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Messages - RoloWagon

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Now complete with a Youtube roleplay trailer! Click on the link in the main post to check it out! <3 Edited by yours truly and compiled by various artists in our community. Origin is almost here, and you should be a part of it!

Join and discover your origin story. ;D
Thanks so much for all the faith and excitement, guys! We really hope we're gonna be a fun experience for all. Unique setting, fun storyline, and unique member involvement opportunities like high rank elections (not selections), plot voting, spoiler squads, and more! Origin is designed to be member dependent, and mostly member-run. Staff is mostly around just to facilitate discussions, keep an eye out for trouble, and have fun with all of you! Give us a chance, and I promise you'll have at least a bit of fun! We have a great community already, and all it's missing is you.

(Keep an eye out on December 21st for an Origin preview trailer. MMM)

News Archives / Re: October Update Part 2
« on: October 09, 2018, 01:15:41 am »
Thank you guys for the update. I'm glad all of the salty and angry people have calmed down, and now everyone can see that nothing over the course of this situation was done out of pure malice. See, folks? Never hurts to not automatically demonize someone over a virtual game, there's always rationale behind certain things. Mistakes were made on both sides, which I saw from the very beginning, and the whole community got riled up over something that clearly was going to work out in the end one way or another.

Thanks for giving the community an inside look at this conflict, something I hadn't anticipated. The game's feel and the community that gets online hadn't changed, so I'm glad people can move forward. It's fine, guys, just like I'd said before. Welcome to new staff, thanks to old staff, and now we're moving on.

News Archives / Re: A couple of notes
« on: September 27, 2018, 03:23:16 am »

As much as I didn't think some of the staff were right to have their positions, and believe me when I say, I have had personal beef with a few of them over the years.
However, I am actually defending them IN THE SENSE OF WHAT RAZ IS DOING IS WRONG!

"You guys DO realize that Raz came to the community about this policy change, right? He SAID in his post, that if enough people disagreed and didn't like it, that it would change." No. He came to the community and told us he was doing it. He gave us, what, a week warning? He would be doing this whether or not we agree or disagree. And you know what, if you understood a bit as to who Raz is, you would know that it wouldn't matter if people didn't like Mod Free October, he would have kept it regardless.

You want to blame the staff before this incident for not being fair or right for their title?
This has NOTHING to do about how "the staff are also wrong too what about that". What an utter off topic point of blame. Why is it off topic? Because this is about what RAZMIRZ has done by GOING BEHIND THEIR BACKS and coming forth with a system that is to replace staff. As he so openly stated, I will repeat, THIS PROGRAM IS TO GET RID OF STAFF! Focus on this matter. Had Razmirz kept this to staff chat, had he told and very much warned that the staff were on thin ice by him saying he will be implementing this, the reaction of the FH staff would have been different.

I 100% agree that the staff team either needed to be reconstructed or them to change, but that post made by Nynx was to show that they were aware of what needed to change and were making a point that they were trying to change. Who stopped that? Raz. Who started banning staff, AKA Nynx, for releasing the maps for people to see, and to tell them that the staff team heard them? Raz. Who ultimately pushed staff who were trying to make a change out of the picture? Raz. Who is continuing to tell the community that it was because of Nynx all of the characters are gone? Raz. Who is actually to blame for deleting the map from the system files, and all the characters? Raz, because he was the one who just couldn't ignore the maps being released and instead just HAD to delete them.

Let me repeat this for you lot. Just because the staff have faults, does not make Raz's actions justified. He went behind their backs and made the threat that their days were numbered. They had an expiration date, so they decided to show them that they listened and Raz didn't. They outed him, and rightfully so. Someone had to do it.

"All of this being said, again, I'm not defending what Raz has done. I don't agree with the fact he did this behind everyone's backs. But going behind HIS back and being equally petty?"
As for the "over reacting petty behavior" that you carelessly state- welcome to the goddamn internet. It ain't right the way they're acting, but guess what, they're people, and they're upset. In numbers, people will cause chaos and riots. If anything has told you about history, is that's what happens. You can sit on the side and call them immature or overreacting all you want, but people will not stop when this is so fresh. It's best to leave that out of the picture and focus on the real problem.
And for someone who apparently isn't "defending Raz" you're doing a mighty fine job of looking like you are.

Kry, do not start with me.

Before you decide to try and tear into me, read.

Multiple times over the course of my posts in the forums, I have said time and time again. Raz' behavior was deplorable in this case. Raz did NOT do a good job in handling this. But because I'm not falling in line and singing the staff's praises in reacting in the way that they did, I'm defending him? No. I'm really not. What I'm saying is people are losing their goddamn minds over something that really has not utterly destroyed the community. Maybe it has for you, but weren't you always the one telling me that FeralHeart was a cesspool of toxicity and that the people on the game weren't worth it? Now you can finally leave it behind.

