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Messages - Sylvris

Pages: [1]
Introduction / Re: Hello Every One! Im back!
« on: November 14, 2012, 05:58:40 pm »
Welcome back to you, friend. May you have fun with your time here! <3

Species / Re: The Shire wolf (mythical/fictional)
« on: November 14, 2012, 05:55:06 pm »
Your species, and description of them, are just awesome ^-^ <3. I'd love to make one someday.

Introduction / Re: Hello FH!
« on: November 09, 2012, 04:36:20 pm »
A warm welcome to you then, fellow floof! <3 Hope you've lots of fun with your time here.

Introduction / Re: Ohi-o
« on: November 09, 2012, 02:45:05 am »
Welcome to the forums then, friend!

Species / Another new species!~Sha~
« on: November 09, 2012, 02:39:12 am »
Firstly, it's just a feralheart adaptation of a "species" I like, called Sha, from a game called World of warcraft. They are best described as.. not fully corporeal. Sha are beings manifested from negative energy, and therefore gain power from said energy, and can lose strength from it's absence. Even a thought can cause the appearance of a sha. Chaotic evil in alignment.                                                 ~Lesser Sha~     Lesser sha will, naturally, be weaker than a higher sha, and will act more neutrally to any being approaching them. Often small in size, these lesser sha will act as gaurdians and whatnot, if any greater sha are in danger. One brave soul can easily take down a lesser sha. These would be most common Sha, usually from simple feelings of hate or fear. All sha will be dark in colour, with a few areas white, or so on. The secondary colour (White) will varyper what the Sha is a manifest of, Hatred/Anger sha having subtle reds, Sorrow sha  having blues, etc.                          A lesser Sha looking something like :                             ~Greater/Prime Sha~                   Greater Sha will be larger, and with it, stronger. Still defeatable by one, or two strong-willed souls. From this strength onward,(given the nature of stronger sha) Any weak-minded beasts/intelligent beings will be overcome with the emotion that the sha represents, (exemple: Everything in the area will be extremely hostile, and attack you on sight. Anger) these would be called "Sha Touched" beings, There are very few ways to rouse one from this state, including getting them far away from the source. Prime Sha, would be the strongestof any sha you'll see. Infathomably strong, it would take a good many to fully defeat a Prime Sha. Eventually, even if you are strong of mind, a Prime sha would be able to take induce said emotion that it is in you for a time, often to bad effects to those around the one controlled. A Prime Sha can never truly be killed, yet in the act of fighting/defeating it, it will be severely weakend, and it can be sealed away. Prime sha will have brighter markings than the others, and so on.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Greater and prime sha, as stated above, cannot be fully killed. They will instead leave behind echoes, lesser sha, as shadows of what they once were. These will most likely be peaceful, and have no memory of what has transpired.  ~making one~ If you're interested, firstly, thank you for reading. Given that they're a tad more impressive in larger sizes,the pictures above are Feline, however, do whichever you feel like. the pelt should be around 15-20 on all.(I will request moderate literacy, if you wish to join the group i've made) other than that, have fun with what you do! <3                                

Introduction / An intro of myself
« on: October 26, 2012, 06:59:33 pm »
I just thought i'd post here, since i never really have introduced myself to the fine fluffies of Feral-Heart..i just started playing one day -.-. My username is sylvris in game, i'm quiet, but usually helpful. Once i get  tad better i'll probably take requests to draw the characters of people. In terms of roleplaying, I'd consider myself Literate, though I can't say i'd be able to do a paragraph at a time, like some i've seen. That's all, I look forward to seeing you in-game!

Pages: [1]