Author Topic: FHU History Help? ^_^'  (Read 6974 times)

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FHU History Help? ^_^'
« on: December 30, 2020, 07:56:09 pm »
Hello, I am back, and this time with questions regarding FeralHeart Unleashed. I thought it best to ask on here instead of the FHU forum itself because, well, I heard that they removed their "leaving" boards because they disliked people stating their reasons for leaving (which were negative) so I felt perhaps opinions on FHU could be more... open if I asked here. Though I may ask on there without any of the more negative-answer-producing questions later. I have no idea how many people frequent both games, so you guys may have as little info as I do, haha! I'm hoping to fill in their FL page a bit more, like with FH.

There are some questions below. If interested, you can answer the ones you have an answer for and skip ones you don't. You can respond via PM if you prefer not to respond publicly.

1. What are the differences between FH and FHU, if any? I've heard they have the old, un-updated maps?

2. Would you say the FHU community is more, less, or the same amount of active as FH?

3. Would you say the FHU community is more, less, or the same amount of friendly (especially to new players) as FH?

4. Have you been witness to, or been involved in, any of the public accusations against FHU that anon sources online keep talking about? (I don't want to be specific here. There are a lot and if you answer 'yes' to this and want to elaborate, perhaps take it to PM, wouldn't want anyone in trouble)

5. Can you tell me something good or positive about FHU and its community so I can have some nice things to say?

6. When did this darn game start? Their website doesn't tell me! I can only guess based on post dates. Oldest Patreon content seems like its from March 2020.

7. If you don't even play FHU, do you have an opinion on it based on how the community here has interacted with it?

Thanks in advance and sorry to bug you guys again. <:}

Offline Telluric

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Re: FHU History Help? ^_^'
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2020, 12:35:21 am »
ah, hey, opinions of one of ye old """"drama starters so the leaving board is gone'""" people. booooo. i'll give you my perspective on what i can.

1. gameplay wise it appears they'll have more content in game, the maps are the "og fh maps" with the same terrains and whatnot, but much more polished iirc- like the fh of 2011 in 2021.
2. less from what i see. i check the forums every day and have most of the patreon-only server unmuted and it's quieter as of right now.
3. i'd say that's an unquantifiable thing.
4. i say a lot of the accusations are baloney. i wouldn't be able to tell you the truth of the matter, i feel like no matter what source i get it from there will be heavy bias and from what i've witnessed and what i know about all the floofs involved.. it's a grab bag of truth and people Just Not Getting What Someone's Trying To Say [tm]. there's bitter people on both sides of the debate about the credence of it all and you know in the year of our lord 2020 that context just doesn't have a place and rational debate is a silly notion among us internetters.
5. to clear as much of my bias from the rink as i can.. their staffers have experience and a lot of the people were- and still are, very psyched for what's to come.
6. heck if i know, it's pretty nebulous. i've known about it since before i joined in april and grabbed my usernames, the earliest accounts made on the forums date back to pi day of this year but concepts came before then, i have no doubt about that much. think you're a little outta luck, sorry.
7. it's not a nice one. i personally feel very alienated in that community and it's not because i play the og fh, either.

hope that helps. feel free to dm me for more info but i'll likely wind up jaded and cranky, it's not you, i promise. i'm happy to answer questions but i'm not happy about how i was treated. that's it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2020, 12:37:33 am by Telluric »
they say the world is endin'

well maybe it's about time!
don't ask about the yellow flower
see you, space cowboy..

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Re: FHU History Help? ^_^'
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2020, 10:39:23 pm »
Apologies this isn't going to be the most eloquently written but I'll give my two cents on these

1. What are the differences between FH and FHU, if any? I've heard they have the old, un-updated maps?
I hope I'm not incorrect saying this, someone can correct me if I'm wrong: I'm not in the Patreon or anything so I don't know much about development, but FHU isn't at all released yet. Right now they do have the FHN(?) servers up which are mostly just to tide people over until FHU's release. FHN does have the old maps but with some of the new features.

2. Would you say the FHU community is more, less, or the same amount of active as FH?
I'd say oFH is a lot more active. The FHU forums are super dead atm (there's not much to discuss anyways haha) but the FH Neighborhood Discord is still fairly active, but slowed a bit as of late. Whenever something happens in either community I'd assume traction would pick up.

3. Would you say the FHU community is more, less, or the same amount of friendly (especially to new players) as FH?
Considering FHU hasn't been released yet I can't say much, there's not a huge amount of new active players joining FHU afaik. I am very excited for FHU but I will admit the community seems a bit more closed off? Idk I just did a lot of cringey stuff on this game since I joined in like early middle school/late elementary school lmao but I feel like if I had done anything close to those things on the FHU forums I would not have received as understanding as responses haha but in my opinion the games seem to have different age ranges as their primary playerbase. I'm not sure if any of that makes sense, just kinda the vibes I get as a lurker

4. Have you been witness to, or been involved in, any of the public accusations against FHU that anon sources online keep talking about? (I don't want to be specific here. There are a lot and if you answer 'yes' to this and want to elaborate, perhaps take it to PM, wouldn't want anyone in trouble)
I've heard about the claims and idk seems farfetched, a lot of claims seem to be totally made up or very stretched. But I don't know anything about it so I won't say much on it. I can understand some claims that have been made (like things that can literally be viewable in a discord server) but others are way too serious to just be posting on an anon tumblr blog imo

5. Can you tell me something good or positive about FHU and its community so I can have some nice things to say?
I am very excited for FHU to be released! I really hope there's actually progress being made, the updates have been pretty slow ever since the hype of a new FH game died down. The idea of there being progress and something new for FH was really exciting at first.

