Only those whose brains work differently (ex. autistic or other brain abnormalities) are immune.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2012, 01:02:24 am by Toast »

Offline Dragoneer22

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I AM ACCEPTED! And I read the rules. I'll read 'em again in case I missed something. Until then..... how to jump into this?.....))