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Topics - fursnow

Pages: [1]
Game Help / A bit of trouble with a map and Rock Island
« on: January 06, 2013, 05:33:10 am »
I seem to be having issues with one of my friend's maps.... Most of the trees and everything are on the ground and not floating... Although. Some of the items are floating and it's quite disturbing.... I need some help. She told me to go into Object Maker/ Mesh and type in rockIsland.mesh and then save it. I did so and it turned out like this. I typed that in then it told me to type in a name of course. I typed in Rock Island then it asked me to save it as under the group default. Well, I restarted the game and went back into the map. It didn't change a single thing. I need help, how do I plant those floating items down?

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