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Topics - ladeekillahxo

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Game Help / Cannot save character. Game acting odd
« on: April 07, 2019, 02:19:53 am »
Hiya! I'm new to this magical fur-topia and sadly, I haven't been able to truly experience it because my game has been acting weird.  :(

I've just reinstalled the game, and when I try to save a character, it won't. I can't even connect to the server. The first time I installed it, I kept getting an "inccorect username and password. 15 minute ban" message pop up. It really sucked. When I try to click ok after finishing my characters, it puts me in a blank area with a black map. There's no trees or anything. It's just.. blank. Lonely. I'd like to add that my internet is really good so it's just.. odd.

I'm hoping i can enjoy this game sometime soon! It looks really fun, ngl  ;D

Before posting this, yes, I did check for any forums with issues like these. Since I just made an account yesterday, I don't know anything about the game xD Just that it looks fun!

Hopefully I can get the real experience soon instead of watching vids of this

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