Author Topic: "Is this really the end?" |Remade| |Post Apocalyptic Rp| |Currently Open|  (Read 34060 times)

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Will you survive the apocalypse?

Many loved the idea of an apocalypse, the ability to loot stores and kill anything that crossed your paths. The way you imagined it was a lot different. Fun? Yeah right, you're miles off. Easy? Something's going to hit you really hard. Nothing is as it seems on the movies, or games for that matter. It's not a game any more, this is the real world, real problems. No one really knows how this happened, what happened, all they know is they need to survive. Sure rumours of diseases making people 'zombie' like had been spread, but do we really believe a disease is the cause? Or is it just one of their little plans, a game. The feeling of being watched is always there, and not only by the beasts that lurk in the shadows. The government have been hiding things, they have been for years, their efforts to stop this 'disease' seem non-existent. Now it's up to you, your fellow friends and any survivors out there to stay alive. Put all your questions and fears aside, make sure you survive the apocalypse. No one knows when it'll be over ....
You are one of the only survivors in the once amazing city New York. You have started with nothing but your inventory is growing as you try to find a place that's safe through the city.

The main plot;
You're located in New York City, or what use to be. Near enough everything is now in ruins, smashed. It's your job to survive, whether that be alone, or you happen to form a group of survivors, it's entirely your choice. Do what you need to survive, maybe you'll travel to Cali, or any other area you wish, or maybe you'll stay put in the ruined City of New York. However, all isn't as it seems. You think no one got away? No one across the world is alive? Well, you've got it wrong, even though you're somewhat oblivious, some tell tale signs will show. The government are keeping watch, through cameras and satellites around cities and towns, adding in 'new' or 'mutated' zombies to make your life just as hard. It's all a big game to them. You must prove yourself, survive at all costs, prove them wrong and ruin their pathetic, little experiment.

The Beasts;

The Zombies; what a 'beautiful' sight they are. Their skin all flaked and pale, their eyes near enough which, torn clothes, bruised and veiny skin, marks and wounds covering their bodies. Who could forget the all too unpleasant smell with is attached to them. One living beings, they're not thirsty for humans, killing any whom crosses their path. Often wondering in hoards, large and small, and occasionally alone. A simply shoot to the head or a hard enough blow will send them tumbling down. But be careful, they have a habit of turning up uninvited and will attack throughout the day and at night, wondering the streets and few will hide out in buildings. A single bite may turn you in to a beast. Same applies for your companions.

The Mutant Dogs; not only is this disease prone to humans, it is also prone to your beloved dogs. Many dogs after contracting the disease will lose their fur, although not all will lose their fur and will simply look like they have a mild case of mange, veins will become more visible, increased aggression and their thirst for blood is horrendous. There eyes will become a pale, or bright, almost glowing yellow colour, some have also been known to turn read. If getting bitten by the dog, you're a lot less likely to receive the disease. In fact, you will become rather ill if being bitten by this creature. Some may get better with time whereas some will only grow worse. For other dogs, they will not actually be turned, although they may show a more unpredictable, aggressive behaviour, they will not turn and it is less effective to them.

The Zombie Cat; a lot like the dogs, the cats will have different changes, yet similar effects. Cats that have the disease will also lose fur, or look like they have a mild case of mange, veins are more obvious. they will have wounds and injuries, flaky skin or rough skin, eyes will grow a red or bright yellow colour, fangs will turn black like the others too. They can even lose limbs easily. A lot like the dog, if being bitten you will get a mild illness. Maybe a sickness bug, which will more than likely wear off within a few days. Although not as powerful, their wounds are more likely to get infected if not receiving quick treatment. Humans and dogs can be bitten by the cat and gather some sort of illness.

{Remake of another rp, some bits have been added and taken away. Permission was given. The link to view the old thread and read through if you wish is;}
« Last Edit: October 28, 2015, 02:38:19 am by Taylor »
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Here are the rules;

1. Please be active! I don't want this rp to die within a few days of it being made.
2. Be literate, no one liners will be accepted. Three lines minimum please.
3. In some way, this rp is realistic and therefore pictures, actions and such much be rped out realistically.
4. A posting order will be worked out throughout rp however, if one hasn't posted in a day, go ahead and post.
5. Weapons are allowed, just nothing too big and don't have your character have like 10 weapons. Unless they have stacked up on equipment and crap.
6. If you have read the rules, please put 'End' in your application'
7. Groups will be allowed to be formed, whether they be friendly or rebel type groups.

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« Last Edit: October 27, 2015, 11:23:07 pm by Taylor »
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« Last Edit: November 08, 2015, 12:46:14 am by Taylor »
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"When you feel like quitting, think about why you started."

