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Messages - WhiteLightHeart

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Ehehe, well... If I liked zombies much, I would like The Walking Dead, but... You know. -cough-
However, I do like MLP. c; I'm not a regular viewer, but I'm always up to some bronying (pegasistering?) every now and then.
Kingdom Hearts. -Squee-
Derpishly, I admit I've only played the second KH game (on PS2), but it didn't take long for me to fall in love with it, storyline and characters alike. I guess it's just special because it has a surprising amount of sincerity (and yet humor) in the stories and makes you grow pretty attached to it all.
I don't know about you guys, but my favorite part of the entire game was firstly when Sora and the gang went into the Lion King world, and they were all transformed into animals, themselves. (Lion cub Sora. <3) The final Nobody World (I forget the name) was pretty imaginative, too. Even the names for the rooms; ie.) Hall of Empty Melodies, etc.

Game Help / Re: Map portal
« on: January 01, 2013, 06:45:45 pm »
(And the tutorial helps, too. c;) -Huggles WolfKate- xD

Game Help / Re: Map portal
« on: January 01, 2013, 06:44:52 pm »
Hey there!
What you need to do is first grab a pencil and some paper, and
1.) place your mouse where you'd like to have the portal in your map (make sure your screen is facing the direction you want the portal to face, as well).

2.) At the bottom of your screen you'll see some coordinates; Ex.) 234, 8678, 987; Yaw: 122
- Write down each of those coordinates on your paper. DON'T move the mouse until you've done this.

3.) Go to the first page in Map Maker, and then type in those coordinates where it says X, Y, Z, and Yaw, in the order that you wrote them.

4.) Click the little check box that says 'Portal'.

You should have a portal in your map, then. To test it, simply 'Test' your map and in-game you should see the portal there, as it doesn't show up in Map Maker.

Game Discussion / Re: Did Feral help anyone else in school?
« on: October 01, 2012, 10:22:16 pm »
I can answer this post with a resounding YES.

Personally, I've always enjoyed writing. Although I haven't picked up a pencil to write a full story on my own time in a few years, I can say that my descriptive and emotive writing have improved dramatically since I've joined FeralHeart. Roleplay has taught me how to see characters and stories from many different viewpoints, as well as how to reply in correlation, and effectively, too.
I've met some amazing people on this game, particularly in the wolf roleplay I've run for a little over a year, now (Divided Skies, the RP passed to me by Starlitewolf and Wolffox<3). Especially in this RP, I believe they've taught me how to be much more social, and how to be a leader.
If anything, I think meeting and interacting with you guys has even helped me in real life, teaching me to keep my cool and be creative as the top commander in my school's marching band.

Fer srsleh. ^.^ For that, I really know what it is to respect and love my friendly fellow Ferals out here. <3

Just thought I'd put that out there; We've got a neat little treasure here in this community if you really look. c:


News Archives / Re: October Update 1/10
« on: October 01, 2012, 10:04:50 pm »
Thankya for the update, Red! (And all of the FH team, really~) Even with the smaller server limit, I think the Character Reset feature was a great idea. I got my jaguar back. x3

Congratulations to the video contest winners, all of the competitors, and as always, kudos to all of you dedicated Ferals out thur. <3

News Archives / Re: September Update 1/9
« on: September 09, 2012, 04:51:46 pm »
Thankya for the update, Red! (Late reply on my part.) Congrats to the MOTSer's, as well as to Skippy! Frankly, I'd thought you were already a part of the FH team, with all of the time you'd put into our community. (Derp.) You certainly deserve it, I'd say. ^.^

Also looking forward to fewer bad tokens. You guys are great. c;

Praise / Re: Wolffox.
« on: July 17, 2012, 02:38:19 am »
So... Usually I'm just the RPer, the kid who runs around in-game and mainly just does the RP thing,
but on this occasion that I really checked out the FH forum, I'm glad I found this. <3

I've gotta give my own praise for our Wolffie because, as it's been said (-points to every post before this-) you've always been there for us, being yourself and not being afraid to say what's on your mind. You lay it out like it is, basically. And that's something anyone can admire; someone who knows just the right thing to say or do, and it helps that on top of that, you throw some humor in with it!
I feel priveleged to have met you (and Starry!) in Divided Skies, and I think we all owe you a huge 'Thank you' (cards, ribbons, kittens, the whole sha-bang) for your help when things got derpy. And for just being you. C:

All of this praise for you is absolutely deserved, and something you've worked hard for, so... Accept eet! We love yew. Our Modsicle in training.<3

News Archives / Re: Highly Important Notice To All FH Users
« on: January 24, 2012, 12:28:40 am »
It's a shame it's had to come to this point, everyone-
But, while I'm usually a pretty tolerant person, even I have to agree with this drastic measure.

I myself spend a lot of time in private maps with my RP, most of whom are close buddies of mine in-game. Whenever we happen to venture outside them, it's impossible to avoid the disgusting disrespect that trolls and immature individuals are ruining gameplay with.
If such types decide to come into my RP and disrespect those in our little community, I have no qualms about kicking them out, despite my normally laid-back disposition.
With that said, this choice by the staff makes perfect sense, only on a much larger scale and with much more history backing it up.

I know I'll be a little squirrely without FH for a few days, however I think this was a drastic but needed measure. Best of luck, FH Staff, and we hope to see everything returning to (a more peaceful) normal very soon. :)

Game Help / Re: Stuck at "Request accepted, sending login..."
« on: January 19, 2012, 01:43:10 am »
I totally agree~ In the meantime, working on my maps, too. xD

Hopefully it'll be alright here in a few. :)

Game Help / Re: Stuck at "Request accepted, sending login..."
« on: January 19, 2012, 01:37:02 am »
Ah, you're not the only one, Lawcere. I've been sitting around waiting for mine to fully log in, too.
A lot of people have been experiencing this as far as I'm aware, so hopefully this oddity will be fixed soon.

(Wish I was able to help, but I'm right with ya~)

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