Author Topic: Flaring Hope ~ Part I ~ Cursed  (Read 1024 times)

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Flaring Hope ~ Part I ~ Cursed
« on: June 02, 2013, 06:33:22 pm »
"An intense story of a wolf who never lost hope"

Name - Breeze
Gender - Female
Age - 2 years
Birthpack - The Tribe of Strong Winds
Mother - Rain (Deceased)
Father - Storm (Deceased)
Brother(s) - Owl, Ice (Both Deceased)
Sister -  Dawn (Deceased)
Current Pack - The Tribe of Broken Shadows
Rank - Alpha Female
Mate - Vodka
Pup(s) - Thunder (M), Eclipse (M), Wind (F), Moon (F)


Breeze is a modest, young she-wolf who was born in the Tribe of Strong Winds. She has soft black fur with dark grey belly fur and is known for her grey colored celtic markings and her beautiful teal eyes. Breeze has the advantage of surprise when it comes to fighting. Because her body looks thin and her legs are long, then enemy will believe that she is weak. In reality her legs are sturdy and she is strong and tough for her size. On her right shoulder there is a long scar that never completely went away.


  Breeze is often calm, patient and hopeful. When she speaks, she always speaks from her heart and soul. She's never afraid to speak her opinions aloud even if its against others and believes that anything can be done if you never lose hope. Above all, Breeze's spirit is kind and her heart is pure. But the events in her pup hood scarred her inside and out and the scar on her right shoulder will never let her forget the events that took place then. Each night she sneaks out of her den and stares up at the night sky, remembering her past and worrying about her pack's future and most of all, her own. She believes in peace and tries too avoid fighting but when she or her pack is threatened or provoked, Breeze is a merciless killer. She is known for her unique fighting skills and how harsh some of them are. The ending blow is when Breeze knocks the enemy down and sinks her teeth into the enemy's neck without letting go until he is dead and no matter what pain Breeze is enduring, she will always fight as long as there's breath in her body.

Caution: This story contains some mild violence and some parts may be a bit disturbing to some... You have been warned...

