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Topics - Phatom

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In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Phatom and Minxy's roleplay.
« on: November 09, 2013, 03:46:37 pm »
So me and Minxy have been roleplaying three characters, mine are Stefan and Damon, hers is Astoria. So we were thinking and we decided to make a FeralHeart roleplay so people can join in. Right now its map is being made by Minxy with help of Twoface for the heightmap!

The map is and has only been started off so the RP won't be started up for a while yet, so to be able to join you may have to wait a little, you have to be patient and you'll have to be able to download maps!

Species available in this roleplay:

ShiftersXVampires (Hybrids) - These are shifters who are also vampires, for the start of the role play this option will be closed off to others, only Damon, Stefan and Astoria are them. This is because we have roleplayed it and this is how it started. Also known as Hybrids.

Shifters - Only shifters are known is lions but wolves are allowed.

Also, Minxy is looking for some help on ideas for maps. We've already planned the Diverso home (Home of Damon and Stefan, now also Astoria). So if you're good at ideas, go note her on dA or something~ (Erairety on dA). Thank you!

Leaving / This floof has no time!
« on: September 29, 2013, 11:06:50 pm »
Hello Floofs!

This isn't something I wanted to do or for it to come too but it isn't permanently! So, college started a few weeks back and I get coursework each week so it is somewhat stressful. The only days I get to myself is the weekends and Monday's which are my days off. So pretty much, I'm packed up with time and it's a tight squeeze here and there.

But, yesterday (29th) I became an auntie for the first time, so as my sister's a new mum I said to her I'd help her out. So I have more responsibilities. I don't want to leave FeralHeart but I don't have much time for it, I'm barely on dA anymore. I try get on both as much as I can because write now I'm typing this up on my phone. I'll try get on as much as I can throughout the weeks but I can't promise it won't be long.

I hope you floofs understand!
I'm still available on deviantART, you can click my link below or you can just search up Zinci on deviantART.

Game Discussion / My username/nickname,
« on: September 16, 2013, 08:28:09 pm »
Hey floofs, I'm back on the forum.

So, I haven't played FeralHeart properly for two weeks due to me starting college so trying to get free time is quite hard lately as I'm trying to fit everything else around college whilst trying to look for a job but anyway, getting to the point. I was sitting on FeralHeart with two friends and this person rudely whispers me and goes to me:

"So you're name is Phatty, so that's basically fatty. :I"

I'd like to clear it that mine name isn't 'Fatty', my nickname on FeralHeart may be Phatty but doesn't mean it's pronounced the way you think it is. My username is Phatom, it's not Phantom. It has no n, but as if you were pronouncing the word Phantom, you pronounce it as Fan-tom. So my user name is Phatom, you pronounce it as Phay-tom. So therefore the word Phatty is pronounced as Phay-tee.

Art Gallery / Dorian then and Dorian now.
« on: August 19, 2013, 09:23:00 pm »
Hey floofs!
I don't know if this counts as art, considering all I did was colour lineart but if it should be removed, it's ok and sorry if I misunderstood.

This is my fursona, Dorian. Well the one on the right is, the one on the left is my old Dorian. I created Dorian on FeralHeart and I didn't like his colours, I don't like light colours on my characters. It's something I'll never get over. I just wanted to show everyone what Dorian used to look like compared to now. I must say, I love his colours and I wouldn't change them.

You can pay for the lineart here:
I'd love it if I could get some feedback!

Game Help / Easy way on making a present for a newbie.
« on: August 19, 2013, 01:06:03 pm »
Hey floofs!

I just wanted to know if there any easy in making a preset? I've never made one and I've been on FeralHeart for an upcoming two years now. I just wanted to make some changes and I want to be more involved with FeralHeart, I've attempted map making but that stuff isn't easy, sure placing trees down etc is but not when it comes to the rest such as height maps.

Stop babbling Phatom e.o, getting to the point I want to start learning how to make presets so I'd be grateful if anyone would like to help or point me in the direction of a good tutorial!

Thank you~

Forum Discussion / Not replying to threads.
« on: August 19, 2013, 01:40:53 am »
Hey floofs!
Yesyes, I've made another thread for some reason but I will explain!

So, as the title says. Not replying to threads people have made. Hm, right. I've made a few threads and this isn't personally aimed at my threads but I've been browsing over FeralHeart's forum for about an hour now and I notice people either have no replies to their threads or only a few amount of replies. I'm not saying people should quickly dart to threads with the least replies but I want to ask a question.

How does it make you feel?
How does it make you feel when people don't reply to your threads? Sometimes, I get irritated but I also accept that not everyone's interested but it also may take time for a thread to catch someone's eye and make them want to reply. So, I'd appreciate if people would state there opinions below.

Thank you floofs c:

Ask Me / Ask me and Dorian!
« on: August 13, 2013, 03:48:54 pm »

Hey floofs!