Yeah, welcome to the internet, but I'd like to think that, like in life since we're all actual human beings, it means you don't have to be a shitty and petty person back all because someone was shitty to you. Perhaps if the staff had taken a principled stand that wasn't just ragequitting and throwing maps up to further provoke a situation that they KNEW was going to continue to go downhill, people might not have lost their minds. Inciting riots is not how this should have been conducted. The staff is not an entirely innocent party either.

Again, like I said, read the post. I said Raz should not have done what he did. I'm just also saying that the staff should not have done exactly what they did. Should they have retaliated? Sure. But not in such a disorganized and ridiculous way that suddenly had everyone running into the streets with furry torches and pitchforks. Because, trust me. I know a shit-ton about history. And if you actually know who this account belongs to, you know I've studied it and have a degree in it. Great things don't come out of riots. It comes out of protests and actual organized and civil social disobedience and change. The riots only happen when the peaceful protesters get attacked by the oppressive forces coming after them. The civil part that actually inspires change is not what happened here on FH. People just went freaking crazy.

I'm heading out of the forums at this point, because like a rational human being, I know this will blow over. It always does. Everyone can keep throwing their temper tantrum, and FeralHeart will either keep going, or it won't.

Hopefully y'all will mobilize this well when it comes time to do important things like vote and march and actually be socially proactive like I've felt the need to do over the past several months. Maybe I just see what matters a bit more, and I just don't think this game is THAT worth it to get riled up over. Is it full of nostalgia and memories? Sure. But I can let go of that just like anything else if the time's come for it to get shut down. And if not? I'll do what I can to work to make it better in my own way. I'm just not going to scream about how administrators are bitch-asses and how they're Hitler or Drumpf in the process. Nor am I going to do that about the staff. Or you.

News Archives / Re: A couple of notes
« on: September 26, 2018, 05:43:03 pm »
Extremely cute! But it's all too easy to garner support of your opinion about something when you misrepresent it. 72 hour game? Solely rants and raves? El oh el. Lurk more, then you wouldn't need to strawman what's going on in that server to make all us meaniepoopheads who dislike the decision look like the bad guys. Do what Raz can't do: be honest.

Also extremely cute how pinching and poking the ego of Razmataz here seems to be unacceptable, petty bullying but calling the staff "lame ducks" and previously saying, what was it? They were running off with their lackeys and toxic drama instigators or something to that effect? Why, that's just peaches and cream. Look man, gimme some substantial evidence of what the staff did wrong that didn't come outta Raz's mouth and I'd be more inclined to believe staff are the bad guys here.

Everyone's said everything at this point (major props to those pointing out the material reality that the maps weren't malicious, you're doing God's work). But yeah, Raz is lying about what happened to your characters and the maps. He'd be a better liar if he was more engaged with the community and game he represents, but hey, that's how it goes when you're too busy sitting on your throne to play with the common people.

No, there is nothing we can do about Raz's new decisions, thanks for the constant reminder. But it's pretty lame to see people rolling over and being apologetic to a man who has done nothing but lie to us shamelessly through this whole debacle and make decisions that directly, negatively impact those who are essentially his co-workers without their knowledge or input. If the dude had communicated, handled this with his (now ex) staff, and was specific in what he was presenting us with, then maybe we'd listen. Maybe nobody woulda blown up. Oh, and maybe not having lied about "temporary" updates that became permanent features would help his case (cough cough general, cough security measure cough), but coulda shoulda woulda, right?

FH's going to die. Even if we'd all collectively kissed Raz's backside like he probably expected us to and this whole situation was both lax and chill, there'd be fallout from this decision. There already is with the chaos going on ingame. The only thing that makes this particular nail in the coffin unique is how people were willing to be critical and loud right from the get go. God only knows we can't influence this guy's decision. Raz's ideas are Raz's ideas. Doesn't mean any of us are obligated to like them or use kid gloves to handle this fully grown man ruling the roost all by himself. Anyone being especially cruel or saying he deserves death or whatever is an idiot, but somehow he'll survive the evil, evil mob of people merely dissenting. Funny thing is, though, we don't know if FH will, and not a single player will ever be responsible for that if it happens, especially if it happens because of his tremendous ego.

I mean. It's been less than 72 hours, and I've seen multiple, multiple screenshots of the server. Sorry to offend and send you off the deep end of passive-aggressiveness.

