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Messages - solitaryshade

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Game Help / Re: Custom Material Not Showing Correctly
« on: June 03, 2014, 06:53:52 pm »
Whelp. I found the solution - which was to UV map the entire object and just do the old-fashioned way of using textures instead of procedural materials from blender, since OGRE apparently does this a lot with Blender-fashioned materials. Just as I feared.

I'm going to have so much fun doing that to a 120-cell mesh. Yippee.

Nonetheless, thanks for the help though.

Game Help / Re: Custom Material Not Showing Correctly
« on: June 03, 2014, 06:52:35 pm »
Only changing scene_blend's attribute to "alpha_blend" made it transparent, but the transparency doesn't show the same way as it does in Blender.


Game Help / Custom Material Not Showing Correctly *SOLVED*
« on: June 03, 2014, 05:35:21 am »
Basically, I made a mesh in Blender, and managed to successfully get it into the game with little to no problem at all, with the mesh and collision working fine and everything.

Only one problem:

I didn't have as much luck as I did with the actual material file. See, I wanted it to appear reflective, yet transparent like water, except much more translucent as pictured above.


It comes out like this.
To be honest, I didn't expect it to have a reflective look, because whenever whenever I used the default WaterReflectMat on ANY object in Object Maker, it comes out invisible or only reflective on one side (is that normal?).
But, I did expect transparency to work, doesn't.

So, what did I do wrong?

Also, here's the material file in case you need it:

material Reflect

   receive_shadows on

      pass Reflect
      ambient 0.10545461824798963 0.3154689981026877 0.42555353259365347 0.40689653158187866
      diffuse 0.1509189508992277 0.45147619920188475 0.6090211482200196 0.40689653158187866
      specular 0.4172413945198059 0.4172413945198059 0.4172413945198059 0.40689653158187866 12.5
      emissive 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.40689653158187866

      alpha_to_coverage off
      colour_write on
      cull_hardware clockwise
      depth_check on
      depth_func less_equal
      depth_write on
      light_clip_planes off
      light_scissor off
      lighting on
      normalise_normals off
      polygon_mode solid
      scene_blend one zero
      scene_blend_op add
      shading gouraud
      transparent_sorting on



Game Discussion / Re: Creepy Game Encounters
« on: July 28, 2013, 04:04:32 am »
another weird thing happened in sky's rim I was a dragon someone told me they had a map I downloaded it I saw black and I know normal kinda and creepy thing happened I automatically NO HANDS WITH KEYBOARD and I saw my char run right to the portal it started to flash my nametag flicked back and forth and then creepier part my char turned white the screen turned white and black nd it flashed and I turned mt computer off and it turned itself back on! CREEPPY STUFFF RIGHT!?!?!?!?!!!?!?!

Um, no, that is not creepy at all. It's called "someone messing with map files and possibly hacking your computer or account".

1.) Never download stuff from strangers simply over random chat in-game. The safest place to download new maps is custom ones off of FH dA or the forums, where people can easily report any suspicious behavior if the map download is the cause of their computer getting screwed over.
2.) I guess if every guy offered you some delicious candy, you'd go for it and end up on the news as a missing person. Because that is almost what you exactly did with downloading that map over the chat where it can't be recorded if something where to go wrong.

Moral: Stick where other people are. In this case, only trust things on the forums where if you're screwed over, you won't be the only one to report it.

Now how can downloading a map screw over a computer? The map itself isn't hacking it. You downloaded an extra, unseen file. I'd recommended scanning and/or possibly system restoring your computer after something like that happened.


Now to get back on-topic. For me, I never found anyone or anything creepy in-game so far. Frankly, it's the other way around. Think of me as Zarbon from DBZ Abridged series.

If you haven't watched that series on YouTube, basically, Zarbon is depicted as a character who speaks in homoerotic subtext and innuendoes almost constantly. It's hilarious, but if you take things out of context, stuff he says can be turned around to freak people out. xD

Oh the trolls~

Game Discussion / Re: Feral Heart Religion!!
« on: July 27, 2013, 09:18:07 pm »
I've seen the God = Admin comparison before actually. XD

There was once this interesting YouTube conversation I was looking at:

> "Life is a game with good graphics, but a terrible storyline. The community is terrible, with a lot of them arguing whether or not there is an admin."
> "Tell me about it. And don't get me started on the lag. It takes 9 months to spawn for crying out loud!"
>"Then there's the 18-year-long tutorial level that's actually MANDATORY and cannot be skipped."

Yes, I know that this is a "Life = Videogame" comparison, but there's still the God = Admin joke in there. I just thought it would be interesting the share. :3

Game Discussion / Re: Cross-Gender Rpers?
« on: July 27, 2013, 07:36:20 am »
Like most of what the others had said, I find nothing wrong with cross-gender roleplayers, especially since I do it myself from time to time.

However, there is ONE major pet peeve I have, whenever it comes to both roleplaying or just being out of character:

Gender-related misspellings or mistakes. For example, if you did a typo with the words "he" and "she", a lot of people become incredibly offended and STAY mad even if you told them it was a typo.

This pet peeve of mine REALLY rubs me the wrong way, especially whenever cross-gender roleplayers are involved. To put my horrid karma in a nutshell:

Many times when I /used/ to roleplay, I would come across cross-gender roleplayers. Most of them are just any average person, like me, since I am a cross-gender roleplayer too. However, there's always that situation whenever you "mistook" someone for the wrong gender and they're pissed at you. Say, if I was talking to a male character that's IN-CHARACTER, I would refer to them as male when OOC by default. However, if they are actually female (or a male playing a female character), I get a BUNCH of hateful text.

