Author Topic: ??nsayvorlye ?yndicate?  (Read 1264 times)

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??nsayvorlye ?yndicate?
« on: October 04, 2013, 11:10:05 pm »

Mozemo samo da verujemo paket

The Ensayvorlye are new species of semi-demonic wolves that descend from Grim Reapers. And just as their Humanic ancestors had, these wolves also devour the souls of those ripe for death. There is one exception however, the Syndicate can only take the foul spirits of wolves and lions. If they were impure, wicked, or mediocre within their mortal lives, then leave it to a Vorlye to lead their souls into Hell.

The Ensayvorlye have a special bond to the Underworld that allows them to enter it with their physical selves to remain intact and it also acts as a protection from Hellions and other demonic vermin.

This bond also prevents them from entering the realm of Heaven, so they are ever indebted to the Underworld.
Think carefully mortal, as your decision to join cannot be transposed...

There are several ranks that are within the Ensayvorlye ranks, however almost all of them must be earned. More specifics will be given for each one once I have finished the website.

Matriarch: The Ensayvorlye Queen (Call them M'Lady, My Queen, Your Majesty, etc)
Tyrant: The Ensayvorlye King (M'Lord, My King, Your Highness, etc)
Earl: A second-in-command. (Males- Sire or Sir || Females- Madam or Mistress)
Knight: A soldier, warrior, etc. (Call them by their name, or call them Knight or My Knight)
Angel: Also like a Knight, yet they have wings, and collect souls once a month. (Angel, My Angel, or their name)
Shepherd: A 2nd branch from Knight, but these fighters guide souls into Hell monthly. Wingless. (Shepherd, their name)
The Pampered: A teen, or Vorlye-in-training. They must be apprenticed to a higher rank. (Their name or Apprentice)
Whelp: Pups. (Do not call them Whelp, this is considered an offensive term. Little One, Young One, or their name)
Hound: The lowest rank. The gum on the bottom of our shoes. Everyone will begin as a Hound and work their way up the ranks with activity and trust. (Hound, Underling, Filth, etc. Though you may use their name)

Omega: The groups' servant/slave. He or she will have to have volunteered for this role and it will mean you will remain mortal. You are not able to enter Hell if you're an Omega.


Because of the type of species the Vorlye are, all of the members look alike. (The Omega is the only one allowed to bend this rule since they are still mortal, and don't worry, it's not as bad as it seems X3)

The Males are represented on the left, the Females on the right

Interested in joining this RP species? Then let me redirect you here.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2013, 05:48:19 pm by Mythrim »
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Re: ??nsayvorlye ?yndicate?
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2013, 03:45:23 am »
This role-play and species is interesting Mythrim, but this is the wrong place to post for it. If you wanted to post about the species, alone, then, it would have been different. You'll find the right place to put the group advertisement here.
Image © Mikita Kavalenka

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Re: ??nsayvorlye ?yndicate?
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2013, 05:42:02 pm »
Sorry, I edited it so that it only gave a description of the species
Known as Mythrim[/i] but no longer in-game! Message me on Discord at  Mythrim#0869