Author Topic: A Nation Reborn | Purge RP | Literate | Open and Accepting!  (Read 18924 times)

Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: A Nation Reborn | Purge RP | Literate | Open and Accepting!
« Reply #20 on: November 29, 2014, 09:06:40 pm »
(Awaiting the others.:3)
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

Offline DangusMangus

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Re: A Nation Reborn | Purge RP | Literate | Open and Accepting!
« Reply #21 on: November 29, 2014, 10:31:54 pm »

Louisa 'Snow white' Oak
(Louizza O'k)
Full Name: Louisa Oak.
Alias(es): Lou', Snow white, Yin.
Age: 20 years old.
Gender: female.
Occupation: professional shooter.
Wealth: Rich.

Personality: Louisa is very aggressive and over-protective over her sister. Since young age, she's been mostly found in dark corners and/or being alone. But you can find her charming and rather friendly, if you will become her friend. Picky and very dangerous lass.
Playing with her knives -
Scratching head when thinking -
Quick breathing when scared -
Appearance: Louisa is an albinos, so her skin is almost white, but she does not have red eyes as most albinos do; she has blue eyes. Pale golden long hair. Very skinny and very light-weighted, but also tall (1,68m). Often wears black-raven mask and/or same color feather gloves. But she is very well known for her clothing, which is typical black, skinny jeans and black tank top, black boots and black jacket.
History: WIP.
Weapon(s) of Choice: Full set of extra sharp throwing knives and a revolver.
Companions(s]: Sister Beatha (second form).

Supporter of the Purge?: Yes. Both Beatha and Louisa witnessed her father being murdered, so they are out for a revenge on every people they meet.
Do you want to be a Purger?: Yes.
Level of Security: 3.
Extra: Face claim - Ginny Gardner.


Beatha 'Mistress' Oak.
Full Name: Beatha Oak.
Alias(es): Bea', Mistress, Yang.
Age: 24 years old.
Gender: female.
Occupation: Kung-fu teacher.
Wealth: Rich.

Personality: Beatha is very aggressive and over-rotective over her little sister Louisa. Though, she is always looking for a fight and most of the time she wins against her opponement. She uses great tactics and that prooves how smart and skilful she is. But when it comes to word-fight, she is very impatient and she just wants to rip someone's throat out. It wouldn't be the first time, but that ain't the be the last time too.
Pick up a fight against stronger opponent -
Before a fight she finds her opponent weaknesses by touching/asking them -
Has a very sharp tongue, so she can make any person get very angry -
Appearance: Freakisly tall and very skinny, just like her sister. White hair, also white skin and silver eyes. Long, curly hair. Wears white tank top and white jeans, white raven mask and/or black gloves. Also wears white boots.
History: WIP.
Weapon(s) of Choice: Full set of throwing knives, also carries golden deagle.
Companions(s]: Louisa Oak.

Supporter of the Purge?: Yes. Both Beatha and Louisa witnessed her father being murdered, so they are out for a revenge on every people they meet.
Do you want to be a Purger?: Yes.
Level of Security: 5.
Extra: Face-claim - Beata V.


The sisters were quietly spending their time in their little 'Purge' room. The pictures of people that hurt them were hanging on the wall, pinned to the map that was map of all city. The pictures were pinned to the places where the people and commonly found, but it seemed that both of them were creating a plan on who to kill first.

"Okay, he's found in the Strip Club, but it will be shut down today," Mistress said, pointing her finger at the bar that was located in the main street. "But he might rent a room in there," Snow pointed out, looking at her with calm look in her eyes. "Plus, it would be a shortcut to get to Loki," Snow pointed her finger at the bar and drew it across the building to the other street, pointing at the picture of a man with lots of tattoos. "Okay," Mistress agreed, quickly turning around just to grab her mask and get it on her face. "Come on," she called at Snow, slowly turning around just to head towards the emergency exit.

Snow walked after her, turning off the lights and quickly running up the stairs after her sister. Quickly getting on the roof, she looked around the area before locating white body in the distance, now appearing on the other building, and without hesitation Snow followed the person, which turned out to be her sister after all.

