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Messages - JBRWolf

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Presets & Markings / Re: FH Preset Maker Program
« on: December 25, 2013, 04:29:29 am »
xD Quite a few parts were repetitive so I was able to copy and paste quite a bit however I was quite devastated when I finished it and even made it into a zip file ready to make a forum post about when I found quite a big bug, oh well it's finished now and it's better me finding the bugs first than you.

Presets & Markings / Re: FH Preset Maker Program
« on: December 25, 2013, 04:23:04 am »
Thanks AlphaEclipse and you actually kinda helped me make it when I was asking you them questions xD Anyway yeah it did take quite some time, totaling at 2384 lines of code :)

EDIT: Also thank you both of you for my first floofs :D

Presets & Markings / FH Preset Maker Program (VERSION 2.5)
« on: December 25, 2013, 04:07:44 am »
(Scroll to the bottom for the latest)

That being said I would like to share my preset maker program which I have been making recently:

The main purpose of this program is to be able to easily transfer textures to one of the preset slots. It automatically finds the textures with the key words "head", "tail", "body" ect. in a chosen folder and then copies them across to the preset folder, automatically renaming them and creating a matching .material file. In addition to this it also allows you to easily make multiple textures for a body part as well as adjusting settings for that layer such as the ambient and emissive as well as a scroll and/or rotate animation.

Here is a picture of the program which also explains what each button does:

Also here are a few things this picture doesn't mention:
*The saves are found in  the folder FH Preset Maker\saves
*When you copy a layer the "clipboard" it mention's is not your computer clipboard. To copy a layer it saves the layer in FH Preset Maker\resources\clipboard
*The FH directory which you have to chose when starting the program is remembered so don't worry about having to select your FH directory every time you use the program. As well as this the textures folder is also remembered
*The preset slot list scans your my_presets folder but ignores reference folder so if you were to make a new file named preset_13 it would show up on that list(kind of a pointless future but oh well xD)
*Try not to do things to fast. When testing I think I found a bug when copy and pasting,moving and creating layers where it would do it to one side but wipe the other side out when single side editing was disabled. So basically single side editing is less glitchy.
*The layers in the layers list are stored in text files in FH Preset Maker\resources\temp\layers\-bodypart-
*If you see a message box with the title "Crash" don't be too alarmed because it's basically an error message but because of the error the program can't run e.g. missing files.

*It already says this but I want to repeat it because it's important:
Always remember to press "Save Layer" after editing a layer

Ok so that covers how to use the program if you have anymore questions please feel free to ask.

Thanks for taking the time to read this post and I hope you find this program useful.
Merry Christmas :)!-JBRWolf

Version 2

Obvious Updates:
  • Body part preview
  • Layer scripts
  • Icon and logo colour change
Hidden/Less Obvious Updates:
  • Layer texture display box changed(shortened and only displays the end of the path, can scroll across to the beginning of the path though)
  • Body part single side editing - Each body part now saves whether it has single side editing enabled or not. This makes it a little more efficient because now it will only make a l and r texture for the parts that have it enabled
  • More efficient coding(this update does not affect the program in anyway xD) - Replicated lines of code replaced with for loops ect

In version 2 there is a new layer scripts feature. This feature allows you to add scripts stored in FH Preset Maker v2\scripts to a layer.

Although I have added quite a few already for you(special thanks to AlphaEclipse) you may want to make/add your own. So this is how:
1.Make a new text file in the FH Preset Maker v2\scripts folder
2.Name it what you want to call your script
3.Open the text file and write .material code in certain sections split up by [SECTION]sectionname. See the scripts api.txt for more info.

scripts api.text
Code: [Select]
For a new section use "[SECTION]sectionname"

Section names:

pass - inside the pass section but gets added after the ambient,diffuse,specular and emissive
bpass - inside the pass section but before the ambient,diffuse,specular and emissive (so at the start)
tu - gets added inside the texture_unit
a_tu - gets added after the texture_unit section
Use "{variable name}" to use variables

