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Messages - Vidathelion

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Game Help / Really need some help with meshes, maps and objects
« on: August 28, 2014, 03:06:49 am »
Gotta' say, as much as I love this game there's one thing I've yet to find in answer to:
How come my objects wont work? (also, how come a crud-load of my maps wont export?
I really hate this x.x its super annoying. Every item, not matter what or where I get it, never works in game. All the items come out blank and white, with the name "BaseWhite" where I typed the mat.file.

Can some one please help me with this?
Also, please don't use super-detailed explanations, try to make it simple ^^" I'm not good with guessing where files and coding goes at with this game.
Also, when people tell me to put objects in the "objects folder" do they mean make a new folder for the downloaded objects, or put them in 'my objects'? I never really get a clearer explanation about that. All that's in the 'objects' folder is blank export files...


Also, when you go to put the objects in the game(using object maker)
It's comes up with "Mesh:" and "Material:"
do I type "Objectname" and "matname" in there, without a ".something-else" at the end? Cause I was told by someone else that I had to type .mat or something before or after it x.x

Just thought I'd point out; it CAN'T be the coding to these things. I've downloaded brand new objects before, and they did not work. I've coded them and everything. I've modded certain parts of the FH's game files, but I never did with objects.

Game Help / Re: Is there a way to delete the eyes from a preset?
« on: August 27, 2014, 11:37:00 pm »
If you get a opened up I'll be happy to help you.

K, I got a link after making an account, but before I send it to you, do you know if you'll be able to see my email? x.x cause if you can, I'm afraid I won't be able to use anymore. Mom doesn't want my email being given out x.x

Game Help / Re: Is there a way to delete the eyes from a preset?
« on: August 27, 2014, 03:32:44 am »
If you get a opened up I'll be happy to help you.

ahhhhhhhhhg. why does suddenly want me email and passwords?D:<
is there a way to get passed that? x.x Didn't really wanna give my email.

Game Help / Re: Is there a way to delete the eyes from a preset?
« on: August 27, 2014, 12:40:25 am »
The eyes and jaw are on the same image; it should be entirely transparent--grey checkerboard, if you're using GIMP--and the image file type ought to be set to .png.

As for the head, color a little out of the lines of the base on that area, perhaps?

this preset is making me freaking mad!!!D:<<<<
I followed the stinking pixelated guide and everything! Either he has a big gaping hole in his skull, or he starts having weird little ear-spikes.
I am about to give up on this thing.
I traced outside the lines and everything

Game Help / Re: Is there a way to delete the eyes from a preset?
« on: August 26, 2014, 09:49:37 pm »
Maybe try another transparent code then?? If not it must be something with the image.

K - got the eyes to work but the jaw is still wonky.

Oh, and there's still the gaping hole in the head, even though I completely traced over the base properly.

Game Help / Re: Is there a way to delete the eyes from a preset?
« on: August 26, 2014, 08:48:56 pm »
Maybe try another transparent code then?? If not it must be something with the image.

K - got the eyes to work but the jaw is still wonky.

Game Help / Re: Is there a way to delete the eyes from a preset?
« on: August 26, 2014, 07:45:01 pm »
You need to make a transparent image for your eyes not delete the eye section in the coding.

I did that and they still showed up:c

Game Help / Re: Is there a way to delete the eyes from a preset?
« on: August 26, 2014, 07:29:11 pm »
Firstly there is a hole in the top of the head because when you've made the separate parts transparent you've done over the lines at the top of the head. You should try using the reference sheets in the preset folder to make sure you are only removing what you want to remove.
Also, thats the same with the bottom jaw, you need to make sure you're only removing what you want too.

Seconly, to remove the teeth and the eyes you need to make the whole set teeth and eyes need to be made transparent. if you are, make sure you've got the right coding in your preset file, and make sure that the file name has .png at the end.
I'm not sure what you mean about making the 'whole' set teeth and eyes transparent... do I delete the eyes section from the coding, or just make a transparent file for the eyes? I went to the reference folder but just get this weird pixelated lines of the lions head, but they don't actually fit over the head right for me to see.

Game Help / Re: Is there a way to delete the eyes from a preset?
« on: August 26, 2014, 07:01:30 pm »
A screenshot of this situation would defiantly help. If you could show us a picture it would be easier to help you ^^
Sure c: here's a screen cap of my main problems.

Game Help / Re: Is there a way to delete the eyes from a preset?
« on: August 26, 2014, 06:30:01 pm »
Well, you can make the eyes transparent, Feareh's Tutorial might help you with that.

About the hole in the head, is that something that has happened while you tried to remove the eyes?

Ok. I tried that and it did nothing ...x.x there's still something wrong with the face as well...
do you think if I send you a pic of the preset you might be able to help me?;A;

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