Author Topic: Use Your Head!  (Read 4611 times)

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Use Your Head!
« on: July 23, 2014, 02:28:25 pm »
This is a bit of a rant.

I can't stand two words being spoken when I'm role playing on FH and they are "I'm bored."
I just. I can't handle it. Why do these people say there are bored? It always seems to be that they can't RP at all unless they are in direct contact with someone else. Unless there is that constant interaction between players, they are bored. Even if there is the most interesting plot in the world, they just sit there, and they are bored. They don't go searching for someone to RP with. They do not figure something out to do on their own. They sit there in a corner of the map, expectantly waiting for someone to approach them on their own will and eagerly RP with them. That usually doesn't happen, and the oh-so-bored role player will spam the chat with those two words I can't stand..."I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored! Give me attention! I can't think for myself at all I don't know how to type at all unless I have someone to RP with! Entertain me! It's all your responsibility!"
They cannot get the ball rolling on their own. Sometimes these bored players even go to annoying extremes by putting their characters on the verge of death so that someone absolutely just has to go and find them, even if the said dying character is on the opposite end of the map. If you know their character is dying OOC, you'll just HAVE to have your character get the sudden urge to take a stroll across that map and by chance happen upon this bored role player who is in the process of pretending to kill their character and...*chucks the bored role player out the window* D:<
Why can't these people role play on their own?! Why do they just sit there? Use your head! Think of something! There are plenty of things to do, especially if there's a great plot! I'd understand if you were bored if you hadn't interacted with anyone the entire RP session, but right off the bat these people helplessly stand there like trees and rocks, waiting for someone to stroll on past them and perhaps glance their way. Yes, I said 'perhaps' because it is awfully hard to RP with a tree or rock. You'd have to initiate the entire interaction. What if your character hates people, or is shy? You end up guiltily changing your character's personality so that you can please the horribly bored role player for even a few posts.
Woe is the life of a role player, it is oh so hard to have your character do something ON THEIR OWN, an unimaginable feet for any normal person. Yes, it is a cruel world out there. Having people expect you to RP on your own after you decide to join their RP is just...the pressure is too much. Everyone should already know it isn't possible to make a post unless there is someone there to respond to it. This all just defies logic...oh woe is the life of a role player!
I know I know. Life isn't fair at all. Being bored isn't fun at all. You can't post at all if you don't have anyone to RP with at all. Using your imagination is not at all possible, it expends too many of your precious resources and you don't want to use it at all. Oh, isn't role play fun?

That's basically the end of the rant. Sorry if I offended anyone, I just get very worked up when people refuse to RP on their own for a bit and to start interactions on their own. I know there are circumstances out there that actually leave people bored. I'm just talking about the circumstances where they should not be bored. And there's the rant!

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Re: Use Your Head!
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2014, 02:50:17 pm »
I personally say this from time-to-time. And it's really because I don't have anything to do.

I am not part of any role plays. I will probably never join one either. I'm not that active.
Even if I try to do something silly, like a Plant RP, it's still a bit boring for me.
There is no one online when I get on my TEC Character.
No friends are online, or the ones that are, are busy.
There's nothing to do on the forums.
It's to laggy to spend my time climbing AI.
And dare I say that there's nothing that interesting even in Bonfire.

So yes, I say "I'm bored" from time to time. And yes, I have used my head to try to solve it.
I hope I don't sound cold. I'm just stating my thoughts.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2014, 02:54:20 pm by M'ulahkrin »

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Re: Use Your Head!
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2014, 03:11:30 pm »
Honestly I dislike when people say that as well.
I know there are times that I say it as well, but I only say that when a leader asks me to recruit for them, and I become the only working to make a group bigger. It gets annoying. I do like when members help out the leader make a group bigger, but it gets annoying when they depend on one member to do it all once they volunteer to help out a few more times than others.
I have had to deal with leaders like that.
Though the members who just complain those two simple words, "I'm bored" yet do not do anything to help their fellow members it becomes highly irritating. I do not know how many people I have kicked from my groups for doing that. They'll sit there, and scream, "I'M BORED!" in the chat. Then not help out recruit.
It annoys me to no end!
I tell them if they are bored they can help recruiting go faster by helping recruit. Instead they usually say, "No I am not in the mood right now to help out." or "Maybe I will later on." or "I am not having a good enough day today to help you recruit right now."
So that annoys me!
Honestly though if people who have no reason to say that when they could be doing something about it need to learn not everyone is going to tend to them hand and foot. It's not our jobs to keep them entertained.

