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Topics - Seijun

Pages: [1] 2
Poems / Tomboy
« on: September 26, 2015, 07:29:28 pm »
You pull your hair back in a ponytail
And wear a hoodie on yourself
Put on some sneakers good to go
Go with the male kid gender role

You call yourself a tomboy
It's cause you play with boy toys
You say you don't go with gender roles
But you're breaking your own rule

You don't blink an eye when a girl wears a suit
But if a boy wears a dress you'll laugh and pursuit
To tell the kid that they look dumb in those clothes
The harsh words are spilling from under your nose

You're one-sided
Ignorant of what you're implying
That girls can "act like boys"
But tell guys that they're lying
Your gender roles are huge
Saying males have to be masculine
But you say,
"Girls don't have to be cute"
You think that you will win
Cause you play with a boy toy
You're forcing gender roles everywhere
You call yourself a tomboy

Poems / A Song/Poem
« on: January 26, 2015, 11:26:15 pm »
Not taking that depressing attitude
Why try so hard to ruin the mood?
You think that you're so ugly
Just cause of what people tell you

Lighten up, you've gotta think good
Or else you'll never get self esteem
I don't give a crap what you or others think
You're beautiful inside and out, don't forget
Look at yourself and think
that you're great no matter what
You'll surely notice then that it

Doesn't matter what they think
Or who dumped you last week
All that matters is what you think
Don't let that problem get leaked
You need to stay bright
Don't let them throw you down
Cause you're great inside and out
Cause you're great inside and out

Game Discussion / My feeling on prides nowadays
« on: July 04, 2014, 05:57:49 pm »
Whenever I'm on a lioness looking for a pride, I'm huge compared to the other lioness's. I'm a decent size next to the males, but the females... are CUB sized compared to the male.

I ask them why, every single one either says, "I'm a dwarf lion." "I'm the runt of my litter." or "Everyone else does it, I want to fit in."
Then I guess every single lioness besides me is a dwarf or the runt, because that's what they always say.

I ask a tiny lioness why they are always small, and she said, 'It's more feminine to be smaller as a lioness." if you think about it, that's pretty stereotypical. Think about it. Its basically saying that all females are tiny. Plus, they claim the pride is "realistic" when there is really no tiny lioness's other than cubs in the wild!

I discussed this at SB and someone said, "If it bothers you that much, just be smaller." That's not the case. I'm trying to be decent here, when the other lioness's are TINY.

I really have nothing else to say, I was getting my feelings out here. Plus, if the mods think this is offending anyone, which I wasn't trying to, they can lock it. If you disagree with this, tell me why.

Poems / Something on my mind
« on: June 30, 2014, 04:47:34 pm »
This poem is dedicated to my cat who has been missing for a while. We keep seeing him sometimes, but we can't catch him yet.

You have ginger coat
Fluffy and soft
Your eyes are cute and also huge
You were scared of strangers
And had the jitters
But I cannot find you
Your face never loses that kitten look
You weren't like any cat in any book
Oh, where are you?
You used to roam the house
How I remember like yesterday
When you were happy
And bounced and played
I remember when you came home that day
More scared then ever
All these 'strangers'
I saw you quiver
You hid under the bed
For somewhat a day
Somehow I got you
out to play.
I really love you
With all my heart
Even though your lost
I don't want to fall apart
Please come back
I love you so
My family loves you, too
Please, come back home...

Request Maps / Warrior Cat Map request!
« on: June 22, 2014, 04:10:22 pm »
Sorry to bother, but I'm wanting to make a mapped warrior cat RP, but unfortunately, I can't make maps. Here is the detail I am looking for:

I want it to be fairly large, yet not all of the clan places are the same. I want there to be 3 clan camps, each with 5 dens. One of the territories around a camp are mainly plains, hardly any trees, and a couple hills. Then farther off to another territory around another camp is mainly ocean and rivers, and  mainly sand, but further out in that camp's territory is grass for hunting and such. For the last camp, mainly forest. I want a moonstone between Forest and Ocean territory, with a big gem, but make it in something such as a tunnel, a cave, whatever works. And in the middle of the map is 3 rocks large enough for 1 cat to sit on, with enough room for cats to sit on the ground looking up to the rocks.

