Author Topic: Thank you FeralHeart  (Read 1524 times)

Offline Fivael

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Thank you FeralHeart
« on: March 03, 2013, 09:28:04 am »
I would like to thank the community for all their work, and their appreciation for the members of this game.
I'm currently not active on FeralHeart, because I broke the rules, and I received a strict punishment.
Being away from the community has made me realize what I did what wrong, and what I could do better to improve my actions. I recognised how foolish I had been, and I'm more than over joyed to return to the community after my ban is over.   
This message is not to ask for my ban to be lifted, but for others that are interested to look at this thread.
Remember, people who are new here, you should follow the rules, and don't follow the path that I had taken.
Overall, thanks staff! =3