Author Topic: ~~~~Prehistoric Species: Kricxa!~~~~  (Read 1706 times)


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~~~~Prehistoric Species: Kricxa!~~~~
« on: September 27, 2011, 12:07:41 am »
All information on my new-realeased Prehistoric Species, The Kricxa:

Story: The Kricxa were one of the last species in the time of Dinosaurs. They hatched an died as any other Dinosaur, and in the end all of them died.... However.... few survived. Only about 30 survived, but in time they breeded and spred about the world, never seen to humans, and only a mircale would help you see one. They are very fast creatures and they flee before you see them, leaving nothing but rustling bushes.

Diet: Omnivorous. Fruits, Vegetables, Berries, Aquatic animals (Fish, amphibians, etc.), and sometimes birds. When in Forests or Mountains, they feed on Elk, Caribou, Coyote, Rabbit, anything they can find.
Habitat: Usually dark and gloomy places like Thick Pine Forests, Caves, Marshes, sometimes Mountains.
Groups(Kropees) *Usually in groups of 8-30*: Dominant Male, Dominante Female (DM's mate, or strongest Female in Kropee),Gurds/Officers, Hunters/Gatherers, Nursing Females and Hatchlings.
**OFFICER RANKS**:Rookie, Officer, Beta Officer and Alpha Officer. (One of each Gender for Beta and Alpha.)
**GUARD RANKS**:Trainee, Scouter, Guard, Royal Guard.
Size: Kricxa though were small in the Dinosaur age, they are very large today, compared to our usual animals. Most hatchlings are 2 times a Full-Grown male wolf's height, A Half-Grown(Teen) about 4 Times, and Adult about 5-6 times.
Age: Kricx's normal life-spans are 30-70 years. They are classified Hatchlings from birth to 10 years, A Half-Grown 11-20 years, a Full-Grown 21-60. 60 and above are Elders.
Hatchlings, Nest Sizes, and crpa liek that:
Usually, Nests are in egg groups of 4-8 Eggs per nest. :3
A female lays no more than 5 nests in a lifetime, and stops her eggs at 50 years of age.

Kricxa are just like your basic Raptor, though they walk on a 3rd pair of arms connected to their top jaw called 'Stalks'.
*For picture explaining anatomy, go HERE>
Main: Any and All shades of Blue, Pink, Red, Green, Brown, Yellow, Grayscale Colors (Gray, Black, white).
Features(Stalks, Stem colors.): Usuaully darker shade of main color, if main too dark, lighter than main.
Patterns: Stripes, Dots, stripes and dots, Spikes, Zig-Zags, Spiral, etc. Color is usually any matching color to the Main.

Model: Canine
Full on Weight, Height, Length and Width.
Muzzle: Starter (middle, minimum size) to full.
Forehead: Flat.
Eyes: Half-way (standard, min. size.) to smallest.
Nose: All the way, no nose.
Ears: As big as they can go.
Cheeks:In-Between Standard and smallest (maximum) to smallest.
Tail: Cat Tail (See the Dev. Art page for actual image of standard male Kricxa for why.)
Mane: NO MANE!!!! They have flat heads.
Ears: Back Ears ONLY!
Tufts: Back Mane; Back, Elbow rump.
Eyes: Fire, Contracted Slit (Reccomended), Blind Slit, Blind, Glow Orb, any of the Glow Slits, Whole slit.
Female: Same thing, But Width, Length, and Height are just a TAD bit smaller than the male.
Body: Cheetah, Cub Spots, Back Splotch, Ocelot, Snow Leopard, Tiger, Bubbles, Spotted/Striped Hyena, Dorsal Stripe, Helion and German Shepeard.
Head: Mask, Skeleton, Spotted Hyena, Striped Hyena, German Shepeard.
Tail: Celtic ONLY!
**Please, do NOT have the 'Noobish' looks and CHANGE YOUR EYE COLOR, UNDER/ABOVE EYE COLOR AND NOSE!!!! Make Nose the color of the Markings. :3
Eye Colors: Red, Yellow, Blue, Purple, Green, Grey.
Thanks and PLEASE Post Your Gender, Age, Name, Personalities, And a 2-4 sentenced Biography of your Character. List it's Colors, too, please. Thanks for reading! Hope you can join :3