~Flaming Hope~

Part I

                                                                 "Why did you do this?!?"                                                                                        
The words echoed around the clearing. Horrified, Breeze and her siblings, Ice, Owl and Dawn stared at Rain, who was standing before her leader, Alpha, as his eyes flamed with rage. "What have you done?!?" Rain still did not meet his eyes. "You have broken the code and deserve to die!" Alpha, roared. "Who was your mate?" He demanded. The mother did not meet his gaze. "Tell me or I will kill you!" The leader threatened. Breeze's eyes teared up as she witnessed the traumatizing  scene. "What's going on?" she silently cried out. "Rain!" A large male wolf shoved his way through the crowd and stopped in front of Alpha. It was her father, Storm. "What do you want with her!" He howled. Alpha looked at him, a smirk appeared on his face. "This is your mate?" Storm snarled, "Yes." Alpha stood silently and he gave Storm a grim look. He called two warriors to come up front. He went and sat on top of a large boulder. He gave Storm a cold stare and said, "Kill him." Breeze stared, horrified. All her instincts were telling her to runaway from this horrible scene, but she was frozen stiff. The two warriors leaped at her father, brutally attacked and murdered him in front of her own eyes. Breeze stared in terror at Storm's dead body. Alpha looked at Rain, "I would love to kill you too, but I'm too soft... but if we ever see you again you will be killed." Breeze looked pleadingly at Rain, "Why, why did this happen to us?" she wailed silently. "Why, why did this happen?" Soon after banishment, Breeze found out why.
   Rain, one of the hunters of the pack, was mates with Storm, a guard in the pack. While most wolves would be over joyed with having pups, at the time, it was just the opposite. Breeze's parents knew they had broken the ways of the pack when they decided to have pups. They both knew that the alpha had stated that if anyone else but he and his mate had pups, they would be exiled from the pack. They both knew they couldn't keep this a secret forever. But no, they decided to do it and that one decision made changed Breeze's life forever. Then, 2 week after she was born, Rain got caught nursing her pups and was sent into exile. Breeze's eyes watered at the story, "My birth was a mistake." She cried silently.
    Breeze traveled with the rest of her family for 3 days and settled in a thicket near a creek. 2 months passed, then 3, and Breeze was able to hunt butterflies and playfully stalk her brothers. Breeze always had hope, no matter what happened, but it all changed that one Fall day. That day, the time had come in which all the pups had been waiting for. They were going to come watch Rain hunt. Rain took them through the thick forest and led them out into a meadow. Since Rain was only hunting by herself, she could only hunt rabbits. Rain had then spotted a rabbit, she crouched and slowly crept toward it. Breeze watched with extreme intent. Then the rabbit pelted through the tall grasses. Rain bolted after it and Breeze along with her siblings, quickly followed.
   She was racing after the rabbit desperate to catch it. The hare pelted deeper into the meadow and leaped over a fallen branch. Rain lunged for the hare. Just then there was a loud boom that seemed to shake the floor of the forest. Rain went limp and fell to the ground. Breeze looked up, "What just happened?" She thought. "Mother?" She called out. There was no reply. Her siblings came bursting out from the tall grass only to abruptly stop at the sight of Rain. "Mother?" Ice called. Still there was no answer. Breeze rushed to the scene, "Something happened!" She called to her siblings, now worried about mother. She emerged from the long grass. Breeze gasped, "No!" Rain was gushing blood from a wound in her side. "Mother!" She screeched. Her siblings walked up beside her. "But it can't be--" Ice breathed. Everyone crowded around her body. "Help!" Breeze cried out. But there was no use. Rain was dead.
    Breeze could have sat there the rest of her life mourning, but she knew they had to move on. "We have to go." She said suddenly. "But what about mother?" Owl asked. Breeze sighed, "We have to move on." She looked up at the rising moon. "Let's find somewhere to sleep." She said. That night they slept in the long grass, not far away from mother. Breeze was the first to wake up and ran to her mother as soon as she remembered. Mother was not there. She wasn't anywhere to be seen. Rain was gone.
   Breeze felt a wave of sadness wash over her. All that was left of her mother had vanished. She sighed as she would have to tell her siblings the news. Breeze walked back to her nest without looking back.
   Dawn happened to be the most resistant to leave Rain. Breeze urged her sister to keep moving until they found a place to live. They traveled for days, eating on carcasses and trash. Breeze was walking by Dawn when a choking scent filled her nose. Gasoline. They were approaching a road. She stopped in her tracks, "We need to go in a different direction." She said plainly. "Why?" Owl asked. "Well..." Just then a threatening roar shook the ground. "What was that?" Breeze asked. Nobody answered. She looked into a large, dark hole. Two burning, yellow eyes were glowing and she heard a snarl. "Run!" She warned, but it was to late. A large grizzly bear slammed its paw into her side and everything went black.
   Breeze opened her eyes, struggling to maintain consciousness which was gradually slipping through her paws. Breeze struggled to stand up. She staggered to her paws, and fell once again.  Her ears perked up as she rolled onto her stomach, and she gave one last effort to push herself up but fell to the ground. She shifted positions, sheer pain ran through her shoulder. She slowly cranked her head to look at her shoulder. A long, deep gash was bleeding on her right shoulder. Breeze almost screamed at the sight of her own blood pooling around her body. As she tried focus on her surroundings and what she saw was more horrifying than her own blood. Dawn, Owl and Ice, all lying dead on the ground. She got up and staggered from side to side. "What happened?" She thought. Breeze lost balance and fell onto her side. She lost consciousness again and every thing was gone.
   Breeze woke up finding herself near a pool of clear water. A small waterfall trickled down the into the starlit pool. She strained her eyes to see better but her surroundings were nothing more than a fuzzy blur. Her thoughts were fuzzy and she could hardly speak as she tried to get up. As she got to her paws. She craned her head towards the water, slowly she made her way towards it. Suddenly there was heavy breathing behind her. Breeze whipped around, startled by the noise. A transparent wolf stood before her. She tried to speak but she could not find her voice. Then the wolf spoke, "You have suffered much, and have lost everything. The path you take is hard but do not give up." The ghostly wolf leaned closer to Breeze, "Have faith and follow what your heart desires for it will lead you to a new beginning which will be found here." The spirit started to fade, "But whatever may happen, never lose hope." The ghostly white wolf vanished and Breeze was left alone. She looked towards the water again. She padded up to the edge of the pool, bent down and drank. She seemed to feel her pain ease and her tiredness go away. She opened her eyes again and found herself back in the clearing where the grizzly bear attacked Breeze and her siblings. She suddenly felt bolder and knew she had to move on just like they had to leave mother. But Breeze knew that the events that took place in just a few months would leave a scar on her heart forever. She padded away, not looking back, not looking forward, but only staring into the eyes of the unknown. (I was gonna write more about how she got on without her siblings but I thought 8 long paragraphs was enough for part one)

Family Tree
(Sorry about the poorly taken pictures, I will retake them as soon as I have time)








(Since Vodka isn't my character I don't have a picture of him. However if my friend gets on FH then I'll take the picture)



(Sorry, she's so dark she doesn't show up well)


Preset Download
Will be less active until October 7th.