I did call the staff "lame ducks" and accused them of being biased. But I'm also not personally slandering them or calling them horrendous names. I personally believe that several of them didn't do their jobs unilaterally, and that made them relatively biased and unstable as a whole. I'm not even repeating something that they did wrong "out of Raz's mouth". I've watched them ban people on a whim for accidentally cursing, while I got a warning and was told I would be banned for saying "fudge" in a context that wasn't cursing. I've seen staff sit back while roleplays allow explicit sexual content and triggering topics even though they were notified about the troublesome content. I'm not saying they didn't EVER do their jobs. I'm saying they're not perfect.

Raz is not perfect either. I personally don't think he's stable, and I feel like his behavior over this is deplorable. Hopefully you can read and see that I don't condone his actions. I'm just not going to call him a "bitch ass" or tell him to go kill himself, because that's not acceptable behavior either. You can rage all you want and continue to call me "cute" for speaking my mind. I just think cussing and further agitating the situation when it's been barely 48 hours isn't going to accomplish much.

Does the situation suck? Yeah, it totally does. Did the staff deserve to have something done behind their backs? No. But considering their immediate response to this was to incite riots and release patch maps behind Raz' back without consultation, I'm not sure they're entirely innocent in all this either. That's all I'm saying. If you guys want to go make your own game, then fine. Go do it. Throw the tantrum and leave.

Maybe FH will die, maybe it won't. Maybe Raz will pull the plug tomorrow and it'll all be for naught. It is what it is.

News Archives / Re: A couple of notes
« on: September 26, 2018, 05:26:48 pm »
I find this funny, because I know plenty of people who were on who weren’t even directing their spiel at Raz. They cursed just because staff wasn’t around to stop them. I can also sense a bit of bias in your post against staff in general, saying that they’d some how allow it if it was their friends. Which I can tell you right now is a bit of a fabrication.

Do you think the United States won independence from tyranny by sitting down and thinking “ah yes king george, we will trial test your idea of an unrelenting tax even though we don’t agree with it,” no. they dumped the tea in the harbor to make a statement, which is what most of the community is doing. Perhaps a select few have made things unbearable, as we tend to look at the select few who make the whole of us look bad.

Don’t forget that there were also people valiantly cheering Raz on for finally getting rid of the staff members, all because some people don’t like the rules and want to curse and act like children. The same can be said from either side. There’s ways to react, and there’s ways not to. Also, everyone has a right to rant about what they’re angry about.

You think staff hasn’t received backlash for years and years all because they were doing their job, and now when Raz goes against the community and the staff try and help the people lashing at them, Raz somehow gets praise for his endeavors. Not saying you are praising him, but I know other people have.

I do not agree with any of this as a community member. I want an admin who will listen to the whole of the community. Even if it is a trial, he should’ve asked the community first if they wanted it. It’s a democracy, not a tyranny. Making a choice that effects the entire game and community should have input from the community before even announcing anything.

I do not agree with people slandering Raz, but I believe Raz has a lot more apologies to dish out and a lot more explaining to do. Maybe he should listen to his community rather than doing as he so pleases. Doesn’t matter what he said about people deciding during the trial run, they don’t want it whatsoever. That = don’t do it.

First, please do not quote history at me. I am perfectly aware of how the American Revolution went down. And you know what the colonists did? They went and made their own country that WAS a democracy. All of that being said, this is not the United States of America or a federal government. This is a privately owned, FREE, MMORPG on the internet where people play furries. It was not a democracy to begin with.

Staff did receive backlash for doing their job. And I'm sorry when they've been righteous in their calls. As I also said, a few times, I don't think all of staff is bad. Several of them are good people who have made decent calls. But I've also seen them be INCREDIBLY biased. They're not perfect. And to blindly defend them, or to blindly defend Raz, is just further polarizing two sides.

No. I'm not praising Raz, and I don't condone those that are. But all because I'm not praising staff, either, does this suddenly mean we're on opposite sides of this issue?

Also, as a reminder. Before the colonists BEGAN a revolutionary war, they made a Declaration of Independence first. They tried to rationally explain to the King why they wanted sovereignty, in the wake of the Boston Massacre and the Boston Tea Party.

You want to feel like a revolutionary? Go form your own country. A new game.

But we're not on totally opposite sides of this issue. I want an explanation just as much as the next person, and I think Raz' actions have been over the top and shady. I'm ONLY saying that slamming him, while screaming about the staffs' complete and total innocence, is not the way to go. And that, yeah, people were cursing and being silly last night. But I didn't see anyone being outright malicious or cruel or mean, unless it was to shout about Raz. I could have missed things. I don't think that I did, and maybe things were different before I got online, but for the several hours that I was there, I didn't see people being unreasonable.

I saw people memeing and breaking rules that were enforced sporadically and arbitrarily.