She ran after her, now being new blocks away from their hotel, quickly launching herself over the alley-way that three people were standing in. She could hear and gun shot, causing her to quickly change her position and roll on her side. Mistress heard the gun shot too, turning around and running to Snow just to check her out. "Are you alright?" she said, quickly observing her black clothes for any wounds. "Yeah, I'm fine," Snow gave quick nod and quickly got up, heading towards the edge of the roof they were now on.

Now she could see only two people standing and one on the ground; 2 females and 1 male. One female was laying on the floor, probably dead, while other two kept on talking. She could hear the conversation, hearing deep man's voice that she quickly matched up with The Fallen's leader. Now,they know his name, both Mistress and Snow did. But the other woman was basically unseen or one that they have never met before.

"Who are they?" Mistress whispered very quickly, taking her mask off and tieing her hair behind her, just to make sure that she won't be noticed by her white clothing or her white hair. "The man is Lucifer, leader of The Fallens, and the woman is no one I've met before," Snow answered back to her, observing the duo with rather curious look in her eyes. "I think she'll join The Fallen," Snow added shortly after, looking at her sister just to see her lips formed into an 'o' shape.

(short, sorry. ;-;)
« Last Edit: November 30, 2014, 10:20:50 am by Phroghress »
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Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: A Nation Reborn | Purge RP | Literate | Open and Accepting!
« Reply #22 on: November 29, 2014, 11:24:42 pm »


"I know." Luce's deep, sauve tone slipped into the air with a hint of acidic danger as his eyes studied the girl, sliding down and pausing on the wound within her palm before returning to meet her gaze. "I know a lot about you, to be quite frank. Cassandra Tenner. Age 24, occasional smoker but only with a classic holder. A skilled marksman with blades..etcetera etcetera.." he muttered, slipping the colt back into it's holster with ease.

"You're younger than I thought you'd be...and shorter."

The amused sneer upon his visage Twitched into an unsettling scowl. "And you are exactly as I imagined, perhaps a bit more predictable than I had hoped. You're practically an open book.." As he spoke, Luce strolled forward, arms folded behind his back. He paused beside her, whispering, "But a classic, vintage one. One I find delectable.." He sighed through his lips, continuing forward until swiveling on his heels to face her once more. "Yet a book that is rarely read anymore..the world has lost it's taste in the classics, my little Mort Fleur'." He hissed in French tongue. "You are idealistic..practical and factual. So you know your worth..You're useful, fast strong..but replaceable. So feel free to deny the offer, I will accept this and be on my merry way. But I'm sure you're aware of the delights that have been known to follow my offers.." his eyes glimmered with teasing amusement.

"Lucifer!" An anxious voice broke out from behind the male. He raised a brow, swiveling his head just enough to see the barrel of a gun aimed his direction and two figures dressed similar to the dead female behind it. Luce released a heavy sigh of annoyance, his eyes returning to the girl, "Do not worry they won't kill me. Purge isn't for a tad longer and they lack the trait needed to be capable of cold murder..a trait you and I share."

Slowly, Luce's eyes slid up to the sky, the rooftops perhaps. "Nowadays even the sky has eyes.." he whispered. "I will be at the old statue of the town founder Near the courthouse in The Pitt tonight at midnight. Feel free to show, there is where I will reveal the truth behind this all." He stated, strolling towards the girl and pausing beside her to say, "Oh. And kill those two.", he nodded towards the two figures aiming the gun at them, "They do nothing but annoy me, and im sure youre more than capable." With that, he continued forward, his eyes glancing to the rooftops once more before disappearing into the darkening night.

