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Messages - Yogurt204

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Whooaaaa. I didn't even know presets could do half of these things. This is so cool! I've already bookmarked this & intend to use it when I start making presets again. Thank you so much for sharing these tips. x These really helped me, & thank you for the pictures along-side them!

Art Gallery / Sucie's Art ❤
« on: August 19, 2017, 03:13:22 am »
Howdy! So lately, I've made a Deviantart account & I have been posting some art on there. Most of it has been doodles or old art I found in my computer, but I thought I might as well share some of my pictures with y'all. If you'd like to check out my deviantart, it's

but here's some of my art anywayy
My most recent (& my current style) piece of art, which I actually just finished today:

but here are some of the slightly older ones that I've just now uploaded:




I'dunno. Just thought I'd kinda try to promote my art/deviantart account on here since I think I sometimes draw things worth lookin' at, hehe. Thank you for viewing! ❤

Forum Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Additions to the forum
« on: August 17, 2017, 08:45:49 pm »
Ooooh, I love the mention idea. That would make everything feel so much smoother, rather than just hoping someone you mention will see the thread/comment you want them to see before it's lost in the depths of the forum, haha.

Game Discussion / Re: How Old Are The Floofs In FearlHeart?
« on: August 17, 2017, 08:43:26 pm »
I am 17, but I will be turning 18 in February. ;D
I started playing this game when I was 11. It's crazy how fast time flies.

Game Discussion / Re: Cannibalistic Groups
« on: August 15, 2017, 07:17:41 pm »
I used to be in a cannibalistic-centered group, & it was one of the best communities I've ever been in, haha. I still think it is a bit creepy & macabre, but I think that's the entire point. It's meant to give off kind of a strange or "scary" sort of vibe, & lure in the people that are into violent, gory, mature roleplays. While I'm not one that particularly enjoys gore or violence, it was a neat experience! The group was so friendly & quirky, & I enjoyed it while it was around. The nice thing about it was: we wouldn't just randomly pounce on an unsuspecting person that hadn't even agreed to it, or anything like that. We would usually get our friends or whoever to roleplay as a victim when we wanted to roleplay "hunting."And we would always make sure that people were okay with it beforehand, & asked for permission. However, this group wasn't on Feral-Heart, so I don't entirely know how cannibalistic groups would work on here. But, so long as they were respectful of the others around them & asked permission like my old group did & what-not, what's the big deal?

I'm not entirely sure that I would want to do it again, but it's not as gory or strange as I thought it would be. And if there was such groups sprouting up on FH, why couldn't they just have their roleplay sessions in private? OBVIOUSLY cannibalism is not okay, but it's all virtual. I mean, say you roleplayed a blind character, does that mean you're blind behind the screen? No. It gives you a bit of a challenge to roleplay, I suppose. While I don't think it is extremely appropriate for Feral-Heart, unless it was kept in private chats, I don't see the enormous deal with it. However, if said group were to be harassing people & ruining other's Feral-Heart/roleplay experience, then yeah, there's a problem. But if not, then let them have their twisted roleplay fun. :D

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