I do think Raz needs a solid team of people around him to hold him accountable. But again. Screaming and demanding him to do so may not have much of an effect. He pays for these servers, we do not. That might suck, but it's the facts.

News Archives / Re: A couple of notes
« on: September 26, 2018, 04:56:41 pm »
I actually will disagree with you about the overreacting portion of your post. Not everyone is innocent, no, but the whole thing starting with Raz’s post was poorly construed, and there was a MAJOR lack of communication. What I saw yesterday when staff was not around were people cursing, swearing, sending hate, and everything they could do because staff wasn’t around. If Raz has communicated with his staff, or even the community first before putting up this new system, I can assure you the situation would’ve gone a lot different. As much as we’ve exaggerated that we do not want this to happen, he still fails to listen to his community, but I guess that’s somehow okay? No matter his explanation, he went behind everyone’s backs and that is something I will not stand for.

He works for the game, not the community. It’s that simple.

I was actually online for a long time yesterday, and I saw people having fun. And if any hate was getting thrown around, it was at Raz. Which, you KNOW that if the staff had been online, they would have allowed it because it wasn't directed at them or their friends. Not all of the fun was mature, and yes, people were cursing. As I also mentioned in a later post, I do think that if that conduct is going to be free and rampant, the game should come with a warning then for minors or people who are easily offended.

All of this being said, again, I'm not defending what Raz has done. I don't agree with the fact he did this behind everyone's backs. But going behind HIS back and being equally petty? That's not really a way to behave either, especially when I refuse to believe that the staff or the community was dumb enough to think he wouldn't push back upon provocation.

A friend mentioned this to me, and I also did notice this. You guys DO realize that Raz came to the community about this policy change, right? He SAID in his post, that if enough people disagreed and didn't like it, that it would change. October's meant to be a test. All of this insanity has stemmed from people freaking out over it.

As I have said before, I will say it again. I don't condone Raz' behavior. But other than rationally trying to explain why we think something isn't a great idea and hoping he'll listen is literally all we can do. At least on FeralHeart. I'm willing to ride it out. If you're not, then you can join the massive rioting clusterfuck of a Discord hate server and try to make another game. FeralHeart is unique, yeah. And I understand that this sucks.

But rioting, calling everybody names, and throwing temper tantrums is going to get LITERALLY nothing done. It's throwing eggs at a brick wall.

It sucks. I know. But raging around like a toddler and screaming curse words AGAINST Raz like someone in massive red text did above, is not going to solve anything.

News Archives / Re: A couple of notes
« on: September 26, 2018, 04:09:39 pm »
I didn't have the color codes for my characters saved. If you're not willing to put in the effort to just put stuff back up, then that's on you. The main reason the community is SO riled up is because staff, and their lackeys, have been adding fuel to a fire. Yes. The staff was insulted, and I understand that Raz is not a great administrator. I'm not actively defending him, I'm just saying, and HAVE been saying, that neither side is innocent here. Guys. This is a privately owned game. Raz' conduct is not great, but staff's? Theirs is equally petty. And now the entire community is fractured and it is what it is. From what I've seen, a lot of the toxic people and drama instigators have left with the staff. I could be totally wrong, but in my personal experience, that's what I'm seeing.

So either sit back and let this blow over, or leave. Again. It's that simple.

I know you're also not just directly addressing me, but a lot of people. I just kind of responded from my own personal standpoint because I know there's varying levels of dissent over this. And I don't think you're being mean! I do know that a lot of people are frustrated, myself included.

But people are letting that frustration get the better of them and they're overreacting instinctively.

News Archives / Re: A couple of notes
« on: September 26, 2018, 03:54:57 pm »
We went into patched maps that not only weren't sanctioned, but were also put up as a direct retaliation by the staff to Raz' move with ModFree October. You are also MORE THAN FREE to recreate those characters. It takes five minutes. I did it yesterday. So, considering we all decided to go into those maps out of spite and that Raz owns the server and what little bit of a title FH has, it might have been shitty, but it wasn't entirely unwarranted. If you're all that ticked off, like I said. You can go off and try to create your own game.

News Archives / Re: A couple of notes
« on: September 26, 2018, 03:19:46 pm »
OOF, I'll also amend that I feel like, in the light of this most recent move and a lack of staff, it might be pertinent to put a warning up on the login site or somewhere new people can see it that some content might not be suitable for minors. Because. Well. As chill as I thought FeralHeart was last night for the public, there was definitely some immature and inappropriate stuff happening. It's true that I thought it was funny and enjoyed it, but I'm also not a minor. And I'd feel compelled to let younger players know that this kind of stuff is now going to be allowed. But that's it!

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