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

Offline RedRedRose

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Re: A Nation Reborn | Purge RP | Literate | Open and Accepting!
« Reply #23 on: November 30, 2014, 09:03:17 am »


Lucifer's words cut into her like a knife. Not that she was hurt by them, but just because no one had ever dared to talk to her like that. Cass remained standing, rigid in a casual pose. Her breathing was slow yet her heart was thudding fast thanks to unused adrenaline. Her cold, untrusting eyes followed the male as he strolled forward behind her. She didn't breathe as he leaned in to whisper in her ear, "But a classic, vintage one. One I find delectable.." No one had ever stood that close to her, and she resisted the urge to stick a knife in his eye. She found it hard to catch onto his words, but managed to understand what he was saying. The biggest thing that shocked her is that she didn't know what his next move would be. She had spent her life analysing people, knowing every thought that would be in their head. But for Lucifer... It was just a blank space.

"Lucifer!" Cassandra rolled her eyes, beginning to twirl the knife around her fingers once more as the conversation was interrupted. She memorised the place he described, letting his words echo in her head as he turned and left. "Predictable..." She muttered, ignoring the fact that the two figures now had their gun pointed at her. "I'm not predictable." She spat out, beginning to make her way toward the couple, her eyes focused on the knife in her hand. Once she was close enough to hear their ragged breathing, she finally looked up. "Do you think I'm predictable?" Just as the words came out of her mouth, a shot rang out, loud enough to hurt Cass' ears. A bullet-sized hole appeared just left of her head and she stared at it for a second. Slowly, a cold smile spread across her lips as she turned back to the figures, tutting as if she was their mother. "Naughty."

In the space of a few seconds, Cassandra crouched down and swiped her leg beneath the closest person, causing them to fall back. Their head hit the concrete with a satisfying crack, allowing Cass just enough time to drag her blade over the other figure's throat. They stood for a second, clutching the deep wound running across their throat, before falling forwards next to the first fallen figure. Letting out a deep sigh and pushing her hair back, Cassandra stood up straight, kicking aside the corpse as she made her way to exit the alley. Glancing at her watch, her pace quickened.

Time to get ready.

"Trust my rage."

Offline DangusMangus

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Re: A Nation Reborn | Purge RP | Literate | Open and Accepting!
« Reply #24 on: November 30, 2014, 11:04:27 am »

Louisa 'Snow white' Oak
(Louizza O'k)
Full Name: Louisa Oak.
Alias(es): Lou', Snow white, Yin.
Age: 20 years old.
Gender: female.
Occupation: professional shooter.
Wealth: Rich.

Personality: Louisa is very aggressive and over-protective over her sister. Since young age, she's been mostly found in dark corners and/or being alone. But you can find her charming and rather friendly, if you will become her friend. Picky and very dangerous lass.
Playing with her knives -
Scratching head when thinking -
Quick breathing when scared -
Appearance: Louisa is an albinos, so her skin is almost white, but she does not have red eyes as most albinos do; she has blue eyes. Pale golden long hair. Very skinny and very light-weighted, but also tall (1,68m). Often wears black-raven mask and/or same color feather gloves. But she is very well known for her clothing, which is typical black, skinny jeans and black tank top, black boots and black jacket.
History: WIP.
Weapon(s) of Choice: Full set of extra sharp throwing knives and a revolver.
Companions(s]: Sister Beatha (second form).

Supporter of the Purge?: Yes. Both Beatha and Louisa witnessed her father being murdered, so they are out for a revenge on every people they meet.
Do you want to be a Purger?: Yes.
Level of Security: 3.
Extra: Face claim - Ginny Gardner.


Beatha 'Mistress' Oak.
Full Name: Beatha Oak.
Alias(es): Bea', Mistress, Yang.
Age: 24 years old.
Gender: female.
Occupation: Kung-fu teacher.
Wealth: Rich.

Personality: Beatha is very aggressive and over-rotective over her little sister Louisa. Though, she is always looking for a fight and most of the time she wins against her opponement. She uses great tactics and that prooves how smart and skilful she is. But when it comes to word-fight, she is very impatient and she just wants to rip someone's throat out. It wouldn't be the first time, but that ain't the be the last time too.
Pick up a fight against stronger opponent -
Before a fight she finds her opponent weaknesses by touching/asking them -
Has a very sharp tongue, so she can make any person get very angry -
Appearance: Freakisly tall and very skinny, just like her sister. White hair, also white skin and silver eyes. Long, curly hair. Wears white tank top and white jeans, white raven mask and/or black gloves. Also wears white boots.
History: WIP.
Weapon(s) of Choice: Full set of throwing knives, also carries golden deagle.
Companions(s]: Louisa Oak.

