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Messages - SoulSisterWolf

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it's perfect! thank you so much. <3
you're truly a master at presets, darling. keep up the good work!

it looks simply amazing! however, i noticed a little error...
you forgot the lighter tail-tip. it's the same shade as the lighter cream around her muzzle.
and also, could you make her nose the same color as her paw pads? sorry if i seem picky. ;u;

much thanks! i cannot wait to see it.
well, obviously i CAN, know what i mean. .u.

i know it says you're open, but i was wondering if you could do a preset for me?

lineart by the wonderful BaseBeast on DeviantART.

Name of Preset: Soul - SoulSisterWolf/Sibervvia's fuzzlet

Preset Folder: 4, please.

Publicity: private.

Permission: of course!

~Fill This Out If You Don't Have Photo~

Animal: feline.

Base Color: ^^^^

Side Colors: ^^^^

Basic Description: ^^^^

Mane: nuh uh.

Paw Pads: all are a faded pink with lighter speckles here and there.

Symbols: not really.

thanks in advance~.

thanks, LotusBlade! C:


Username: soulsisterwolf
Preset #: 10
Species: cat.
Email: i would prefer if you did it via PM on here.
What texture should i use: realistic short-haired cat fur, please.
Reference Pic:
Eyes/Bi-eye: just normal cat-like eyes, both amber.
Mane: nuh uh.
Wings: nope.
Private or Public: private.
Two-sided: yes.
Male or Female: female.

what lovely presets! i cannot wait to see when the one's you are working on are finished. once you are open i will definitely be requesting a preset. keep up the good work!

one more time? mmmm...
what if i never got off? ;D;
but in all seriousness, i would most likely spend whatever time i had left to play being with my TEC family. they've helped me through quite a bit of stuff, so of course i'd want to talk to them all i could. i would also try my best to catch up with some of my old friends from when i first joined, and just talk to them. ask how they've been, ect.
and as Hugrf said, it would break my heart to see the game where i met so many good people be shut down for all eternity. of course there'd be Aro'Kai and possibly other games to meet new people on, wouldn't be the same.

Game Discussion / Re: Your first character
« on: July 29, 2013, 05:11:05 pm »
ah, my first character...
well, i know my first two were Danny and Chris. i'm not exactly sure which one i made first, though. i deleted Danny (sadly; he was really cute from what i can remember </3) but i still have Chris.

that's what she use to look like. now instead of a pure white belly it's more of a very pale cream. and her eye style has changed a little bit. but other than that, she still has the same pelt color and markings and the like. and from what i can remember, this is kind of what Dannster looked like;

man, i wish i had kept him. i made my first few friends on that character.
-siiigh- memories.

Game Discussion / Re: Things against Demon Chars?
« on: July 11, 2013, 06:08:38 pm »
i also have nothing against demon characters...most of them, at least.
the only ones i can't stand are the unoriginal overpowered demon. i mean, i know you're a creature from Hell, but seriously? i have a demon character, Domanic, and he doesn't even fight most of the time.
i also get annoyed seeing the same color design over and over again. black, neon red scars, red eyes(although this is expected with demon characters, so this one is less annoying).
as long as some neon demon half my size doesn't come up and 'kiks u of clif' then i'm fine with demons.

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