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Messages - Arelyka

Pages: [1]
did the tutorial get wiped?

Game Help / Re: Nub horns?
« on: April 20, 2019, 11:05:03 pm »
Is there a chance you can link me to them? And is there a tutorial on how to retexture items? :0

Game Help / Nub horns?
« on: April 20, 2019, 11:01:02 pm »
Please do forgive me if i posted this in the wrong category; i rarely use the forums so if it needs to go somewhere else please let me know!!

Basically, i have a character that has horns, nubby horns. I was wondering if anybody knows of any existing nub horns?? And if they do exist is there a way to change the colors? My character has gold horns-

god i joined when i was 11 or 12 i believe, i LOVED how full and lively everything was! everyone chatting and RPing, it wa so much fun and easy to make friends and now? its just... empty... and its practically boring now since no one even wants to even TALK to anyone anymore; most of my friends left FH and i just occasionally log in just to create a preset or two and thats about it... FH really needs to open up registration again because this community is simply dying at an alarming rate.

Game Help / portal help??
« on: August 05, 2018, 12:45:29 am »
is there a way to raise the opacity in portals?? its so difficult to see and it doesnt help that i have bad eyesight either x_x

im having some trouble with my preset, it wont export for some reason? i keep trying but im not sure what to do or what im doing wrong

Is there an error message that it gives you?

it says "failed to export preset"

im having some trouble with my preset, it wont export for some reason? i keep trying but im not sure what to do or what im doing wrong

how exactly do i slow down the animation? i cant seem to figure that out

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