Full name: Kennedy-Leigh McCally
Nickname: Ken, Skipper
Gender: Female
Age: 23 years old

Personality: Kennedy is a young woman who is somewhat outgoing, she loves being on the move and doing things productive. She loves doing things somewhat athletic which also encourages her to use her brain. Ken is a smart woman also, who deals well in tough situations, being able to think out a quick scenario and make up a reasonable plan. When it comes to it, she is rather protective and very loyal over those whom have managed to form some sort of bond with her. She will protect them no matter what the cost is. Although she doesn't show it too much, she is actually a caring young lass, once you push her slightly 'bitter' nature aside. Even though her heart appears to be painted black, it's worth digging deep. Kennedy also has a good sense of humour and will often try and make others, who she knows, feel better if they appear to be feeling down. First impressions may not be too good, seeing as she'll show some hostility towards those she doesn't know. Yes, she does have a short temper and will often snap when being pushed too far, her patience is high, but low at the same time. Being on her wrong side isn't the smartest move one can make. Although she doesn't hold grudges, she will not forgive you easily if you manage to lose her trust. She is sarcastic, hot headed and feisty - also having a bitter, cold, harsh side to her. A born leader she will often appear. Her love for animals is also strong, which can be shown through the bond she'll often form with animals and most importantly her companion. Whether you decide to dig a little deeper, or run at the first hurdle is entirely your choice however, befriending her is the best thing you could do.

History: Although her parents were split when she was younger, they had always gotten along. They did want the best for their daughter and therefore, this was very important. Growing up wasn't the easiest however, she did get through it with help from her parents and a close friend known as Jacob - aside from her brother, Kennedy would also treat Jake as one of her brothers too. The two were inseparable. Throughout many years the two had been close friends, they'd treat one another like family. And although there were some problems between her family, they seemed to pull through them, their bond growing stronger than ever. The years went on and she had completed school, before going to college and then getting herself several part time jobs in the industry of mechanics and animal based jobs. All seemed to go fine for her. She had also gotten herself a handsome canine companion at the age of 19, who is said to be her life long companion.

However, all seemed to good. When she hit the age of 22, the government seemed to act .... Strange? News on diseases spread, but were quickly hushed by them. No one was really sure what was going on for a good year. Although, people seemed to go by their usual lives, even though she knew something was wrong and after making several accusations, she decided to let it slip, not wanting to see crazy. One she hit the age of 23, disaster struck. The skies seemed to turn black, several helicopters seemed to zoom out of the city, the governments told everyone to stay inside and shut all windows and doors securely. No one knew what was happening, they just went with it. Days later the news showed cannibalistic, zombie like humans, dogs and cats. It was all so, so strange. Living out near the country meant she was away from her family and friends. Travelling back down to her parents home, she found an unpleasant sight. Her parents were laying on the ground, dead, a zombie over the two bodies. Scared, she was soon attacked by the beast, quickly beating it over the head with her fathers baseball bat, the creature was dead. Her parents had clearly been bitten, so giving them mercy was her only option. Using her fathers hand gun, she'd say a quick prayer and shoot the two, they were already too far gone. Her brother seemed to be out of the house. Collecting to rest of the guns bullets and the bat, she went to find Jake. He was missing too.

Weeks later she was still looking for the two lads, but to no avail. She had given up all hope, it was only her and Hunter. Although, about two weeks later she stumbled across several people, most being hostile, two seeming to be friendly. The trio created a small group, which only seemed to grow. Although they've lost and gained members, their little band of survivors are still going strong.


This is Hunter, her 4 year old Belgian Malinois x German Shepherd. He is a rather tough dog to work out and one most don't find too easy to control. Although he IS a very obedient dog, it seems that he'll only listen to Kennedy, and the occasional person whom has managed to gain his trust. A hard working, loyal and protective dog he is. One which rarely shows his emotions unless he's face to face with Ken herself. Despite his very, very aggressive, dominant nature, he's actually a very playful and friendly beast. Hunter is known to be a fighter and will attack anything on commands and will also stop when being told to do so. He has grown a savage hate for zombies and the mutants and will stop at nothing to help the humans slaughter them. He can be seen as the leader of the pack and won't hesitate in showing the others he is. However, like his owner he too is rather friendly and stubborn. He will be playful however, he knows when to shut it off and when he has his work head on, nothing can stop the male. He wears a thick, leather collar and a loose silver chain around his neck.
Weapon(s): Sub-machine gun, spiked club, hand gun x2 and a knife
- She will be in a group with others and we will be continuing from a previous rp, feel free to join them
- Has collected many supplies and such
- Wears a locket off of her parents with a family photo in
- Face claim; Megan Fox

"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change."

