Author Topic: .:.:: The Hunger Games ::.:. [Inactive since 22/02/2013]  (Read 5165 times)

Offline Bunnehz8D

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Re: .:.:: The Hunger Games ::.:. The First Annual Hunger Games OPEN
« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2013, 12:07:32 am »
Okie C:))

Offline Zarorah

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Re: .:.:: The Hunger Games ::.:. The First Annual Hunger Games OPEN
« Reply #11 on: January 22, 2013, 06:25:18 pm »
She looks almost exactly like that, except the hair is longer and has black tips

Username:Typically I'm Zarorah, but I'm Zarorahbutt right now

Name:Adrienne LaFontaine




Personality:Adrienne is a slight bit snobby. Her parents praised her because of her strange appearance, and would often go out of their way to show her off. Because of that, she feels that she is slightly more privileged than those without Alexandria's Genesis. That doesn't mean that she'll ignore you if you talk to her. She'll most likely listen, at leas until you begin to bore her. Then, she'll walk away, letting you know that the conversation is over.

When she walks, she exudes a slightly obnoxious air around her, with the way her head is positioned. It's not so much that she's obnoxious; it's that she's confident. She walks with her head held high, getting the message across that she's ready to take the world head on. A very adventurous girl, Adrienne saw the Hunger Games as a challenge, rather than a death sentence. She figured that it was merely another test in her life.

However, inside her tough exterior, she's just as terrified as everyone else. She's scared of death, but know she'll end up facing it. Seeing blood makes her violently sick, but she knows she'll have to get over it. After all, this is the Hunger Games. It's survival of the fittest, and she'll do anything she can to make sure that she wins.

Appearance:Adrienne's look could be described as that of a hawk, fierce and courageous yet graceful and beautiful. She has what is commonly called Alexandria's Genesis. Because of this, her body is nicely proportioned. She stands at roughly 5'8" and weighs only around 100 lbs. Her legs are long and toned, as are her arms. She has a small, round face, a small nose, and full lips. She doesn't often speak, but when she does, her voice is determined, yet soft.

As a result of Alexandria's Genesis, Adrienne's skin doesn't tan or burn. Ever. She could sit out in the sun for days, and her skin will still be the same healthy color. Her body has lean muscle running throughout its entirety, and this girl has never had to deal with her weight. The metabolism of a girl with this condition is extremely fast, and will break down fats before the body has a chance to absorb them.

Her natural hair color is a dark chestnut brown, but after the Reaping, she had it dyed to a dark red with black tips. It's naturally soft and very easy to work with, not often getting frizzy or tangled. Her bangs, which start red but fade to black as they near her eyes, rest across her forehead. The red of it cascades down her back in a waterfall of waves, stopping right behind her knees. This is often kept in two braids, which she flips over her shoulders.

Her eyes are truly something to behold. They are not the typical blue, or brown, or green, or hazel. No, they're a vibrant purple. Not neon, but a subdued purple, like a dark lilac. Around her pupil is a less noticeable ring of sky blue, which blends nicely. Her eyes are also slightly almond shaped, giving her an almost Asian appearance. She often wears a bit of makeup to accentuate her eyes. Usually just a bit of eyeliner and mascara do the trick for her.

However, Adrienne did not get all of the benefits of having Alexandria's Genesis. One of the characteristics is never getting sick. She inherited this, but only to a certain extent. Her immune system doesn't block every illness, and when she does get sick, she gets VERY sick. Also, another characteristic is the person has perfect vision. This is definitely NOT the case. Adrienne has far from perfect vision.

Games Outfit: For the Games, Adrienne has her hair pulled into two braids that reach down to the middle of her back, while her bangs stay out.  She is wearing a pair of hiking boots with high socks, along with a lined, black jacket, a long-sleeve (Under-Armourish) shirt, and what appear to be just jeans.

Interview Outfit: She is wearing a red, strapless dress that fades to black, like her hair, along with high heeled leather boots.  She has a heart-shaped garnet necklace around her neck, given to her by her mother.  Her hair falls down her back in long rivulets, stopping right at the lower part of her back.

Skills:Since Adrienne can't see as well as some others, she isn't as accurate as she'd like to be.  However, she makes up for that with her ability to set traps.  Even if she can't think of something right away, she will certainly figure something out.  Also, she is as slippery as an eel.  She has an uncanny ability to break apart alliances, but will rarely use it.  Other than that, she's pretty good at camouflaging herself (especially in trees) and is decent in all of the other categories.