6. When did this darn game start? Their website doesn't tell me! I can only guess based on post dates. Oldest Patreon content seems like its from March 2020.
I joined pretty quickly during March, I don't know anything further than that unfortunately.

7. If you don't even play FHU, do you have an opinion on it based on how the community here has interacted with it?
I think both communities are way too divided. I'm trying my best to keep an open mind for both games, but seeing how many people on FHU have a grudge against oFH, and posts here on oFH that are so negative towards FHU and people who play it... I think it's really unfortunate. Both games should be open to criticism even if you like both communities. Unfortunately both oFH and FHU seem to suffer from cliqueyness but I guess that comes with the smaller playerbase, but it often bleeds into a weird sort of rivalry between two games that are barely interacting.

Very insightful questions! I'm sorry I can't offer much besides just what vibes I get from lurking the forums and Discord. All in all I like both games but there are certain patterns within the communities that are a bit upsetting to see.

bro what if i put my feralheart cave next to yours.. bro what if they only had one flattened bush mesh to lay on and we had to share... haha just kidding... unless...?

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Re: FHU History Help? ^_^'
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2020, 11:56:20 pm »
I think both communities are way too divided. I'm trying my best to keep an open mind for both games, but seeing how many people on FHU have a grudge against oFH, and posts here on oFH that are so negative towards FHU and people who play it... I think it's really unfortunate. Both games should be open to criticism even if you like both communities. Unfortunately both oFH and FHU seem to suffer from cliqueyness but I guess that comes with the smaller playerbase, but it often bleeds into a weird sort of rivalry between two games that are barely interacting.

Honestly I feel that some of the hate is over the fact that the community is split. I'm not saying it's anyone's fault, but I feel it stems from the simple fact of there being two/another rather than one and people preferring the original over another server. Same deal with IT and FH, how some people preferred IT over FH.

While this topic is for answering these questions I just wanted to say that is all~ -backs out of topic

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Re: FHU History Help? ^_^'
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2021, 04:39:11 pm »
2. Would you say the FHU community is more, less, or the same amount of active as FH?

Right now it is rather quiet, leaving the oFH forums far more active. Yet I do think the in-game activity of both games are just as dead as one another... due to timezones and other circumstances that no one can confidently put their finger on. Everyone has a reason to get on at a designated time and whatever, so both games have a 50-50 chance of being dead or alive. oFH has been dying since the 2016 update and the most active place(s) are The Grounds. FHU's FN version has been dying due to not as many people being there, meaning roleplay groups will struggle to recruit unless they go Discord-based.

3. Would you say the FHU community is more, less, or the same amount of friendly (especially to new players) as FH?

I'd day the same. FHU consists of mainly the veteran players of oFH who fell out with certain members of the staff, or by their decisions & actions. A lot of them will say the banning system is part of the main reason. Others may add or just say it's the staff team as a whole. Others will say Razmirz's activity, or lack thereof right now (which has caused controversy for years). Others will say the 2016 update, more specifically the removal of the old maps or the constant debate on whether or not General should return. FHU also consists of the followers of those veteran players.
All of them of which had a friendly face on oFH for years or months prior, but just felt that their voices went unheard or their actions/criticism misunderstood.

4. Have you been witness to, or been involved in, any of the public accusations against FHU that anon sources online keep talking about? (I don't want to be specific here. There are a lot and if you answer 'yes' to this and want to elaborate, perhaps take it to PM, wouldn't want anyone in trouble)

I've witnessed it since the beginning. Part of me even saw it coming...

5. Can you tell me something good or positive about FHU and its community so I can have some nice things to say?

1) They have dived right into the deep end of details with their rules & regulations. Stuff that is allowed but monitored on oFH, isn't allowed at all in FHU.
2) Their staff have a clear hierarchy but no one is superior to the other. Some just have more 'powers' or 'authority' when it comes to dealing with members, while others just stick to designing for the game, etc.
3) They work, truly, sweaty kind of hard.
4) They are reasonable within their actions. When there is confusion or disagreement, they don't ignore or avoid it, they address it directly.

6. When did this darn game start? Their website doesn't tell me! I can only guess based on post dates. Oldest Patreon content seems like its from March 2020.

March 14th, 2020.

(apologies for not answering everything, some have already been answered)

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Re: FHU History Help? ^_^'
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2021, 07:24:25 pm »
Thank you all for your replies!