Chapter 23
The ghost ran ahead. Some Janama has no right to disturb order in Aella.
Julie was right behind him. It was starting to burn. She felt hot flooding her body. She would gladly end up with Janama, but first she wanted to stop Janama's protection so that the ghost could enter the camp imperceptibly. After a moment, the ghost turned into a dark streak such as Julie had seen for the first time.
Dernial ran next to Julie. He saw him burn. The eyes were filled with hatred and incredible strength. He was impressed. He knew her from a puppy, and now he felt like he was learning her again.
Janama's guards actually fled right away. Seeing a burning wolf running towards them setting fire to the trees passing by on the way, it was not surprising. Janama did not see them, so they decided to sneak up. They formed a circle around Janama which they slowly tightened. He did not notice them until they came out of the bushes with Julie in the front.
"You will never shake Aella's rights again," she whispered, then made a circle of fire around him. She let the ghost fly inside the circle.
Julie felt a strong blow to the back of her head. She fell over.