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Topics - Zeberius

Pages: [1]
Art Gallery / Herpaderp arts
« on: January 12, 2011, 04:51:20 pm »
My dA
So idk if they belong here but whatever. :T
My most recent stuff...
Dec 24 -
Dec 26 -
Jan 5 -
Gah idk what to write more.
Don't steal. :I

Introduction / Zeberius asdf'ing here
« on: January 07, 2011, 09:18:42 pm »
Because I can't think of a better intro.
I'm Zeberius. Or Zeb. Or Tinny. Never Zebe. I'm 16. I played IT in the past as Tersakoff.
I love jumping. I made a jumping map. Once the servers are up, it will be called "Zeberius' playground" you can come there, and I shall teach you how to jump.
I like drawing. And I'm learning to do presets too. I have a "shop" for free presets.
I'm a newbie in RPing. So.. yeah that's about it. I'm usually friendly and love to chat. But some things aggrivate me. Like people calling me Zebe. BC
oh also im a male lol

UPDATE 3: Requests are closed, and ALL the others that were requests before are cancelled. Except one, Allie's.

UPDATE 2: Fur texture.

UPDATE: I just finished drawing EVERY single circle for this highly detailed scale texture. Took about 3 hours.

Next, fur texture.
Also, DON'T ASK IF YOU MAY REQUEST, yes you may.


I want to make free presets for anybody, for now. Since they are really fun to make.
I only made one preset until now (and working on another)
It's for my character, Justice.

So, yeah, if you want one, just comment here, with a good reference for your character, and the texture you want (can be fur, scales, or plain skin) For now there are 10 free slots, more than enough.
I will also add you to the "preset" folder so if we ever meet, I will see it. c:

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