« on: July 19, 2020, 03:08:01 am »
What am I doing, it's 5 am...
I wanna do this plain and simple; what the title says.
Feel free to share their full bios and pictures and stuff. But as for me on this, I'm only just describing them a bit... (because I'm lazy)
Anything not related to FH of course as this is off topic.
I got my own OC for Jak and Daxter, it's a Precursor Ottsel (the small beast that Daxter is.). Her name is Selena.
another one for Spyro the dragon. She's a cheetah like Hunter. Her name is Layla.
another one for How To Train Your Dragon. It's a dragon that I made up. It can see in the dark and sleeps like a bat, can breathe a lot of fire but needs to charge a lot each time. I named it Ignighter.
Last OC I have is for Sonic the Hedgehog. Her name is June, and she's a Maned wolf...
That's about it.
The reason I made this post is because I'm bored... and I'm a bit curious to see what OCs other people have here.
Again feel free to tell as much as you wish about your personal characters.