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Topics - Keegui

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Member Bio & Journals / Keegui's Biography
« on: July 11, 2017, 03:47:41 am »
Welcome to my Biography!

Hello there! Thank you for looking at my biography! ♥

I'm so sorry if my whiteness blinded you... Please don't sue me, I can hardly afford Ramen noodles.

About me...
My name is Keegan. I'm an 18 year old girl living in the ever-beautiful Arizona! I was born and raised in Montana, but when I was 13, my family and I moved here to start a new life. I'm the only one in my family to live here now, but I can easily tell you that I'm the happiest I've ever been because Arizona is my true home.

I would say the most unique thing about me is- well- everything! I'm quite the quirky girl. I definitely don't fit the mold of your typical American teenager. I'm very sweet, and my greatest joy is making others smile! I can be quite the talker when you get to know me, so prepare your inboxes! Hahaha! I sadly suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress, and I have some brain trauma that causes me to act younger than I really am (my behavior can reflect that of an 8-12 year old in certain scenarios). It's gotten better with time, but I still find myself suffering from it occasionally. You could say I'm like Peter Pan! My two favorite video games are Pokemon and Animal Crossing, and I love to collect Tamagotchis. My favorite music genre is Rock/Alternative, because that's what I was raised on. :)  I am fascinated with psychology, but as of the past year, I've decided to pursue a career working with animals.

I have an amazing boyfriend who loves me dearly.  He's very accepting of my odd personality, and in my eyes, he's flawless (okay, maybe a little grumpy, but...). We're polar opposites; me being the happy, sing-songy childlike one, while he's the very serious and mature one. We balance each other out! ♥ I live with him and his family, and I love them so very much. They're like the family I always wanted, encouraging me in all that I do. In a few short weeks, my boyfriend and I will be living in our very own condo!

About my experience with Feral Heart...
I first played Feral Heart in 2012 when I was a wide-eyed, bushy tailed 13-year-old. I was on YouTube when I saw a FH music video. I immediately downloaded the game and got started. I was horrible at role-playing, but I got the hang of things as time went on. I took a small hiatus (computer broke), and joined back when I was 14. From then on, I played daily until I was around 16. It was so much fun, and to this day, I could tell countless stories about all the fun adventures I had on Feral Heart; role-plays, mishaps, funny moments... They're all there. But soon, Feral Heart just wasn't as fun as I remembered, and I stopped going on as much. I also had a lot going on in my life at the time... For a while, I was convinced I simply "outgrew" my favorite MMORPG, but I started to miss it horribly recently to the point of feeling depressed over it. So, I installed it on my computer, and logged into my very first account to see if I still had it by some crazy chance. And surprisingly, it was still here! I changed my username from "Luckypup551" to a fresh, more mature username that is Keegui (Keeg-wee). Despite the changes made to the game, it still feels like home to me! I've made such wonderful friends already, even running into old ones, and I couldn't be more thankful!

If you ever wanna chat, please don't ever hesitate to send me a PM! I'm super friendly, and I love to talk (do I ever...). Be it you want to be friends, talk about a bad day, vent/rant, whatever it is, I'm here to listen! ♥

That's all I can think of writing at the moment! Thank you so much for reading!

Introduction / Hi, I'm a returning player!
« on: July 08, 2017, 04:13:44 am »
Hello there!

I'm not sure if anyone would remember me, but I was formerly luckypup551. I used to play Feral Heart a lot when I was younger (13-15), and it was by far one of my favorite games; I could spend hours on it... But as I got older, life got in the way, and I sorta fell out of role-playing. Gosh, did I miss it here... Sometimes it even brought me to tears when I remembered all the fun memories. I'm 18 now, and I must admit, I felt a little reluctant to join again because of my age. But living in fear of what others think is no way to live! I'm happy to be back here, and I can't wait to start new adventures with my old O.C.s, and maybe even new ones (though it's gonna be difficult adjusting to those new maps)!

A little about me...
I'm very shy, but also very friendly. I don't usually initiate conversations in fear of being ignored or told off, but I'm always open to talking! <3 I'm also a HUGE kid at heart. I collect Tamagotchis, stuffed animals, Pokemon merchandise, and Animal Crossing stuff, too! I love to sing, but I'm way too shy to possibly pursue it as a career. Instead, I dream of working with animals! :D

I've always loved role-playing- specifically as animals. I don't know, humans just aren't as interesting to me. I have to be one every single day! Hahaha! Feral Heart has always been my go-to game for role-playing because it gives me that opportunity to bring my characters to life. I'm not sure if I'd necessarily identify as a furry, but all my O.C.s are wolves; and I love Feral Heart because I don't feel so alone in that, ya know?

Anywho, if I keep writing, I'll have to do book signings at Barnes & Noble. Heheh! ;D I can't wait to meet you all! <3

Positive Vibes,
Keegan (Keegui)

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