Supporter of the Purge?: Yes. Both Beatha and Louisa witnessed her father being murdered, so they are out for a revenge on every people they meet.
Do you want to be a Purger?: Yes.
Level of Security: 5.
Extra: Face-claim - Beata V.


Snow noticed the male to glance at both of them, and then her eyes widened in fear and surprise. "Shit," she swore quietly, quickly getting up before looking around them. There will be more of them soon, Snow knew that from years of experience, but the sound of something being sliced caught her attention once again, quickly glancing down the alleyway in a small shock. Another knife thrower?

Mistress didn't even bother to get up, her gaze was fixed on the male who walked past the dark female, but she smiled when she saw blood being spilled by the dark female. Though, she was surprised to see knives used as weapons, which was rather weak. Though, she slowly got up and untied her hair, allowing it fall behind her back and gently move along the wind.

When Snow saw the dark female leaving, she noticed how she quickly vanished behind the apartment, causing Snow to quickly rush over the other edge and look down, noticing same female who just got her hands ruined by crimson blood. Watching her leave, Snow walked along the edge, studying her from above. Who is she and why they have never seen her before?

"Snow, just let her go," Mistress said in her gentle and calm voice, walking over her sister just to grab her shoulder and squeeze it softly, watching the dark female leave as well. "But who is she?" Snow murmured, her narrowing her brows down in confusion. "Probably a tourist," Mistress said with a shrug, hitting her mask down her face so it would cover her rather white skin. "Come on," she said, releasing her shoulder and slowly turning around just to walk towards the alleyway.

Mistress wanted to study the bodies that laid there. She wanted to see what kind of wounds the female left, so she would know what kind of knives she's using. And most of all, she wanted to know who those people were. Maybe she knows some of them.

Mistress looked down the alleyway, looking for any possible ways down. Noticing an electricity wire, she reached down for it, taking her knife and aiming it for the other edge of the wire, which was attached to the other alley wall. Moving her hand slowly forwards and backwards, Mistress finally released it, watching it hit the wire and quickly fall down on the ground in loud clicking sound. The wire got disconnected from the wall and quickly fell down.

Mistress smiled in delight, turning around and very slowly getting part of her body down, holding onto the edge of the roof with her hands. She then quickly released the edge, grabbing the wire form which she slid down and quickly landed on her feet, right beside the first corpse. Soon after, Snow came long, picking up her sisters knife and rushing it across the stone wall, attempting to sharpen it just a bit. Though, she succeed and turned around to look at three dead bodies.

The one person got a bullet-shot through their brain, while another one had it's skull broken, and the last one got pierced by one of her knives. Mistress took off her gloves, placing her fingers on the fresh, open wound and slowly stretching it to the sides, eyeing the perfect hole that the knife left. "Beatha, the hell you are doing? That's disgusting," Snow whimpered quietly, looking away with disturbed look on her face. "You'll see more later," Mistress answered simply and blankly, eyeing the hole even more before finally matching her knife with the hole.

Snow looked back at her in disgust, crossing her arms on her chest before heading closer to her sister. "So?" she whimpered quietly, watching her sister get up and use some leaf to brush the blood off her own knife. "She has the same model like ours, so she's probably has same skills as we do, or she's worse," Mistress explained, throwing the leaf down on the ground before heading towards the wire. "Wait, we're going to leave them here?" Snow asked Mistress in shock, looking at her with confusion. "Yes, now come on," she commanded the younger female in a sharp voice, slowly climbing up the wall with Snow right behind her.
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Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: A Nation Reborn | Purge RP | Literate | Open and Accepting!
« Reply #25 on: November 30, 2014, 04:01:07 pm »



It was a shared word, both figures saying it, but their tones opposite. One of despair and shock, the other of fear as the girl fell to the floor. Cold.

