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Messages - Fearo

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Introduction / Re: a stranger in a strange land
« on: November 02, 2023, 04:22:22 am »
H4ll0 welcome back.
Lonely Cave was actually added around 2012 IIRC!

Thanks so much! It's nice to be back. I haven't logged on in so long. Oh yeah, the remake of lonely cave I'm sure I was still playing then. I remember a specific map called Acension Island (Isle?) and it was my absolute favorite map! I was scanning the forums and saw that there used to be race events held on that map. Oh maaaan, I wish I was active during that time because I LOOOVED just wasting time there and climbing to the top - I believe I was pretty quick with it :')

Where does everyone hang out nowadays? I've been lurking around the grounds and I see some folks around but I've been too shy to approach or interact. Custom maps? I was never a custom skin/preset/map user - always just played everything with base game stuff. Always been a vanilla kinda person. But I'll see around 10-20 players online and I'm wondering where everyone is! There was a user that posted a map locations tutorial in the forums a year ago and that came in handy. But I'd be happy to download a custom map if anyone would like a new member or fuzzybutt to hang out with.

Haven't RP'd in years but while lurking around I've kind of missed it and seeing the old OCs I made makes me smile. Fun memories.

Introduction / a stranger in a strange land
« on: November 01, 2023, 03:03:09 am »
Hello there, I am a long-time player. Joined in Aug. 2012. I have really great memories from this realm and always enjoyed my time in the many worlds. I decided to hop back in FH after it crossing the mind here and there. I have a special place in my heart for games like this. About 3 months ago I installed and took a stroll around Active Worlds. With only about 30 users on at any given time. A friend was explaining how "dead MMOs" felt eerie. I never thought that- if anything it's a little less overwhelming. And regardless of player count I still like to walk around, hang out and explore. Also having precious memories in this game feels almost like revisiting an old house you used to live in. I often go, "Oh yeah! This is where my friends and I hung out!"
I took the extra time tonight to install and figure everything out. I FINALLY got into the game.
 Oh the days of 100+ users online, the grounds full of RPs and groups. I was always a lone player, more lurking and watching others roleplay as so many were creative and intriguing. Most of my interactions were fleeting and in passing. But that's okay, too. I still made some grounded memories here. I have to give thanks to FH for allowing me to reminisce here and the many friends who I interacted with. Oh man isn't it kind of heart-breaking in a way to see the old usernames of your friends list who probably havent logged on in forever? I imagine how many thought the same of me during my YEARS of hiatus.

Regardless, I would like to re-introduce myself. Although never very active on the forums nor in any guild/clan/group I just want to make my presence known as I wander around. I enjoy exploring and have been surprised with some new things I didn't know were added! Like the new home world, er- lonely cave? Anyways. Call me Fearo, always been my user and in-game name. If you see me around don't be shy. Though not much of a talker we can rummage around together and perhaps you all can show me some portals I didn't know existed!

So glad this place is still here.

Game Discussion / Re: Solo Feralhearting
« on: July 11, 2016, 03:22:05 am »
This is such a fun topic!

I honestly spent most of my time soloing FH. Sadly I've been gone from FH for some time now. But I've got a fresh start and with the new update, I'm even more inclined to play and hang around. I missed FH. I've been playing for a long while now, I think about 4 years?

Anyways, since the update I told my roommate about it and she was so excited to see what was new, so we got back on and decided to continue our humble little role play group of ours. We hope to expand one day, but for now we're just enjoying ourselves and expanding our characters to their full potential.

Of course, playing with friends is super fun but soloing alone sometimes, reading the chats and various roleplays are widely entertaining. You can even get some cool ideas from just spectating! It truly is refreshing and I'm honestly happy to be back on FH.

EDIT: I don't know of advertising is allowed here (or if it's just plain rude, please tell me if so!) But if you'd like to join me and my roommates RP group, our IGN's are Fearo and Lurini. We're nice folk, come talk to us. And thanks for reading !!

I just found these lovely animations and boy oh boy am I loving them. Thank you !!

News Archives / Re: // Feral-Heart Game Update June 2016 //
« on: July 10, 2016, 09:58:41 am »
I'm really pleased with this new update. Thank you guys so much for all of your hard work. All of the dedication and effort, I admire it. I just recently came back to FH from a long while break due to personal life complications and just tonight had the thought "Hm, I miss FH. Let's check up on it." And to my surprise I'm met with a glossy new update to suck me back into the game just as it did when I first joined. So thank you, again, for that as well!!

Happily welcoming the new age of FH

Other Games / Re: Any good games like Feral Heart?
« on: July 10, 2016, 08:05:01 am »
Hey guys! Guess what?! I've recently found out about this cool new game, though it IS still in early development and it probably wont come out any time soon. Its very similar to Feral Heart and Wolf Quest. Its called Isles Of Eventide. Its a free game in which you can play from a feline, canine AND horses! You can explore and survive the wilderness!

Heres a link to a video that kind of explains it more and shows off some of the progress! ->

Website is here ->

Forum is here ->

I'm currently following the development of this game as well.

Other Games / Re: Dawn of Eternity - Equine, Feline and Canine
« on: July 10, 2016, 07:51:06 am »
whoa this is really awesome. Going to check it out!!

Game Help / Re: "Cannot find map file." Issue?
« on: January 16, 2013, 09:44:37 pm »
Alrighty, I'll check to see if I'm the only one having these issues.  And if so, I'll double check. Thanks for the advice and help~

Game Help / "Cannot find map file." Issue?
« on: January 16, 2013, 09:20:43 pm »
I joined a group in FH called Project Psychosis and downloaded the three maps that went along with it. All three of the maps seem to be working fine. One is called Veilm's Domain, Noctis and Licht. When I go into either Noctis, or Licht and try to go to the portal that leads back to Veilm's Domain, it says "Cannot find map file".

What is causing this? Please help.

Worked perfectly! ~ thanks so much

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