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Topics - ~Sorowsong~

Pages: [1]
Introduction / I have returned
« on: October 18, 2013, 05:27:11 pm »
Hello Everyone!!! Im back! ^^ On the forums at least :) I wont be able to rejoin you guys on the game, sadly. My mom's computer completely crashed, although it was able to recover, I've decided 'll keep off it for good. Problem after problem, it eventually had enough. My mom was able to get it up and running again though. I shall use my own laptop for everything now, like I have been. My laptop cant handle a program as big as Feral-heart so, ya know. But I really miss all of you, after all internet friends are the best. :) Also, I cant gurantee my activity, due to IRL problems. But I'm glad to  be back! :)

Leaving / Leaving, more than likely for good
« on: September 07, 2013, 03:30:34 am »
I am sad to say, I will be leaving Feral-heart. I am expiriencing extreme computer errors, therefore I believe Feral-heart should go, it will help me narrow down issues. I will still be around on the forums, so anyone, feel free to PM me or whatever.
I will miss all of you, and I have made some great friends on here. If you want, heres my dA :  xX-Error-xX  Watch, friend or note me! ^^ Bye everyone...

Community Activities Hub / Sky's Rim, a race to the top!
« on: August 25, 2013, 11:57:14 pm »
So I was in AI earlier today, climbing up to Sky's Rim, when I noticed someone had said that we should have a race to the top. I said it was a really cool idea and he said he would make a group, and someone could post on the forums. So here I am. I think the limit is 30 minutes, and i'm not sure of the date, although I will find out. ^^

Discussion Board / Any programmers out there? :3
« on: August 18, 2013, 06:29:41 pm »
Hello! I was just wondering if anyone was interested in programming or is a actual programmer. I am training by myself to become one, a quite skilled one at that. It's just seems like we are hard to find these days. ;) Call me a geek if you wish, it doesn't bother me. ;)

Characters / Error (Cat)
« on: August 06, 2013, 08:16:46 pm »
Species: Domestic cat
Age:17 months

Error used to be a house cat,but eventually abandoned that life for a independent rouge life. Her parents;Lily and Sly didn't like her very much to begin with. They thought she was abnormal and strange, naming her Error, like some.kind of mess up. Their owner studied computers so Lily and Sly had picked up on these words. So had Error in fact, this made her quite smart. She was always planning and plotting she hated her parents as much as they did her. Error went out everyday to fight and hunt, training herself.Her parents never supported her and this made he mad. So after moons of plotting she killed them both, leaving them to bleed to death.Error simply licked her paws clean and walked away. She never made any friends, usually keeping to herself. She would on occasion kill the cats in her path also.

Littermates: None

Appearance:All black with white striped legs and icy blue eyes. Missing chunks of her ears and has scars across her muzzle. She has a purple collar and is medium haired. Mixed breed. She is also quite small and lithle. She is quick and clever.

Love Life:
Kits: None

Error sometimes eats her own kind but mostly sticks to her favorite bird, finch. Whenever she eats a mouse she cuts open it stomach before eating it. She has no friends or enemies. She loves to terrorize kits and clans and will take on any opponent. If she had a warrior name she would like it to be Deathwish. Her voice is not high or low and she has no accent. She has a creepy insane laugh that could drive any creature to insanity. Her one downfall is she is quick but does not have much stamina. And, she is my favorite character.

Personality: evil,sadistic,insane,clever,silent,coldhearted,antisocial,loyal to herself,charismatic.

Hope you enjoyed! :)

Introduction / Hello Everyone!
« on: July 27, 2013, 09:23:03 pm »
Hi everyone! it's great to join the Feral-heart community :) I hope everyone get's to know me, you will probably mostly see me on my favorite character, Sorrowsong. I lo forward to meeting :) as many people as I can

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