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Re: Use Your Head!
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2014, 12:18:38 am »
I personally say this from time-to-time. And it's really because I don't have anything to do.

I am not part of any role plays. I will probably never join one either. I'm not that active.
Even if I try to do something silly, like a Plant RP, it's still a bit boring for me.
There is no one online when I get on my TEC Character.
No friends are online, or the ones that are, are busy.
There's nothing to do on the forums.
It's to laggy to spend my time climbing AI.
And dare I say that there's nothing that interesting even in Bonfire.

So yes, I say "I'm bored" from time to time. And yes, I have used my head to try to solve it.
I hope I don't sound cold. I'm just stating my thoughts.
First, I was talking about RP, not the game itself. And second, it sounds as if you are bored with Feral Heart entirely. D':

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Re: Use Your Head!
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2014, 01:01:07 am »
Oh okay then xD My post was for nothing :P

And it seems my post came off the wrong way - because I'm not bored with FeralHeart at all. I love this game to death<3 I was saying that there are some times (Usually in the morning) when there's  nothing to do. There are still good time's when I can chat with my friends, post on the forums, talk with my TEC friends, and climb AI :3

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Re: Use Your Head!
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2014, 02:48:39 am »
I must say this sounded a wee bit harsh. I mean, it gets annoying if someone continues to utter the two words repetitively, but if someone just randomly blurts out the words "I'm bored," it could indicate they want somethin' to do. Sorry if I sounded a bit rude.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2014, 02:50:26 am by Re. »

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Re: Use Your Head!
« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2014, 06:57:27 pm »
I know how you feel.  I was in an rp last night where one person was just repeatedly saying they were bored while not even trying to interact with the other members of the group.  And later another person went on a rage saying that "no one cared about them" and other stuff simply because we weren't interacting with him right at that second.  There was only a few people on at the time and they were all advertising for members, so of course they wouldn't be able to interact with him!  In those instances, there really was no reason to act that way.  If you fail to interact with the members of your group or you fail to realize that no one else is roleplaying, then that is your fault.  I believe that many people think that it's the group's job to interact with them, not the other way around.  In reality, it is the individual's job to keep a roleplay dynamic and interesting, and it is the individual's job to make sure that they are interacting with what is going on around them.

However, I do agree with Re and some of the others in saying that "I'm bored" once in a while isn't bad.  Especially if you are just sitting there waiting for new members to come or are waiting for people to start roleplaying.  However, even in those instances, there is no reason to become all butt-hurt and obnoxious.  It may be a sign that you want someone to interact with you, but you cannot always rely on other people to entertain you.  If you are one of those people who become rude and annoying simply because you are bored...  Well I'm sorry, but you need to learn some patience.  I know that you want to roleplay as soon as possible, but you need to be aware of other people's needs too.

All in all, I think that saying you are "bored" is ok as long as you don't disturb the people around you.  :)

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Re: Use Your Head!
« Reply #7 on: July 27, 2014, 12:40:15 am »
I must say this sounded a wee bit harsh. I mean, it gets annoying if someone continues to utter the two words repetitively, but if someone just randomly blurts out the words "I'm bored," it could indicate they want somethin' to do. Sorry if I sounded a bit rude.

And I am aware of that. My rant kind of came from a rage I was in after a RP session with an annoying person. The plot was there, everyone was RPing, there were like ten people on, but that person just kept going on about how they were bored and alone as they sat alone, not trying to interact or anything. So really my rant seems to have come from situations like that in particular. XD

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Re: Use Your Head!
« Reply #8 on: July 27, 2014, 07:36:30 pm »
This happened to me today and many times in the past.  Most of what I want to say has already been said but it is very inconsiderate for people to complain
about how they're so "bored" as if it's other people's fault.  
There's plenty to do in/on the game and in the RP -
it's just there choice whether or not they want to use their head and help themselves.
And I don't think you were being harsh, we need people like you to say it straight. xD

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Re: Use Your Head!
« Reply #9 on: July 27, 2014, 08:17:12 pm »
This happened to me today and many times in the past.  Most of what I want to say has already been said but it is very inconsiderate for people to complain
about how they're so "bored" as if it's other people's fault.  
There's plenty to do in/on the game and in the RP -
it's just there choice whether or not they want to use their head and help themselves.
And I don't think you were being harsh, we need people like you to say it straight. xD

Yes, it truly does suck. I just don't know how to deal with people like that sometimes. And thanks, I was starting to feel a bit guilty about my rage there..XD