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Topics - littlefoxchild

Pages: [1] 2
Game Help / A little help plz. and thx
« on: November 30, 2012, 11:29:40 pm »
Problem 1: I can enter Fincho Tunnel but i can't leave it. I get stuck and I get the server fail try again thing. I can get through any other portal but that one.

Problem two: Texture missing from people around me. some are missing the texture for heads and tails, sometimes it's the whole body. I know it's there, but all I get is white like someone made an incomplete preset.

Is there something i can do to fix any of these? or if anyone know a link that may help plz let me know.

Site/Forum Help / 504 Gateway Time-out ?!
« on: September 27, 2011, 05:41:34 am »
It's not a major problem just alittle annoying. When ever I get done modifying my screenies the "504 Gateway Time-out" pops up instead of going back to my screenie page. Just wondering if the site still has some problems or if it's just me. If any one knows how to fix it if it is just me, plz share.

Screenshots / Bouquet's Screenshots Part 2!! (Updated 10/2/11)
« on: August 10, 2011, 05:28:11 am »
I over ran the 20,000 charater limit so I started a new topic! Anyways, I hope you enjoy more of my pics with my pride and new friends. I will name the new pics later. Enjoy!
More Of Rocky's Pride Screenies   Taken by Jarei

Links To Part 1:

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EN in FD Territory
Uploaded with

Ala(Left) and Juna(Right)
"Alphas At It"
Uploaded with

I was all just a dream, we all had that night.
"It's A Nightmare"
Uploaded with

"A Fur Tree"
Uploaded with

"With The Gang"
Uploaded with

Jarei(Bottom) Lilly(Left) Juna(Right)
"Lunar Lilly"
Uploaded with

"Don't Run,Walk"
Uploaded with

"9/11 Mourning And Prayers At N/Z"
Uploaded with

"Timeless Times"
Uploaded with

Uploaded with

"Crazy Coons"
Uploaded with

"The Moment"
Uploaded with

"Red Jun-A"
Uploaded with

"Night Kat"
Uploaded with

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"Birth of Safia"
Uploaded with

"Dear Father"
Uploaded with

"My Third Cub Nym"
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More Of Rocky's Pride Screenies

Links To Part 1:

Game Discussion / Name Your Glitches!
« on: July 08, 2011, 04:54:24 am »
I'v had a few,

1)Group Unapproved Disbandment (not sure if this is a glitch or if Groups have some kind of time limit or something but my group has disbanned about 5-12 times since feb. don't know why)

2)General Group Chat ( It's when everyone in the game can hear you in group chat)

3) Random Portal Drop Off ( ever go through a portal only to end up some where Total diff.)

4) Invisiblity (Your there and not there at the same time, your name is three question marks)

5) Huh?! ( This one is new to me and as only happened once, People were add in to a group and the group leader is not on or even in the group even thought it says they are, not only that but the ones add are not even joining your group. it's like two groups got linked together)

6) Headless (When ever you turn you head left or right it vanishes)

7) Ungroundable (Falling into the ground and can't get up)

8 The Jumping Glitch ( very common, and easy to fix with the press of the spacebar)

9) Frozon face (your face getts stuck on an emotion and you can't undo it)

10) The Black Abyss (You find yourself in a black map, everything is black, kind of cool, to get out just go home)

I have more but I can't remember them. Anyone got anymore to add to my list that they may of had?

Game Help / Blocking someone?
« on: June 07, 2011, 12:24:06 am »
I know if I block someone I can't see or hear them, but can they still see me and hear me?

Game Suggestions & Ideas / In game message system
« on: March 22, 2011, 04:29:07 pm »
I would be nice if we could leave messages in the game to friends. I have alot of firends and not all of them use the site as often as they play the game if at all. Some I can't even find on the site. Also this way I can tell them something even when they are offline by leaving a message. The messages don't have to stay long they could have a time limit if 7 day from the time they are sent before they get erased or they may be erased sooner by the reader.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Are you in a GROUP or a PACK/PRIDE?
« on: March 07, 2011, 07:24:46 pm »
There needs to be a differnce between a group of RPer and a pack/pride!

A Group of RPers can be anyone from any pride come to RP for the  moment and can leave at any time they so choose

But if you decide to join a pack or pride then it is PERMANENT RP from the day you join.

Like if you join a pack/pride it is permanent you can't leave. A pack/pride is a family your own flesh and blood. You stay together for richer or poorer. Also if you Create a pack/pride you can never leave, so if you start a Pride/pack you must be 101% it's what you want to do. You also can't disband it either. but you can kick others out and let others join. This way player will that to think and get to know a pride before they accept or decline.

Now if you Start a group no matter if your in a pride/pack or not you can join and leave if ever you feel like and if you start a group you can disband it at any time. once you you leave the group you are still a part of a pride/pack that you still rp with, if you have one.

I think that this idea would increase RP in to more then just and on and off thing!

Game Suggestions & Ideas / I'm bored, sorry it's true!
« on: March 06, 2011, 10:56:58 am »
I have done everything Everything I can think of in this game and I'm bored.

I don't know but the game is just . . .

I know it's trying to get as close to real has possible but reality is boring!
I'm not asking for wings or Accessories, just alittle bit of less reality.
Thats what made IT great in IT I was a lion

I was a lion who could do a backflip
I was a lion who could jump super high
I was a lion who could climb anything
I was a lion who could dance
I was a lion with many many friends
I was a lion who could fly
I was a lion who could RP for weeks
I was a lion who with cool fighting moves
I was a lion who who could chase prey for hours
I was a lion who never got bored,ever
I was a IT lion

now I'm an FH lion. . .  and i'm bored

Game Suggestions & Ideas / The Moon, The Weather.
« on: March 05, 2011, 03:45:15 am »
It would be nice to have the moon change, you know wax and wane. The weather is always the same, it would be nice to get a cloudy day or rain or thunder.

I guess it may be too much to ask for wind, it would be nice it the grass, trees and other plants could blow in the wind.

Also why is it when we walk  or run it's so loud! can we do something about that? like when we go to down the effect sound can we pick which effect we want to turn down instead of all of them.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Gender Differences!!
« on: March 04, 2011, 04:12:36 am »
I'm sick of beening asked if I'm male or female. Is there a way we could have some kind of marking or something that can tell everyone "I'm female or I'm male".I was thinking  maybe the symbol for male/female that can't be covered by your marking on you back right leg or hip.

It would save me the time of telling everyone I'm female/male, when they can tell for themselves.  

Thanks Maslien!
It's far more logical to put it near the character's name.

I don't know why that did't occur to me and your right we should put it in the nametag! Symbols should be allowed to be in our Nametags or a gender symbol at best!

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