Full name: Jacob Bennedict
Nickname: Jake, Benny
Gender: Male
Age: 24 years old

Personality: There are two ways one can look at Jake; he's either a bad boy, or a child-like gentleman. He's known to take things in life as a joke, most things anyways. Kennedy will often refer him to a 'big kid' which in some aspects, does describe him relatively well. Although, despite his humours and playful nature, he will often act rather mature. He knows the time and place where he can show his playful side, and knows when he needs to actually act his age. Towards the ladies he's kind and caring, however he will now and then assert his dominance although, that isn't really important to him. He's often caring and kind, always up for a chat and will welcome all unless he gets a bad vibe about them. Jacob will often take life as it comes, not really doing much thinking about what has happened and instead will act with what he's got in the current situation. Again, when it comes to the women he can be seen as quite the flirt, although not the creepy kind as that's also part of his sense of humour. Towards those he knows he's polite, approachable, friendly and caring. However, he can also be stubborn and at times harsh. He likes the sense of danger, but never wants to really endanger others. Jake is a risk taker and even if something appears impossible or even hard, he wont hesitate in giving it all hes got. Hot headed, he isn't one you want to get on the wrong side of. Not only will he probably tear your head off, it'll take you a life time to gain his trust back. However, he is rather laid back and isn't one to jump straight to the gun.

History: Like his pal, Jake lived with one parent. They weren't split, his father had died. He was an amazing man who played his part to the world - being a dedicated member to the armed forces. Jake's a lot like his father, something his mother loved about him. The two were similar in so many ways. When he was only 17 he lost his father in one of the wars. Before he left he promised his father he'd protect his mother at all costs, or he'd die trying. Although this put strain and stress on the family, they managed to battle through, getting helped along by family and friends. His good friend Kennedy seeming to be his back bone through tough times. He'd complete school, college and went on to work. His line of work was with mechanics, of course, and he often helped out at police stations and army bases. The income was great and he gave his mother everything he could. However, they soon went through a scare with the government and such, a disease of some sort had broke loose and the two were scared for one anothers safety. There was nothing they could do though, other than keep one another and their pets safe. It was rather terrifying. And he didn't want to let his old man down. Jake had done his best though. Keeping his mother safe as well as he could, sadly, she contracted the virus and soon turned in to a zombie. Nothing more he could do for her, he gave her mercy. Collected some things, his fathers weapons and left their home.

For weeks he spent the time alone, battling others, killing off the beasts that often attacked him. No one for company apart from his two dogs. One which had been a life long pet and another he had saved from a pack of those infected mutts. He'd try and venture as far out of the city as he could however, having no vehicle made his attempts fail. Jacob found refuge in a large, abandoned set of flats which he soon made his home. Not knowing where his friend had gone after he had went to find her at her home, he lost some hope. However, he soon found his friend and a group of survivors. Joining their small group, he offered them a new place to hide out, a more secretive one. Now the group seem to be striving.


This is Tebo, he's the oldest of the two dogs at 5 years. His breed is the Caucasian shepherd. Between the two Tee is obviously the most strange, as some may say. However it isn't in a bad way. He isn't like most dogs, and is a lot less friendly. Towards those he knows Tebo is a lot more affectionate and loving, as well as being approachable. At times he will show playfulness between both man and dog, and at times he will get a little over the top and boisterous, his large size meaning he can often hurt others by accident - therefore when interacting with him people and canines will need to be a little careful in order the prevent themselves from being hurt, however he does know when to stop, and he isn't as playful at times. Those whom are able to approach him don't have as much access as Jacob does, having such a bond with this human means that Tee will respond to Jacob, and only Jacob - Kennedy is an acception since knowing her since he was a pup. Those who don't get to know Tebo and are yet to gain his trust will see the more negative side to this beast. Many will say it seems as if he is 'looking them up and down' or giving them 'smug' looks of some sort, as well as seeming a lot more threatening and aggressive. Strangers are completely unable to interact with this dog without either being bitten or shown great aggression. He's a brave canine and will do what he can to those whom gain his trust and love, sadly he isn't that easy to win over. Tebo is one of the most loyalist and bravest dogs anyone could ever meet. He'd risk his own lift to prevent anyone being hurt.