RP Sample: She had remembered the Reaping like it was yesterday.

The entirety of her town had gathered in the square, waiting to see who their first Tributes would be.  Adrienne folded her arms across her chest, glancing over to her friend, Clair, who stood a few people away.  She looked back, flashing a smile and a thumbs-up, which Adrienne returned.

Her foot began to tap impatiently as she awaited the Capitol representative to come out of the town hall. What was taking him so long, anyway?  Adrienne was starting to think about ditching this whole thing, but she knew that it would probably result in her own death.  So, she continued standing there, tapping her elbow.

After what seemed like forever, a Capitol representative walked out, messing with her lemon-yellow hair that was piled on top of her head.  She stepped up to the microphone, tapping it a few times.  A deafening screech came from the mic, and many of the gathered's hands flew to their ears.  After the feedback had subsided, the Capitol representative straightened up and flashed a smile.

"Welcome to the first annual Reaping!"  She chirped, then paused.  It seemed like she was expecting roaring applause.  However, she did not receive it.  A few, hesitant claps emerged from the crowd, but for the most part, it was silent.  Forcing her smile to stay on her face, she glanced toward the large screen to her left as a video about the war that was fought the previous year.  Of course, the Capitol had emerged victorious, and had implemented these Hunger Games as a form of both punishment and entertainment.  

After what seemed like forever, the movie ended.  With another flashy smile, the Capitol representative turned back around, then glanced to the two glass balls that held the names of all of the eligible participants.  As she did this, she began to explain the rules of the Reaping, such as the volunteering.  The girls' bowl seemed to be more full than the boys' side, and this eased Adrienne's mind a bit.  She was almost certain that neither she nor Clair would be chosen.

"And now, let us select our two lucky participants!" The woman chirped in her squeaky voice.  With a quick scan of the crowd, she stuck her hand into the bowl, moving the papers around.  Finally, she pulled her hand back out with a single slip of paper clutched between her slender fingers.  She opened the slip, waited a few seconds, then began to speak.  "And our female Tribute is...

"Clair Delattre!"

Adrienne's heart dropped as she looked over to Clair, who stood there, eyes wide.  She turned her bright green gaze to Adrienne's purple one, before wiping her eyes and stepping forward.  The Capitol representative was standing there, the piece of paper still clutched in her hand.  She seemed to be hurrying Clair along.  

Adrienne knew that Clair had lost her mother shortly after Clair was born.  Her father had met another woman, which brought about her younger brother, Kyler.  The woman eventually left, and Clair's father resorted to alcoholism.  As a result, being the only woman in the family, Clair took the place of her mother.

As Clair neared the podium, Adrienne stepped out, pushing past the Peacekeepers.  She grabbed Clair's hand and pulled her back, then stepped forward.  "I volunteer for Clair!"

Extra:I'm ready for the Games!
[Insert some kind of image that still needs to be made here]

Offline Bunnehz8D

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Re: .:.:: The Hunger Games ::.:. The First Annual Hunger Games OPEN
« Reply #12 on: January 22, 2013, 10:25:48 pm »
Accepted! And I must say you have a wonderful application, you have a great roleplaying skill. You can start Roleplaying as being in the train.

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Re: .:.:: The Hunger Games ::.:. The First Annual Hunger Games OPEN
« Reply #13 on: January 23, 2013, 02:16:57 am »

[Character's picture here]

Name:Fuyu Hokkyoku
Personality:She's actually quite calm and mature. She's peaceful and serious and barely has a personality other than her calm wall. Occasionally she'd smile or act like a kit but with a ruined childhood, she often keeps serious. She has a wide creativity though and some hunting/fighting skills.
Rank:[ex: Capitol Citizen]
RP Sample:

The liar and the thief

Offline Zarorah

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Re: .:.:: The Hunger Games ::.:. The First Annual Hunger Games OPEN
« Reply #14 on: January 24, 2013, 02:34:36 am »
((*waits for more people to join* ;u;)
[Insert some kind of image that still needs to be made here]

Offline Bunnehz8D

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Re: .:.:: The Hunger Games ::.:. The First Annual Hunger Games OPEN
« Reply #15 on: February 22, 2013, 05:22:57 pm »