Author Topic: ????????? ????g???? Open  (Read 2382 times)


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????????? ????g???? Open
« on: October 20, 2015, 12:59:53 am »
The breeze carried with it the scent of the ocean as shadows from the fire danced along the cave walls. The soft breathing of slumbering pack-mates filled the air as a mother gently groomed one of her squirming whelps. It was a tranquil night for the small band of wolves. The summer air was slightly cool, but their cave trapped the heat nicely.
  "Momma, tell me a story of your adventures?" One of the youths would yip; pawing at her litter-mate that was being groomed.
  Another pipped up soon after in his squeaky vocals. "Yeah! Oh please, oh please!"
Soft yellow eyes met the expectant ones of her pups. The wolf giggled; leaning to nuzzle one of them gently. "But it's much to late my loves, you need your rest." A mixture of whines and defeated sighs rose to her ears and the female decided to compromise. Not a tale of her own adventures; but lore passed throughout the families generations. "Alright, just something your grandfather told me. Settle down." The pups eagerly settled down, nestling against their mother's abdomen and forelegs. Smiling at them warmly with a gentle flick of her tail she began.
  "There is a band of canines banished from the light by their own kind. With pelts made of shadows they stalk the night. It's said the only way you can see them is when their ivory fangs glint in the moonlight. Sleek forms dart through territories with ease; snatching up any troubling whelps. What do they do with the young ones they take? No one knows.. Some day they corrupt them; teaching them cannibalistic ways to hunt down their own kind. Or maybe they eat them."

It's only a tale told of times long forgotten to get naughty pups to behave.. Well; until now.


Ravenous Renegade is a semi-lit to advanced canine roleplay. We strive to be a fairly open roleplay; welcoming all roleplayers. As a group we want to help others learn to paragraph roleplay and individuals wont learn without someone to help guide them. And we want to be there to help teach. All pelt coloration and patterns are allowed as long as they look well put together. The roleplay caters to those that enjoy mapped and map-less roleplays. A majority of our time is spent in Fluorite Plains as we hunt there typically. However we have a map to retreat into whenever anyone would like to.

Yes the characters within this pack are a majority cannibalistic. It can be a focus of the roleplay a good amount, but not all the time. We have a variety of characters that moved to cannibalism for their own reasons. The renegades are not 'evil or insane simply to be insane. They have friends, families, relationships, struggles and all the normal type of things you see in any other type of roleplay. There's more to it then just hunting down other canines to devour them. We don't stalk down other groups and murder them mercilessly or seek to harass anyone. We have strict regulations when it comes to hunting or interacting with others in character. Every death is done with permission granted; unless someone actively seeks to roleplay with us. In those situations it's hard to tell what may happen in character; but it's usually pretty fun for both sides.

Interested in joining? Feel free to post a form below here on this thread or go ahead and create an application on our forums here.

Code: [Select]
[img src="IMAGE URL HERE" alt=" "]
[b]Rank(desired and current):[/b]

[b]Part of a ally/rival pack?[/b]
[b]Other Characters:[/b] (Within the roleplay)
« Last Edit: November 20, 2015, 11:45:08 am by ZombieKitteh »


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« Last Edit: October 20, 2015, 01:53:21 am by ZombieKitteh »


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Re: ????????? ????g????
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2015, 01:39:33 am »
Actively seeking new members and advertising. Advertising is done through movies once in awhile ingame. Applications are accepted on this thread and our forums. Tier III ranks are open to be chosen by all individuals. Tier I and II ranks must be earned IC and OOCly. Knights and novices are mainly needed.

Whelps are not allowed unless from a expecting pair within the renegades or seeking to join. Parents already with pups will both be allowed as well.

Territory & Statistics
Current territory, Acacia Grove
Autumn is here
Cool, light rain
Plants starting to wither

« Last Edit: October 27, 2015, 11:33:49 pm by ZombieKitteh »


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Re: ????????? ????g????
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2015, 01:53:34 am »
For more updates and announcements; please check here.

There's a on going poll on our forums about rivals and allies for anyone to comment and vote on. The seasonal mod is coming along nicely; I may even have it done sometime tonight or tomorrow. With the seasonal mod will come more in-depth mini-plots, struggles and things dealing with the weather; seasons, etc. Whether it be certain illnesses, hazards, pups being born, or anything. Should add a bit of spice to a already pretty spicy roleplay. Toshiko has also been appointed and earned the Shaman Tier II rank recently.