The room was a wreckage, splinters of wood and bullets sprayed about. Blood stained the remaining furniture as dust bothered into a cloud by the fight began to settle into the stillness. Luce's eyes blurred as he looked from the girl to the other figure still in the room. "Michael.." luce whispered, cautiously testing the boy's reaction. Michael stood staring at Emmaline, his lips parted just enough to allow a deep stream of breaths out. His eyes grew watery with unspilled tears as he slowly shook his head.

Michael dropped his gun, allowing it to slide across the floor and settle down beside Luce's which had been knocked from his grasp just moments ago. To his despair, if it had not been for Emmalines downfall as a distraction, Michael would have given that fatal blow and Luce would be no more.. [/I]

The memory faded away as Luce's fingers dropped the pen he had been toying with. With a sudden glance around the room, he leaned further back in his office chair, his feet propped on the wooden desk before him. "Do you think she'll show?" The voice was a bare reminder he was not alone in the room..

With a sigh, he swiveled the chair just enough to meet the girl's gaze. She sat upon a dilapidated chair, her fingers working at sharpening a knife. "She's difficult. But I'm sure she'll see the opportunity. If not there are others..not many with her skills but plenty with their own." The room settled back into a silence. "There were two spotters above us. They didn't pose much of a attempts to intentions of attacking at least not there." Luce hissed.

The girl peeked up from her blade, "Did they hear about the meeting at midnight?"

"No doubt, but it isn't the worst thing. They have a fascinating skill of climbing and free running. I saw them leap over the buildings roof. I just need this job done...just this one." He muttered. "Come on." The girl offered a reassuring smirk, "We have a new system I want to show you." [/hr]

(I Will be adding a new male character if that's okay I will post the application when he first shows up.!)
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

Offline RedRedRose

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Re: A Nation Reborn | Purge RP | Literate | Open and Accepting!
« Reply #26 on: November 30, 2014, 07:38:24 pm »
If it's okay with everyone, I'm going to skip time to just before the start of the Purge, 6:50PM.))


The woman in the mirror looked unrecognisable. Beautiful, dangerous, deadly. Her long dark hair cascaded down her back in soft ringlets and her eyes were lined with black. She had a short, loose white dress that she wore every year. It was plain apart from the sequinned pattern across her chest. Her lips were painted with a dark colour, paired with a smirk. The girl wore black leather gloves reaching her elbows and the same heels as before. She wore the gloves to stop blood getting in her fingernails. Glancing at the ticking clock on her wall, Cassandra adjusted her knife-filled belt and headed towards the door.

Her first stop was just a few blocks away, this one earning her a thousand dollars. It wasn't much compared to the other two, but the job was an easy one. The job had been given to her by a seemingly pleasant old man that bought flowers from her shop every week for his wife's grave, it was to get rid of his daughter's ex-husband apparently because he had cheated on her four times; leaving her heartbroken. The story brought a smile to her face. People and their so-called love.

Locking the door behind her, Cass couldn't help but think back to her previous conversation with Lucifer. She was extrmely curious; so, without a doubt, she was going to the courthouse at midnight. That reminded her: she recalled two women, her age, that had been standing nearby, watching the scene unfold. She had also been curious about them, having never seen them before, but had decided to leave them be for the time being.

 Once again, the only sound for miles was the clicking of her heels against the concrete as she strolled down the middle of the street. A movement caused her head to snap her head to the left, meeting the gaze of a young man staring out of the window at her. Letting a devilish grin play at her lips, Cassandra shaped her fingers into a gun-like shape and pretended to fire at the male, chuckling as he shut the curtains fiercely. "Idiot." She muttered, starting to walk again.

"Trust my rage."

Offline DangusMangus

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Re: A Nation Reborn | Purge RP | Literate | Open and Accepting!
« Reply #27 on: November 30, 2014, 07:59:20 pm »

Louisa 'Snow white' Oak
(Louizza O'k)
Full Name: Louisa Oak.
Alias(es): Lou', Snow white, Yin.
Age: 20 years old.
Gender: female.
Occupation: professional shooter.
Wealth: Rich.