Thank you if you would like to make this map! I would appreciate it!

Poems / Summer Party 2014 Poem
« on: June 21, 2014, 11:40:00 pm »
This is at my Fursona, Tsuyoi's, point of view.

I come on early
Find myself in a world
It seems so warm
And I stand in awe
The wind ruffles through my fur
And my outfit I changed
Just for this event
And its as exciting as aimed.
Wind ruffles through my fur
Its getting quite hot
As we charge to the paw-shaped pool,
We reach the shimmering water
And everyone dives deep.
"Whats that in the water?" A white wolf asks.
A dino was floating like an ace.
Then the fun began
As we all ran to find more
Begin the Dino Chase!
I searched for more
I found 6, at the least.
I had to find 10
And I said, "Jeeze."
3 people found them all and got a prize
But the ones who didn't never sobbed and cried.
After the hunt, we all gathered at the slide
And started a Hide and Seek
With our seeker picked,
And counting to 20,
We all ran as fast as bees.
I hid in a bush
Alas, I was found.
The winner was quite happy.
Then after that,
We scattered around
And it was really chatty.
Although I didn't get a prize
And I lost on Hide and Seek,
Chances of me getting sad
Were quite bleak.
Now, today was fun
And I'm glad I came
And I will never regret.
Although there's another party next year,
This is a one I'll never forget.

Game Help / Preset Help?
« on: June 19, 2014, 02:30:40 pm »
I want to download the first one on here:
But I don't exactly know how.
If you can help me I would really appreciate it!

Poems / Facing it
« on: June 18, 2014, 11:06:38 pm »
Stop cowering in your bedroom
And step up to face your fears
For when the chances to do so are gone
You'll regret your choice for years.
Take life and grasp it
And give it your all
For life is too short
Soon theres nothing at all
Do something fun
Its not far to go
Until you meet your fear
And, fear, you will show.
But you have to step up
Look fear right in the eye
Don't cower and run
And say, "Why did I try?"
Beat fear down
Until it is gone
And then turn your back
And march on
If you face something that
Your not sure to do,
Ask yourself if its safe
If it is, then move!
Do what you want
Do what is fun
Because the "one" controls you.
And you are the one.

Poems / <<Moderation>>
« on: June 18, 2014, 01:24:53 am »
The moment you achieve everything
The moment you seize your goal
The day we solve every problem
That moment will be the unthinkable.

The day world hunger stops
And the homeless find homes
Every problem vanishes
Man, doesn't seem like a flop.

The day deadly storms come to a stop
And the kid's fears of monsters gone
The day sickness suddenly stops
It vanishes, like washing with a mop.

Man, that would be a perfect world.
Everyone acting fun like clowns
But what would this earth be
Without it's ups and downs?

They wouldn't find cures to new disease
You wouldn't learn from your mistakes
If problems were gone, how would we know how to stop new ones?
Is this a risk your willing to take?

Maybe you should sit down and think this through
Or maybe take a vacation
But the world wouldn't be perfect either way
At least everything's in moderation.

Poems / Just a Poem
« on: June 18, 2014, 12:24:21 am »
~A Home~

A home isn't a roof over your head
Or a mansion that shines white
A home is a place you treasure most
And stay through out the night

One day you will understand
That everyone isn't always fun
There are many people out there
And with a home, they might have none.

Be grateful for the home you have
With cookies on the table
Laughing siblings all smiling bright
But home isn't always a fable

But even the "homeless" though I prefer "houseless"
Have homes they hold so dear.
For if you find a group in one of those shelters
And ask where their home is, they will say, "Right here."

Not many think of homes like this
However, I thought hard.
A home is mistaken for a house many times.
But really, its where your friends and family never fall apart.

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