Available variables:

pnum - The preset number e.g. the slot preset_3 would be "3"
bp - (short for body part) (lower) the body part e.g. headl,tail ect.(includes l/r the body parts such as head)
bpc - body part caps e.g. HeadL, Tail
bps - body part single (lower) e.g. head, eye
bpsc - body part single caps e.g. Head, Eye
sd - side (lower) : l or r (or blank)
sdc - side caps : L or R (or blank)
texture - the texture of that layer e.g. "preset_7bodylayer_2.png"
ex - texture file extension
lnum - layer number(don't quite know when this would be used but eh) e.g. layer_2.txt  would be "2"
4.Save the file(it should be a txt file)
5.To use it: In the program select a layer and then press "Add Scripts(s)" and select your script .txt file
6.Press save layer and continue to use the program as normal

Here is an image showing the different variables(with an example) available to use in a script txt file(this is using the script "variables_comment.txt"):

Version 2.1
Just added a few small updates:
  • Added ability to select folders on different drives
  • Changed all type yes messages to click yes
  • Added change texture folder warning message
  • Removed 3 second splash screen
  • Fixed 'pase' typo to 'paste'
  • Changed the name of the button 'Select new texutures(folder)' to 'Auto Select Textures'
  • Repeatedly used textures are only copied once

I have also made a video tutorial on how to use it:

Download v2.1
Someone dmed me saying the link is dead and I only just saw it and so here is an updated link.
Update link 2021/01/31:

Download v2.5 (latest)
Never officially released this version and I can't remember why I stopped working on it, I believe it's because the animation preview isn't completely accurate. I haven't fully tested it but I just gave it a quick test and it seemed to work so I might as well add this while I update the old link for v2.1. The main new feature is the ability to add multiple images as an animation.
If the default C: drive is causing issues launching the program you can change the 2 Cs to your drive letter in resources/defaults/d_options.cfg and then delete resources/config.cfg.
- Added frame by frame animation(the preview isn't completely accurate, the animation generally appears faster in game)
- Added indentation to generated material file
- Added {t} to scripts api for indentation
- Added {file file_name} to scripts api for adding additional files from scripts/textures
- Auto saves after changing texture

Game Discussion / Re: the christmas party
« on: December 22, 2013, 02:13:24 pm »
I missed the first half an hour of the party because of the movie. Anyway the parts of the party I did see were good though the bunny hunt drove me mad and in the end I only found two D: But I enjoyed it anyway and the movie was also really good despite some of the lag issues. It's pretty fun reading the random livestream comments about the film whilst watching xD.

Discussion Board / Re: Your Opinion on Windows 8?
« on: November 05, 2013, 06:19:55 pm »
I use windows 8, it isn't too bad. I have actually got used to it now and I sometimes even find myself going to the corners of the screen when I'm on the school computers(they're windows 7). Once you get used to it, it isn't that bad, I actually kind of find it the same as windows 7 and I like playing some of the windows 8 metro app games. However one thing I hate about windows 8 is how glitchy it is, it is really glitchy and I've had to restart my computer loads of times because of windows 8 glitching up on stuff like the search bar.

Forum Discussion / Re: Story Behind Your Username
« on: November 05, 2013, 06:02:34 pm »
My name is my rl initials with "wolf" added at the end xD I know, such an amazing story  :).

Game Discussion / Re: That awkward moment when...
« on: August 27, 2013, 06:29:39 pm »
Before I spawned in the middle of a MC and got shouted at xD

Game Help / Re: Blackness
« on: July 06, 2013, 10:41:11 pm »
Thankyou Sameth that worked!

Game Help / Re: Blackness
« on: July 06, 2013, 09:08:44 pm »
How do I fix it?

Game Help / Blackness
« on: July 06, 2013, 08:47:46 pm »
Ok i've only just joined so i don't know what's it meant to look like but based on the utube vids I have seen I think something is wrong.

First off when I click login what comes up next is this:

When on the utube vids it has like a waterfall background or something.

Then when I click start i'm in a world of black like this:

Am I meant to start in a world of black? If so how do I go to another world.

Please help!

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