Here you can ask any questions about me or my fursona Dorian!
Don't be afraid to ask any questions, I don't bite but please no offensive ones, if you wish to ask me a question can you please put whether it's to me, Phatom or to my fursona Dorian. Prevents confusion!
Go ahead! :D

Hey floofs! :D

I was wondering through the FeralHeart forums and I found my old 'How to change your ear feather colour'. I have to admit, it was pretty useless and.. Terrible with giving instructions so. I'm going to show you an updated version of it, it's going to have screenies so it'll be easier for you to understand. If you have any questions about it, feel free to PM me about it and I'll help you out as much as possible. For this tutorial you'll need Ringo and Delay's Item Pack, you can find it here:
Although you will be the only person who'll be able to see the colours of your feathers unless you upload screenshots and show people!

1. Ok, now to start off! Go to your item folder which you can find by going to your Local disk, then click onto the FeralHeart folder then go into Media and then you can find items. Open the items folder and find the image file 'Feather_03':

2. Secondly, open that image into any program you wish to use. I use FireAlpaca but I've been able to do this on Gimp and Photoshop. If anyone can do this on any other program, you may note it below into the comments! So right this is what it should look like:

3. Now! Getting to the main point, create another layer. Name this layer 'Color/Colour' so you don't get confused which layer you may be going over your feather, make sure this layer is above the image layer. Set this layer to 'Overlay' you can do this by going to the drop down menu above your layers, click on it then click on overlay:

4. Now for the fun bit! Pick any colour you want, I'm going for a light pale blue so it goes with my fursona Dorian's eye colour. You can have the feathers two different colours, just colour over the separate feathers with two different colours. Now, colour over it, it doesn't matter if you go over. I think on Gimp it doesn't let you go over:

5. Ok, now for one of the last things to do! Get your magic wand tool, click on the paint around the feather. Then press delete, then it shall disappear! If you have Gimp and there's no paint around it, it's fine!

6. Now for the last bit! Time to save it and replace it. Click on 'Save as' and go back to your item folder which you can find by going to your Local disk, then click onto the FeralHeart folder then go into Media and then you can find items. Click save, it will then say "Feather_03.png already exists. Do you want to replace it?" Click yes, then tah-dah! Open up your FH, go to your character and there! You should have a different coloured feather. Below there's a picture of Dorian with an old set of colours I did, if you wish to change your colours. Keep the original 'Feather_03' file and colour it then replace it!

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and I hope it's better than my last derpy one. I'd appreciate some feedback if possible, somewhat like a critique but any comment is fine! I just hope this is useful for people and they enjoy their new coloured feathers. You can even post screenshots of your feathers being different colours, enjoy floofs!

Characters / Dorian.
« on: August 12, 2013, 07:04:10 pm »

Name: Dorian
Gender: Male
Specie: Barbary Lion
Family: Amias (brother)
Loyal to: No one
Sired cub(s): Naveen
Nickname(s): Dor, Dori, Ri, Rian or Floof

Dorian is larger than most lions due to his ancestor history. His mane is extremely fluffy and it gets more fluffy when it gets wet and begins to dry. He's an odd mixture of greys, brown and purples. Dorian's usually known to be quite big and it can make others to be uncomfortable around him.

What's he like?

Dorian's cub like, it doesn't matter what the situaion is, you can depend on him to take matters in acting like a cub. Dorian is independent most of the time when joining new prides, he doesn't speak unless he's being spoken to or he knows anyone, he finds comfort in people who can be honest with him and can be comfortable around his large size and cub like features. Dorian is always loyal, it doesn't matter who the person may be or what they've done to him, he is always loyal. He keeps his promises. He has an addiction of chewing on others ears, he doesn't care who they are, if he finds them fun to be around, he'll chew their ears. Dorian's size comes with a big risk, although he tries being gentle he has a hard time controlling it. He often hurts people with his size, strength and weight, he only knows two people who can hold him and it's his best friends Erairety and Pixaditty. He's always got his chirpy, cunning smile spread across his maw and he finds it hard to get rid of it. He can be clumsy, he's protective over the ones he cares for, especially his best friends.

Things Dorian likes

Dorian likes anything with ears, he loves playing around and being like a cub as much as his hearts content. He likes meeting new people and spending time with anyone who enjoys being around him. Spending time with close friends and cubs, running and sleeping. He pretty much likes anyone or anything that can accept him for him, enjoy what he does and doesn't have a problem with him or his friends.

What Dorian dislikes

Dorian dislikes rude animals, those who think they're better than others and can't accept anyone for who they are. Although no one dislikes an attention seeker, Dorian isn't fond of them sometimes more than others but he does try and help them. He doesn't like others pushing him away or ignoring him it annoys him and can leave him frustrated. Doesn't like liars or people who seek out to cause trouble purposely for spite. Those who brag about themselves or how 'perfect' they or their life is, it makes Dorian feel a little unsettled. People who threaten and hurt the ones he cares for, people who are greedy.

