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Messages - Oblivion25

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Game Discussion / Re: Cursing/Swearing
« on: April 18, 2014, 11:29:31 pm »
Firstly, I'll say this. This post contains my opinion. Mine. Not anyone else's, unless they happen to share it with me. It also contains specific mentioned 'swear words'. I am not trying to actually swear at anyone here, I'm merely using them as examples... I'm not even using them in a profane context, which should mean a lot more than it usually seems to...


For me, I only particularly care if people are swearing profusely OOC... I'm one of those people who grew up wondering why I wasn't allowed to say 'those words', thinking of them as some weird 'secret clique lingo'. Or something strange like that. Now that I'm older, I actually swear a fair bit IRL due to loving the freedom of saying what I /want/ to, and have no issue being sworn at, either. It's just how the English language is, both now and in the past.

However, I do also understand the fact that some people take offense at it, even if it's not directed at them or their friends/family. I personally think they're probably being a little too sensitive, but... eh, to each their own, I guess. The game is meant to be for 13 and above, isn't it? Chances are most people who are 'allowed' to be playing by that technicality have heard most if not all of these words before, anyways. Heck, I know for a fact from personal experience IRL that some 8 year olds can be far more profane in their speech than many 20 year olds!

In-game, I try to only swear if I really can't think of anything else to say and something /needs/ to be said. And even then, I don't use the more 'extreme' ones outside of Whisper, so as to try to avoid people puffing up at me over it. However, one issue I always have is what actually 'counts' as a swear word. Different cultures have different takes on the matter. Australia, for example, is a lot more 'lax' as far as the general usage of words is concerned than America seems to be, so a word that I don't consider to be that bad may be very bad to someone else. x3 It's tricky. Words like 'bloody' are a prime example... >.>;

If I'm playing a character that is just more likely to swear (not that there's many of those outside of fandom RPs in my case, as I try to be a responsible FHer), then I'd rather keep the character's integrity and get in trouble for swearing than destroying the way the character speaks just to keep everyone else happy when the words are in extremely-wide usage in other forms of media, and elsewhere on the internet. Harsh, but true.

Back on the note of 'what words are actually bad', I am a firm believer in using the correct terminology where I can... That means I refer to a child born when their parents are not married as a 'bastard', and a female dog as a 'bitch'... I do not consider them to be swear words in that context, and actually get a little peeved if people try to tell me I can't use them in their intended context, just because they've /become/ relatively generic insults. The older meanings of the words are always more important to me than the newer ones are... which can get a little annoying in the case of words like 'gay' and 'fag' (which mean 'bright, cheerful, happy', and 'cigarette' or possibly a shortening for 'faggot' which means something to do with fire kindling in an older context... Go figure, given what they 'mean' now, eh?)

If I'm truly angry at someone and can't leave the matter as-is at that point, that's one time where I'm /more likely/ to swear, as my usual tactic of growling at people IRL doesn't really work on a game like this... ^_^U

Forum Discussion / Re: Story Behind Your Username
« on: March 05, 2014, 02:42:45 pm »
This seems like an interesting topic, so... Eh, why not? :3

Well, anyways, the story behind mine is pretty simple, really... It all started with my obsession with Kingdom Hearts. The concept of 'oblivion' is emptiness, an end, or a lack of memory. Now, yeah, that's kinda dark and grim, but I've always liked the word (I've got a habit of liking weird ones, like 'bizarre' and 'apocalyptic' and 'pneumatic') and I liked the characters in the games that are connected to it even more, so...

Bam. Oblivion was my choice of word. However, when I made the account, 'Oblivion' wasn't being accepted, so I plonked 25 at the end, that being one of the numbers I could guarantee to remember the best, as it's part of my birthdate.

Contrary to what some may think, I've never played the game titled Oblivion before, though... ^_^;

If I was to ever change it, I'd probably use another staple that's been in my 'repertoire' for even longer, which I use for my dA account and email. However, chances of most of the friends I've made on FH actually knowing to look for me on that are pretty slim... so I probably won't for a long time, if at all.

That said, even if it was kinda a random one, it's grown on me quite a bit, so I even use it for other things as well now!

Species / ~The Orsari~
« on: September 04, 2013, 12:59:22 pm »

Game Help / Re: Can't use the setup file
« on: July 06, 2011, 07:04:34 am »
I have tried the torrent... (going to try again >:I)

As for not being on the admin user, I only have one user profile on my computer...

FH worked fine, until this recent update... ;-;

EDIT: I managed to get the file to work, now. Now I just need to check that the program works :3 Guess my computer was just being temperamental -.-U

Game Help / Can't use the setup file
« on: July 05, 2011, 11:21:37 am »
I'm having trouble using the setup files for the new update. I get messages that say that access is denied.

I searched through the topics, but it seems I may be the only one with this problem...

Please help!

Game Help / Re: FH crashing due to "encountering a problem"
« on: June 07, 2011, 11:03:56 am »
Okay. Thank you~! :3

FH SEEMS to be behaving itself again, but it still has the occasional 'fit'... Oh well. I can work around that.

Again, thanks.

Game Help / FH crashing due to "encountering a problem"
« on: June 03, 2011, 02:42:06 am »
Sorry if this has already been addressed... I searched for what I thought were the right keywords for my problem, but it seems mine's slightly different from what's been asked about already... or more extensive, I'm not quite sure...

FH crashes on me somewhat randomly, with the Windows error message coming up saying that FH encountered a problem and had to close. Sometimes it lets me get onto a character but then crashes after a small amount of time, sometimes it doesn't let me swap through the character selection thing, sometimes it doesn't even let me get to that.

I've tried swapping rendering systems, lessening the distance viewing, making the video mode smaller... I've also tried uninstalling/reinstalling FH, as well as rebooting the computer.

Any chance someone could help me?

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