« Last Edit: October 20, 2015, 02:38:51 am by ZombieKitteh »

Offline Minato

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Re: ????????? ????g???? Open
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2015, 02:56:49 am »
[img src="IMAGE URL HERE" alt=" "]
Name: Ialna
Gender: Female
Age: 6 Years Old
Rank(desired and current): Current: Loner, Desired: Prisoner/Grunt (I'll explain why below..)
Personality: Ialna is very monotone and doesn't get easily angered. Words usually don't hurt her and when you try to attack her, she will usually try to avoid the conflict. She doesn't like causing trouble.
History(optional): Not too much is known of her history.. But what I can say.. She's blind, which makes her an easy target, explaining the low rank I desired.
Mate: Nobody::N/A
Kin: Bruk::Brother, Shi::Mother, Zeffer::Father
Extra?: Nope. cx

Username: ~Minato~
Timezone: Mountain Time
Part of a ally/rival pack? Nope.
Other Characters: None.
Roleplay Sample: Ialna was awoken by the loud chirping of the birds in the surrounding trees. Her dark pelt twitched and she used her paws to try to cover her ears and go back to sleep, but, well, they were paws! They gave little to no cover for her sensitive ears and eventually she gave up. With a stubborn groan, she crawled out from her hiding space beneath a bush and took a long whiff of the surrounding atmosphere. She couldn't smell anything out of the ordinary so she continued on to sit back on her haunches. Her ears twitched and her tail swayed. If someone were to notice her,  they'd probably classify her as crazy. Her light, and blurry, eyes pretended to scan the area, as if she could see something. Eventually she sighed and crawled back under her bush, deciding she has nothing to do but sleep at the time.


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Re: ????????? ????g???? Open
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2015, 08:12:29 pm »

Add the initials RRG for grunt and just RR for prisoner. It's up to you, but be aware grunt is like your normal wolf pack's omega rank. Prisoner is someone captured- that's treated pretty badly and normally does not leave that rank. You're welcome to be either or, but be sure whatever you pick is what you want. x)

After you add initials just search up the group and send us a invite. or you could always friend me ingame and meet up that way. :3


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Re: ????????? ????g???? Open
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2015, 09:20:36 pm »
Currently Recruiting Ingame

We're actively online in game and recruiting at the moment with movies and local advertisements. You can find us at Stone Bridge, just look for 'Lanie RRI' or feel free to drop me a whisper. My username is 'ZombieKitteh'. May wander from Stone Bridge when we start to roleplay, but I'll update this post. uwu

No longer lurking at Stone Bridge, but are still online and posting movies as we roleplay. c:

« Last Edit: October 24, 2015, 10:53:26 pm by ZombieKitteh »


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Re: ????????? ????g???? Open
« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2015, 11:21:15 pm »
For more updates and announcements; please check here.

Autumn has officially hit the renegades; with a seasonal mod to go along with it. With that being a thing now; yearly IC time will start being kept track of on our forums and website. Such as how many months into the year it is, etc. Seasons will also bring about small plots and have a affect on the roleplay.


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Re: ????????? ????g???? Open
« Reply #8 on: October 28, 2015, 10:36:41 pm »
Currently Recruiting Ingame


Recruiting in game at the moment sitting near stone bridge. We're on the site of the nearby mountain and Temple of Dreams portal in the distance. Feel free to approach us, we all have "RR_" tags. Or whisper me; ZombieKitteh. Remember we don't require samples in game for recruiting; so if you don't like to do one now's your chance. I'll update this when we stop or move. Still a hold on parent-less pups joining.

Advertising stopped for the day; everyone is heading off to bed after a pretty intense hunt this evening. Fun times! Feel free to apply to join on the forums or here.

« Last Edit: October 29, 2015, 03:00:29 am by ZombieKitteh »


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Re: ????????? ????g???? Open
« Reply #9 on: November 03, 2015, 08:41:22 pm »
Currently Recruiting Ingame


We're sitting at Stone Bridge in our usual spot recruiting currently ingame. We'll remain here for a hour or so, so plenty of time to come and meet us in-game if wishing to join. Remember we don't ask for sampels when recruiting ingame so it's a little easier to join that way. Movie and local ads will be posted so keep your eyes out. You're also welcome to whisper me, ZombieKitteh. Still a ban on parentless pups, novices are in demand though.

No longer near stone bridge; movie advertising is still happening as we roleplay at camp. ^^

« Last Edit: November 03, 2015, 09:57:47 pm by ZombieKitteh »