Dorian's background:

Dorian never knew his real parents, he never knew why his foster parents Imara and Klaus found him alone. Dorian was weak, nothing but an oversized cub abandoned by his parents. He was found by a group of rubble rocks, caped in dust and mewing for company. It must of been days since Imara and Klaus found him, close to death and only hanging on with whatever the cub had. Imara, had just lost her own two sons, her first litter, gone. She was grieving, distraught and Klaus was feeling the same but they carried on with their journey, they were rouges. Imara a season younger than Klaus, falling in love at a young age and running away from a Pride who didn't accept Klaus. Although, Klaus put on a brave face to loss of his two sons. They stumbled up onto a mewing grey cub, Imara instantly wanted him, she needed him, Klaus also fell in love with the cub. They took him in, Imara had the milk he needed and they both would protect him. Imara would carry Dorian across the lands until he was able to walk, he was was nurtured back to health. Growing each day, Imara and Klaus was confused why he was so big but they debated it was his due to his ancestors but when Dorian was able to talk, they named him, Dorian. It's a name Imara and Klaus wanted for their older son. Imara, Klaus and Dorian stumbled upon his future best friends fathers Pride, Trigino. Imara, Klaus and Dorian stayed with the Pride for a while until Dorian was growing into his teens. Dorian met Erairety, her sister Terazie and her brother Deren. Although Deren and Dorian was best friends until Dorian left. Imara, Klaus and Dorian's time came to an end with the white Lion's Pride and they went on their way. Passing on through the plains, fighting of threats and living every day life, Imara had another cub, his name was Amias. The trio now becoming four settled down in a den which was beautiful although it came to a tragic moment in their life together. Dorian, Klaus and Imara went hunting leaving Amias being looked after a lioness who joined the company of Dorian's growing family, they found an injured Water Buffalo that was cooling down in a watering hole. The trio thought it would be an easy kill, Klaus took his turn first leaping onto the Buffalo's back. Dorian took a less decent place and began clawing and biting the Buffalo's leg, managing to get trampled on. Imara saw the danger Dorian had gotten into and lunged herself onto the Buffalo's face, clawing and blinding the Buffalo, it tried shaking her off. She slipped and fell under the water, under the beasts feet. She too, managing to get trampled on but worse than Dorian. Klaus roared for his mate and his sons safety, letting the beast run free. Dorian could barely walk, his pelvis and below was in to much pain. Dorian found it hard to even pee without pain. However, Imara had survived the trample but she took a turn for the worse, her now fragile body covered in injuries, dust and blood. Imara made sure she left her two with a smile on their face. As her mate placed himself beside her in their den, not far from their growing son. He felt her coldness, he knew she wasn't going to make it, curling his tail around hers and twisting it into hers, they both watched their cub asleep beside them, Klaus told him his mother was just sick. He watched her slowly fall asleep, he didn't want to watch her go so the brute placed his nose beside hers and slept, Dorian still awake came over and removed his brother away from her side, placing him onto his paws. To wake to a raging Dorian in pain and struck by grief, he had clawed the walls of their den, blood running from his paws as he had been doing it all morning, the lioness who had companied them took Amias for a walk before he saw anything. Klaus tended to his son, he told them they'd get through this together but neither of them did, not until one day. Klaus never gave up, as much as he wanted too, he had Dorian and Amias. The two things Imara treasured the most, Klaus died shortly after. Dorian was left to care for his cub brother, both distraught on losing Klaus. Although later years, Dorian still had painful memories from his past. Even one he'd have to live for the rest of his life, Dorian couldn't sire any cubs by this time. Dorian had left Amias into a family friends Pride, Dorian didn't want to risk losing his brother on their travel. His accident had left him infertile, until he met Salani. They had become mates for a short time and Dorian managed to sire a cub, Naveen who he hasn't met. Although, Dorian has tried for cubs, he still has difficulties and classes himself as partly infertile. He met Pixaditty, his Leopard best friend and settled into a Pride with her. He even passed by his cubhood friend Erairety, who now remain best friends and see each other daily.

Discussion Board / Unusual things about yourselves.
« on: August 12, 2013, 05:25:27 pm »
Hey guys! :D

Just a topic I have been thinking of. An unusual thing about ourselves, all you have to do is post a thing about yourself which you may find unusual or you think others may find unusual. It can be anything you do, perhaps it's something you don't think others do it? Perhaps you want other people to give it a try well post it here! All you have to do is comment what you find unusual about yourself. The person who comments after you must rank how unusual they find it is from 1 being not unusual to 10 being very unusual. If you find nothing unusual about yourself, you can add an opinion in on what you could possibly find unusual.

Please, no rude comments about peoples post and do not be mean to other people. I don't want to see people being rude to others, this is just a topic. Don't take it seriously! ;D

To start it off:
The unusual thing about myself I find is I walk up the stairs on my hands and feet, like some sort of animal. Also, if I don't walk up the stairs that way. I walk on my tiptoes, always.


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