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Topics - TheDeerKing

Pages: [1]
Request Other Mods/Creations / Particle help? Possible collab?
« on: September 21, 2018, 05:40:38 am »
Is this even the right thread wheeze..

I know I recently created a post on another thread, but here's another! I need help creating specific particles for my map rip. I have the png! I just don't know how to create the particle file? I'm also afraid to mess with my particles since I've crashed about 30 times due to accidental duplicates...

Request/Find Meshes / Lf Meshes!
« on: September 20, 2018, 04:36:35 am »
Hello, I'm creating a map for fun and a potentially a new rp!

I'm in need of gems/crystals, oriental/asian inspired meshes, torches/lamps/lanterns, lillypads and dens of any sort!

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Looking for a realistic wolf rp.
« on: September 10, 2018, 01:40:57 am »
Nostalgia be hitting hard. Guess I'm back for a bit?

Anyhow, I am looking for a realistic literate wolf pack. Don't care if it's plotted or not.
No wolfspeak. Not looking for edgy dark plots. Not my thing, but you keep being tiny cannibals, you funky little dogs.
Can be mapped or mapless. Higher chance of me being active if it's discord exclusive since I can check it more often.



After a successful reintroduction of grey wolves into Yellowstone's Lamar Valley and Central Idaho in 1995, the US Fish and Wildlife gambled on creating a sister location in case things ended up going awry despite the heavy controversy that followed those events. With congress' permission, the FWA secured a special use permit and began setting up the new settlement under radar with the aid of federal tax dollars and anonymous nonprofits. In 1996, scientist fitted two pairs of wolves with GPS receivers and released them within the fictitious preserve known as BlackCreek. Marking the beginnings of a daunting task ahead, these wolves were now the sole ambassadors of their species in that region. A year had passed since then. The couples successfully bonded and had produced a surviving litter of wolf pups, that are now adolescents; they created the foundations of a stable pack and stirred hope within the biologists. Though substantial progress has been made, only time will tell if this will be a success story.

Hello everyone, this is TheDeerKing and Wolves of BlackCreek is finally here and now discord exclusive!

Wolves of BlackCreek is an iteration of a pack roleplay from 2016 that I have fond memories for.
Though the owner is no longer active this roleplay holds the same premise as it's predecessor with the hopes of making something new.
That being said, Wolves of BlackCreek is a semi-realistic roleplay that is based on since outdated wolf hierarchy system. It is set in a fictional taiga national park that borders Canada. Most of the biome is that of boreal forests filled with an assortment of cone-bearing trees and wide stretches of grassland filled with windswept perennial grasses.

It will be a survival roleplay, that'll hopefully implement new tactics to simulate an actual RPG and urge progression by rewarding player activity. This of course, will be a longterm roleplay that will gradually expand as users continue to be active. There is no plot, only goals and a story driven narrative. The initial goal of the roleplay is to reintroduce wolves within the nature reserve. Singular player goals is to create a legacy, defend their home, and form impenetrable family units.

Request/Find Meshes / Looking for backdrop/dividers download
« on: April 03, 2017, 04:37:46 am »

I'm sure there was an item pack with borders that masked the horizon. I need them for a map, thank you. :,}

Request a Preset/Marking / Delete
« on: February 05, 2016, 07:20:16 pm »
Delete please!

Pages: [1]