Personality: Louisa is very aggressive and over-protective over her sister. Since young age, she's been mostly found in dark corners and/or being alone. But you can find her charming and rather friendly, if you will become her friend. Picky and very dangerous lass.
Playing with her knives -
Scratching head when thinking -
Quick breathing when scared -
Appearance: Louisa is an albinos, so her skin is almost white, but she does not have red eyes as most albinos do; she has blue eyes. Pale golden long hair. Very skinny and very light-weighted, but also tall (1,68m). Often wears black-raven mask and/or same color feather gloves. But she is very well known for her clothing, which is typical black, skinny jeans and black tank top, black boots and black jacket.
History: WIP.
Weapon(s) of Choice: Full set of extra sharp throwing knives and a revolver.
Companions(s]: Sister Beatha (second form).

Supporter of the Purge?: Yes. Both Beatha and Louisa witnessed her father being murdered, so they are out for a revenge on every people they meet.
Do you want to be a Purger?: Yes.
Level of Security: 3.
Extra: Face claim - Ginny Gardner.


Beatha 'Mistress' Oak.
Full Name: Beatha Oak.
Alias(es): Bea', Mistress, Yang.
Age: 24 years old.
Gender: female.
Occupation: Kung-fu teacher.
Wealth: Rich.

Personality: Beatha is very aggressive and over-rotective over her little sister Louisa. Though, she is always looking for a fight and most of the time she wins against her opponement. She uses great tactics and that prooves how smart and skilful she is. But when it comes to word-fight, she is very impatient and she just wants to rip someone's throat out. It wouldn't be the first time, but that ain't the be the last time too.
Pick up a fight against stronger opponent -
Before a fight she finds her opponent weaknesses by touching/asking them -
Has a very sharp tongue, so she can make any person get very angry -
Appearance: Freakisly tall and very skinny, just like her sister. White hair, also white skin and silver eyes. Long, curly hair. Wears white tank top and white jeans, white raven mask and/or black gloves. Also wears white boots.
History: WIP.
Weapon(s) of Choice: Full set of throwing knives, also carries golden deagle.
Companions(s]: Louisa Oak.

Supporter of the Purge?: Yes. Both Beatha and Louisa witnessed her father being murdered, so they are out for a revenge on every people they meet.
Do you want to be a Purger?: Yes.
Level of Security: 5.
Extra: Face-claim - Beata V.


The sisters were at home. Like a tradition, just before the start of the purge they were drinking hot chocolate with small marshmellows. It was something to calm down and calmly join the purge team and finish up the kill list. Though, the sisters will take different paths since they had different people to murder, only if will not die first.

Snow enjoyed the silence and calmness, silently sipping the dark liquid in delight. She enjoyed every single moment of silence and calmness, but she soon will be filled up with adrenaline which she will use on her journey to the North of the city. There, she had more than 7 people to murder. They bullied her in high-school, now they will pay for what they did.

On other hand Mistress will go to the East of the city, getting her money back from people who borrowed some form her. She will always enjoy shredding them and ending their lives very quickly. The older woman will also go for robbers. The ones, who robbed her in her job and/or in the street.

at the evening, they will meet in the middle of the city to finish the kill list they both created. Those people were the ones, who either beated them up or they witnessed sisters father's death. Both girls always were up for revenge on the ones who killed their father. Everyone has their reasons why they are purging.

Moments later, Snow was already off the table and now on the roof. Her warm look soon got cold as she noticed people barricading their homes, and then she aimed her knife at one of them, aiming to hit him but it just slipped back into her hand. She ehard doors behind her go shut and quickly lock, turning around just to see her sister give her a quick nod and go on her way. There's no time to waste..!

Snow replied with a sigh and quickly rushed over the edge of the roof, jumping up in the air and landing on pebbled floor. Rushing over the roof, she could see more people using this 'short-cut' to their ways, which kind of made her smile. Though, Snow was now few blocks away from her home, and this solo-murdering will start just in few minutes.