Well I guess I'm sorry for getting the wrong gender because you PLAY that gender? /steaming/

Whelp, there's a little rant and two cents. Now before anyone shows any fangs, I'm not saying all of them do this, because again, I am a cross-gender roleplayer, and these experiences are completely due to my HORRIBLE karma.

Game Discussion / Party-poopers / Jokes Taken Too Seriously
« on: December 28, 2012, 11:56:24 pm »
This can both be annoying outside and inside an RP, but moreso when you're not roleplaying to begin with.

This could be any player, from random parent-beggars (pups who beg for parents) to literate easy-going players that are your friends.

And while you and somebody else are having a good time, somebody HAS to break the mood because they're crying on the other side of the computer and NEED attention. But then there's the people that don't necessarily need attention, but pull the same crap. Instead, they want EVERYONE to do a moment of silence before we can proceed with our roleplay or having fun...if we only can with such depressing thoughts in our minds.

((Apparently, this was a reference to the Nutty Professor, which was a great movie that my entire group of friends love, including myself.))
Me and other friends: "LOL XD"
Party-Pooper: "..."
Party-Pooper: "My mom's dead, you prick."
Me: "Dude, he wasn't making the joke AT YOU. No need to get offended. >_>'
Party-Pooper: "I don't care. You guys need to appreciate what you have. I don't have a mother, and wouldn't care if my mom was fat."
Me: "Well, I don't have a younger sibling, so I'm never going to have a chance to be a "Big Brother" in my entire life just as much as you don't get to have a mother at all."
Party-Pooper: "Siblings are nothing compared to parents. Parents don't treat you bad and expect you to love them back."
Me: "Uh, yeah, they do. They're called Child Abusers. And that's just bull what you just said about siblings being lower than parents. Some siblings do take on a parental role and teach you things better than an actual parent will. Or rather, anyone can do, that's why we have a thing called FAMILY, as everyone in it is important, whether it's cousins, aunts, grandparents, siblings or parents."
Party-Pooper: "Well, dead mothers are nothing to joke about."
Me: "WE WERENT EVEN TALKING ABOUT DEAD MOTHERS. We're joking about the Nutty Professor, and the joke was...have you even watched the movie?!"
Party-Pooper: "Course not. Any movie with that kind of joke in it is a terrible movie. Now can we just drop the subject, I think I'm going to cry."
Me: "You're 19 years old, and you're going to cry over something like this? Even when my dad got paralyzed due to an accident on the road, I'm not crying about it, and I still love him. You're the one who needs to learn to appreciate what you have. You can walk, talk, and type on a computer while millions in the world, motherless or not, can't. And you need to appreciate that YOU are alive, and instead of making your mother's death a bad thing,why don't you learn something from it? Like appreciating that you are alive and not dead!"

They went offline after that. The rest of the day was nothing but arguing or ranting from what this idiot had said. The person came online two days later, and angrily yelled at us for treating him so poorly, and that he will 'commit suicide if [we] don't apologize' to him. We didn't apologize, and I asked why a 19-yr-old guy is doing this, and that he should man up. The so-called friend replied that he was actually a 12-yr-old girl.


When I yelled that statement, they said it was a typo. Riiiight. Then, when we didn't apologize, they went offline for about a month and came back online. I whispered, "Welcome back from the dead. How was your trip to Purgatory?"

They went offline after that, and made a different account to yell at us for awhile before finally leaving us to roleplay and have fun somewhere else. And everytime they came back up to get mad at us, it was always when we were having a good time.

Seriously, all of this over a yo-mama joke?
Come on, this isn't the 20th century. Lighten up.

Anyone else got their own story or opinion to share?

Lolz, it's good to know others have trouble keeping an open mind on these...interesting rpers x)

Yes, I agree that is it silly to rp as a human on a mainly animal MMORPG game XD

And oh god, I hate the godmodding hunt--I mean, poachers randomly shoot at us and for those that don't want to rp that way, it can lead to problems xU

Okay, first sparkledogs came about, which I can handle--but now, there's like an outbreak of human roleplayers.
No seriously, I've been seriously seeing them a lot more often than usual.

I'm trying my best to stay neutral on the subject, since it is being discriminatory and all--and stupid since we all are humans irl (say otherwise about your "irl species", I will NOT believe you, so don't try to convince me).

Anywho, just to keep the forums lively aside from the...recent topics i've seen in this section xD

What is your opinion on human roleplayers?

When I mean "human roleplayer", I mean someone who has the name "Sasha Human".
People with "Teen" doesn't really specify their species, so I don't know why so many people automatically think they're human XD
Human-related "species", like werewolves and vampires, etc. may also be included on this subject.

Game Discussion / Re: Arokai vs FeralHeart?
« on: November 09, 2011, 01:03:23 am »
The way I see it, both games are games that encourage creativity and imagination, just in different ways.

FeralHeart gives you the freedom to make your own meshes, custom markings, presets, and even entire maps that could pertain to either realistic or fantasy design, and this is where it is a superior game to Arokai.  However, moderation of trouble-makers isn't all that great and people are repetitively exposed to some pretty obscene language, which may not affect some, but bother others.  Besides that, the game's top administrators, especially the game-maker himself, are incredibly hard to gain contact with, which has been a problem to many...

Arokai gives you the freedom of multiple marking-layers, which definitely is superior to FeralHeart where you'd have to make a preset from scratch just to have a tiger with scars.  It also has a variety of animals to choose from as well as planned items, such as armor.  However, the game having presets is skeptical, and map-making and mesh-making are entirely out of the question.  This means that there will be a bigger concentration of people within maps, which could be overwhelming for any mods...


You deserve a cookie, my friend. -gives cookie to SkyLily- :3

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