This is Kaisza, she is the youngest of the two dogs at 2 years. The breed of this dog is the Perro De Presa Canario x Anatolian Shepherd. Out of his two companions Kai is a lot more approachable and friendly. Unlike Tebo she is a rather playful young dog who is more welcoming to those she doesn't know. She is less likely to act aggressive towards you, however don't be fooled as she too can at times be a little aggressive and unpredictable, since taking on some of Tees traits after watching him over the weeks shes been around him. Just like Tebo you need to be a little more careful with her, being younger means she'll throw her weight around as unlike the male she doesn't know when to stop. Kaisza is a lot more affectionate also, but at times can seem a little hostile, unless you manage to draw her attention or somehow bribe her into liking you. Towards strangers she can also seem a little aggressive and wary, but she will welcome you in a lot faster. Unlike the older male she will listen to others, although it will be limited for her and she wont listen to everyone first time, unless Jacob tells her different. Kaisza is brave and loyal, but since her young age she can get frightened now and then, although Tebo seems to push her in the right direction, and gives her a helping hand.
Weapon(s): USP-45, Deepfire-M4, AK47 rife, Axe, Army knife
- Is also in the group with the others
- Has also collected many other weapons and crap
- Wears a silver chain with a cross on and his fathers 'dog tag' from the army
- Face claim; Ryan Guzman
« Last Edit: November 02, 2015, 03:08:29 am by Taylor »
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« Last Edit: January 28, 2016, 02:57:17 am by PrettyReckless »

Tomoko ?

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Accepted, of course. Hopefully the others re-join.
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"Bite me."
Full name: Christina Parker.
Nickname: Chris.
Gender: Female.
Age: 23 years old.
Personality: Chris is mostly seen as a crazy woman that has a huge obsession for pies and cookies. when in stores, she always looks for chocolate chip cookies. If she won't find any, she'd go on a rampage and most likely destroy the whole store. Chris is dependable and quite a role model. She is friendly and nice, always there to lend a helping hand, along with noce and courageous words. She's a good listener and decision maker, an alpha or beta. She likes to joke around a lot, always try to put a smile on someone's face. Chris is strong-willed female, she'll always refuse to give up and will do her best at saving someone or standing last in the battlefield. Crazy, wild woman on loose. Call the police if you see her.
History: Chris was born in a poor family, her parents were alcoholics and she was the only child. At school she'd always get bullied, but in second grade she stood at the bullies and helped children who got bullied. That's how she became the most known student in school.
Chris got good grades and some parents were curious how girl who's a child of alcoholic parents get better grades than their children. She always showed her physical strength in gym and in class, her sharp tongue when annoyed, and her great learning skills during tests and classes.
The idea of joining the army crossed her mind when she was in 11th grade, during a presentation about soldiers. She joined the army when she was 18, there she met Theo who's she accompanied to today. She prove her strength in battlefield with that male right next to her, climbing to the best spot during those few years. When they were able to leave back home, Chris didn't want to any single bit, but she had to anyways. When she got back, the first thing she saw was a huge mess in her parents' flat, along with stench that caused the girl to head outside for a second. When she came back in with a scarf around her nose and mouth, upon investigating she found her parents laying dead on the kitchen floor, only moments before they attacked the girl. Killing them and then realizing that it's the end of the human race struck the world, she went out to find Theo and survive with him.
Chris' companion is Milo, a Bengal Malinois. This canine has been by her side ever since she left the Army. For her great work, they gifted her a young pup, that now grew up into a tall and strong dog. Milo is loyal and very protective of Chris', Theo and his fellow friend Major. Inseparable from his owner, Milo tends to always stay by her side, knowing, that the girl can get attacked any time, both by humans and other zombies.
M16, (the last one). She has mastered the use in this gun, her main gun.
Army knife, always in a small socket in her belt.
Other: She's immune to zombie's bites, a bite on her neck proves so.

"Okay, I get the point, just shut up."
Full name: Theo Benedict.
Nickname: None as of yet.
Gender: Male.
Age: 25 years old.
Personality: Theo is an easy-going guy that prefers to make friends and stay calm rather than go aggressive at people he doesn't know. Of course, there's a small portion of self-defense and protection is there. He's not selfish, more likely, he's generous. Open minded and strong willed.
History: Meh. Maybe next time.
And his name is Major, a black shepherd that as well has been by Theo's side since he elft Army. Gifted a black puppy that now is his loyal companion, Theo has never wanted to get rid of this dog, and never will. Major is intelligent, strong-willed and enthusiastic canine, trained to be a soldier in a battle field.
A black rifle M16, his most favorite gun. Though, he prefers to use AUG and AK, still, M16 is his love.
Other: End!
« Last Edit: October 29, 2015, 03:22:09 pm by Phroghress »
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Yer accepted! We can begin now, from where we left off, or hold back a little longer?
« Last Edit: December 29, 2015, 04:05:04 am by Taylor »
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I'm not sure, either way, I'll push my characters to meet others.))
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Re: "Is this really the end?" |Remade| |Post Apocalyptic Rp| |Currently Open|
« Reply #9 on: November 01, 2015, 05:13:35 pm »
Mind if I rejoin? Sorry I haven't been active, had a lot happening ;n; ))
Mother its cold here. Father thy will be done.
Thunder and lightening are crashing down.
They got me on the run, direct me to the sun.
Redemption keeps my covers clean tonight.
Baby we can start again.
Only the young can break away.