Mistress was racing after some crow that was 'leading her way', she then jumped over some alley way from which she could hear dogs barking. She enjoyed running around, it reminded her of freedom and wilderness. Mistress was heading towards 'The Pitt'. She had some business with people whom roamed in that area. And yes, she will create a blood-field in that partment, but she'll need to be quiet and 'invisible' as a ghost.
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Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: A Nation Reborn | Purge RP | Literate | Open and Accepting!
« Reply #28 on: November 30, 2014, 09:04:45 pm »


The two boys were bloodied. Luce's shirt hung off with a large rip down it's side, one of his arms hanging loosely due to is lack of use with a bullet wound through its muscle. Michael, now kneeling beside Emmaline's old body, had the worst of it. His mouth dripped droplets of the dark crimson filling. A thin stream painted his Jawline from a slice across his hairline. "No, no.." Michael muttered, his arms circling the small body. He pulled her onto his lip, his long fingers pushing hair from her face. "Mikey.." Luce whispered, a look of regret on his visage. Years of pain, Michael had lost everything he ever knew. This..was just another thing. Caught in the moment of heart break, Luce failed to see Michael's hand, reaching for the gun at his side. It was a flying knife that stopped the boy just as he picked up the weapon. It sliced past Luce and cut across Michael's hand, forcing him to drop the gun. Michael's gasp caught Luce's attention as the boy dropped Emmaline, hugging his hand to his body. His attacker, now standing behind Luce, was none other than Josiah. "Dad?" Luce muttered.

"Luce." The bark snatched Luce from his memory as him and the girl stepped off of the steps of the courthouse. The Pitt was dark, abandoned. Especially during the Purge. "Four scouts in the alleys, two snipers on roofs. The others are either on jobs or rampaging about enjoying themselves." She said her hand motioning to each spot. "Savannah." Luce spat, catching the girl off guard. "Sir?" She replied in a startled sense.

"Has there been any word?"

Savannah fell quiet, her head slowly shaking. "But we'll keep an eye out sir." Luce nodded, "Good. Do me one last favour.."


"Fetch my blades. My wall needs another trophy.." he hissed, turning on his heels to begin the ten minute walk to the statue.   [/hr]
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

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Re: A Nation Reborn | Purge RP | Literate | Open and Accepting!
« Reply #29 on: December 01, 2014, 12:09:40 am »
Sorry for not posting! Been busy lately)

Julia Moore

The young woman brushed her dark hair out of her face so she could see more clearly, the sun had set and the night was upon the city. She knew she must find a hiding spot for the event that would be starting soon; The Purge. Last year she had a home to fortify, this year she was out n the open and vulnerable. Julia began to rub the scar on her left arm, she can easily recall the night she was attacked. She had gone outside for only a second and that was all it took for a man wielding a large knife to slice open her left arm. She had been able to get away by kicking him to the ground and running back into her home. Julia came to an alley that had a large garbage bin on the left along an old building, she quietly walked over to it and lifted the lid 'creeeek'. She leaned the large black lid against the wall of the building and leaned over the top to peer in. Could she hid in here for twelve hours? There were large black and white trash bags that covered the bottom, if she needed to hide she could bury herself under everything. Julia knew this would have to do for the time being, if she was desperate she could always make a run to the rooftops and just go from roof to roof.

Julie threw her small green bag into the garbage bin, her bag was rather lightweight sue to not having very much to put in it. Once her bag found it's place she lifted her leg and placed it on the rim and hoisted her small body up and over. She reached up and grabbed the lid and slowly brought it down to cover her. Once closed, she sat down and placed her bag behind her head and relaxed for the time being. The smell coming from the bags would make any 'normal' person sick but her nose has become accustomed to it so it no longer bothers her as much as it did the first time she ever jumped in one. Julia began to softly hum to herself, waiting for the sounds of the siren to ring through the air and send everyone into a frenzy.

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